The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me chapter 30

The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me 30

30 – The Sly Assassins

Dark chamber.

The floor was covered in black marble, and the walls were a deep, dark gray.

On the round table made of dark oak, the silver candlestick flickered orange.

The dim light occasionally illuminated the silhouettes of those seated at the round table.

Usually, there were two reasons for such an atmosphere.

They gathered to take turns telling scary stories, or to conspire in acts that could not be done in public places.

These people were the rare latter case.

“Did you send ‘that’ to the emperor again today?”

“Of course. He drank it without any doubt. That foolish emperor.”

The seated leader in the center of the round table asked.

The man tilted the bottle containing the brilliant liquid and laughed wickedly.

“Phoenix grass, Salamander’s breath, and alchemist’s slander make up the potion. It’s worth the price of a whole house.”

“Right. Keep sending the potion. Always use the highest grade ingredients and only organic. Be careful not to let any impurities in.”

“Of course. The empire would be in a mess if the emperor dies even one day sooner.”

They were the secret group in the shadows, ‘The Spider.’

Comprised of those who hated the empire, they gathered to bring it down.

“Make him healthy enough to go hunting. Heh heh.”

It would be troublesome if the emperor died now.

If the competent crown prince took over the empire, their plan to bring it down would become more difficult.

“Then, let’s move on to the second item of today.”

The leader of The Spider tapped a chessboard.

Each chess piece corresponded to a figure in the empire.

“Let’s decide on the next assassination target. Competent figures in the empire must be removed.”

Tapping on a chess piece with a staff, it represented Robin, the Minister of Magic. The leader knocked the chess piece over with his finger.

“Let’s decide on the assassination target by majority vote.”

The man on the left spoke, as if bored.

“Well, isn’t it obvious? A competent figure in the empire who is devoted, capable, and selfless.”

“Indeed. It is the Minister of Magic, Ro…”

“Askal Devere.”

“Askal Devere.”

Everyone answered unanimously.

The leader coughed awkwardly and said,

“That’s right. The most dangerous person these days is definitely Ascal Debreux.”

The leader discreetly switched a chess piece. The mage piece was replaced with a man with black hair.

“Then, who will assassinate him? Our proud spider legs?”

“I’ll do it.”

The person sitting on the left stood up.

The soft light illuminated his fluffy, furry face.

“Ah, the seventh leg. I can trust you.”

“I’ve always hated the Empire that despised our kind. Now that the opportunity for revenge has come, let’s take the jewel that the Empire possesses.”

He was a Miaomiao.

A long time persecuted by the Empire.

Laika smelled the saltwater of the harbor. The scent of fresh fish, old wood, and people’s sweat mixed to stimulate his keen sense of smell.

He had successfully smuggled himself in.

It had been ten years since he last set foot on the land of the Barba Empire.

Just recalling the memories of that time made it feel as if the scars on his back were throbbing.

“Damn the Empire…”


Laika’s face flushed.

Bodily functions don’t lie. Unfortunately, during smuggling, a minimal amount of food was brought to make sure a light load could be transported.

Local supplies were needed.

“I’d like to buy some fish.”

Fortunately, it was a port. Fish vendors were in abundance.

However, the problem was whether the vendor would sell fish to him.

‘He’s staring at me.’

Miaomiao people were rare in the Empire.

The vendor looked up and down at Laika, then nodded his head.

Before the vendor’s mind changed, Laika quickly grabbed a plump herring with his foot. He could feel the firm flesh between the slippery scales.

“How much is it?”

Laika tensed. Although the vendor had agreed to sell the fish to him, it was possible that he would try to rip him off.

“I don’t need money. Take it for free.”

“What do you mean?”

“Aren’t you a Meomeo? (A reference to the name of a particular race or tribe in the novel)”

“Well, yes.”

The merchant smiled brightly.

“It’s said that the Meomeo bring luck. If I give a fish to a hungry Meomeo like you, my business is bound to boom today, isn’t it?”

It’s the first time he’d heard such a story.

Exactly ten years ago, the citizens of the empire used to drive Meomeo away, saying they were bad luck just by looking at them.

What had happened in the past ten years?

Laika struggled with the thought, chewing and swallowing the salted herring with its scales peeled off. The scent of the sea filled his senses.

In any case, his task remained the same.

To assassinate Ascal Debrur.

Laika unfolded a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket. It contained a map of the Evaluation Office, where Ascal Debrur was located.

“I don’t need the map. I just need to know the scent.”

And Laika took out the handkerchief Ascal had used, sniffing its scent.

The destination was clear.

However, it was not easy to reach the office.

Not because he lost his way, but because every person he met stared curiously at Laika.

“Wow, it’s a Meomeo! Can I touch your tail?”

“Hey! What kind of rudeness is that?”

Holding one of the parents’ hands, a young child with delicate features looked up at Laika.

Laika instinctively stepped back.

His tail jutted out stiffly.

-What are you doing! Don’t get close to a dirty beastfolk. You’ll catch germs.

– No, Mother. I was just practicing stone-throwing.

However, no stones like objects flew toward him as time passed.

The child’s parents bowed their heads shamefully.

“I’m sorry. Our child has been rude.”

“No, it’s fine. You want to touch the tail…?”

“Wow! Can I really do that?”


The touch on the tail was gentle.

“Thank you so much! Catfolk mister!”

“Hey, I’m not an old man… Sigh, whatever.”

It didn’t feel too bad.

Now, Laika had no choice but to admit it.

The Empire had changed, probably for the better.

From No ble mt L dot c om


A flyer fluttered by, carried by the wind.

Laika’s face contorted as he took hold of the flyer.

‘As expected, the Empire… You haven’t changed at all.’

Laika crumpled the flyer and tossed it away.

<Catfolk Exclusive Massage Shop>

Our skilled Catfolk will melt away your fatigue! Visit today!

– Empire Lienstreet, 2nd Avenue No. 3

“They’re still exploiting my kind. Unforgivable.”

Sniff sniff.

Laika headed straight for the shop, picking up the scent on the flyer. Before he could assassinate the man named Ascal, he would deal with these wicked humans and save his fellow Catfolk.


“Oh, a Catfolk customer? What’s bothering you?”

Upon arriving at the Catfolk massage shop, Laika immediately drew his sword.

And charged toward the shop owner.

“Wh-what are you doing!”

Blocking Laika’s path was another Catfolk.

“Why are you helping humans? Aren’t they exploiting you?”

“…What nonsense are you talking about?”

The Catfolk responded as if that was an absurd question.

“Do I look like I’m being exploited? I’m getting paid fairly and working only five days a week.”

“Five days a week? What does that mean?”

“Saturday and Sunday, we don’t work and rest at home.”

“Do, do you have such a system?”

The cat tribe member continued speaking, hand on their hip.

“You, you are clearly old-fashioned. An outsider, right?”


“Then, try working at the convenience store for a test. Can you give massages?”

“I know a little bit about acupuncture.”

“A rare talented one! Great! Manager!”

The manager, who had been lying down earlier, came over with a contract as if nothing had happened.

“Don’t forget the word choice, phrasing, and excerpt atmosphere. Simply sign here. Working hours are from 10:30 am to 6 pm, and, as I mentioned earlier, you’ll have Saturdays and Sundays off. Lunch is provided, and your initial monthly salary starts at 3 silver, along with an annual leave and severance package …”

“Year, annual leave? severance pay? What do you mean by that? You’re giving both lunch and money?”

It was a cultural shock.

Lyca’s eyes widened as they looked over the contract.

“Ugh, this is why the cat tribe needs to learn …”

The other cat tribe member stared at Lyca with a mixture of sympathy and disdain.

“Customer, are you satisfied?”

“Just right. Eugh. Lyca’s acupuncture might hurt, but once you get it, the treated area feels completely healed. That’s why I can’t quit coming here.”

“Thank you for your praise.”

With outstanding acupuncture skills, Lyca quickly became the ace of the massage parlor. The combined therapy of massages and acupuncture received praise for being unparalleled in skill.

“It has already been two months since I started working here …”


There seemed to have been something important when entering the empire …



Lyca reflexively greeted as soon as the store’s door opened.

Lyca’s eyes narrowed a bit. The person entering the store was a cat tribe member like themselves.

“Lyca. Today, we came to scout you.”


“I am the massage team leader at the Evaluation Department’s rest stop. We definitely need top talent like you to work in our department.”

“I refuse. I cannot betray the kindness of the manager who hired me.”

“We work only 4 days a week. And your salary will be 10 silver.”

“Wait a bit. I’ll pack my stuff and come.”

Laika changed jobs.

Unexpectedly, office jobs often lead to muscle pain.

This is because one is always bowing their head and hunching their shoulders. If this becomes chronic, it can be quite bothersome. Furthermore, most office jobs lead to a lack of physical activity.

“As expected… Your trapezius and erector spinae muscles are really tense. I’ll focus on these areas. It might hurt a bit.”

Laika became a professional acupuncturist masseuse at the evaluation department’s break room.

She skillfully inserts long needles into the trapezius.



“Just bear with it a little. It’ll be better soon.”

Then she gently moves the needle, carefully relaxing the tense muscles. She then gently pushes and pulls on the usual erector spinae. After relaxing the erector spinae, she inserts the needle at an angle and stirs it. It was a splendid skill, accompanied by an extreme understanding of the human body.

“It… it’s refreshing…”

Ascal, lying on the massage bed, felt bliss.

At first, he felt a slight aversion to the needles, but now he even finds the mild pain a bit addictive because it feels refreshing afterward.

“Chief, you’re always the hope of our evaluation department! Keep up the good work today!”

“Thank you, Laika. I’ll do my best today.”

And Ascal left the break room.

Laika prepared to leave after tidying up the used tools. It was another fulfilling day.

‘Huh, I feel like I forgot something…’

The Myomyo tribe has excellent hand skills but often forgets things. However, they don’t forget important memories.

‘Well, if I can’t remember it, it probably wasn’t that important…’

“No news. Did Laika get caught?”

The leader let out a sigh.

Ascal was still alive. And there was no news from Laika.

The simple implication of this was that Laika had been completely compromised to the point where she couldn’t even make contact.

“Ascal, he’s more dangerous than we thought. We need to raise his danger level.”

The spider lost a leg.

“So he’s the empire’s hidden dragon after all.”

The legs were buzzing.

“He must have underestimated the opponent because he was a civil servant. It’s a bad habit of his.”

Laika was an excellent assassin.

This was a significant loss for the spider.

“But it’s okay. The spider still has seven legs left. We will still bring down the empire.”

The leader vowed.

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  1. Luis says:

    “La araña perdió una pata” xD

  2. Egg123 says:

    La chamba cambia a las personas

  3. Zhen Wu. Zhen Wu. says:

    They are going to be left without legs XD

  4. Chaos Dwarf says:

    She really act like a cat huh xD

  5. kono dioda kono dioda says:

    thats as far as i go i dont like the shadow sect bullcrap

  6. kk77 says:


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