The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me chapter 68

The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me 68

68 – The Black History is Revealed

“You don’t look forward to the play, do you, Minister?”

Upon seeing Susia, Ascal’s eyes widened.

Velvet Hat

Silver Necklace

Pastel Blouse

         Half Gloves

         Leather Bag

 A-line Skirt

   Flat Shoes

Her outfit is more serious than I thought. Considering the era, Sushia’s fashion sense was pretty good. It offered a refreshing feel, perfectly balancing practicality and fashion, fitting for not just any noble lady.

In contrast.

Black Coat

Black Pants (belt)

Brown Shoes

Ascal simply dressed plain.

“Wow. A fashion terrorist.”

“He prioritizes practicality.”

“Shall I help you dress next time?”

With that, Sushia took a step closer. She seemed to have a light perfume on, a pleasant scent wafting off her.

From Noble mtl dot com

Ascal soon replied,

“If I’m still in the empire then.”

He felt confused about his own attitude as he said it.

After all this time, no need to escape the empire, right?

To be honest, much had changed.

Even Leia didn’t seem like a tyrant anymore.

The empire was at peace.

Isn’t the crown prince likely to become the emperor in any case?

If that’s what he thought, then it was a big mistake.

Two disasters still lingered within the empire.

And the second one was a disaster of volcanic eruption intensity, impossible to solve by an individual.

To make it clear: a dragon that had been dormant in the imperial territory wakes up. Yes, the kind of dragons often featured in Western-style fantasy novels.

Seeing a human nation built in his territory, the furious dragon rises, breathing fire and running amuck.

Fortunately, the Empire manages to subdue the dragon somehow, but in human terms, the injury is like losing a pair of arms and suffering second-degree burns all over the body.

The emperor and his consorts.

The crash of an airship.

The designation of royal territory.

The rebels slowly getting into motion.

The active period of the dragon.

There’s no answer.

‘Yulia Barba, what kind of fight have you been involved in?’

But the current situation is better though.

The crown prince runs the state affairs.

The airship didn’t crash.

The kingdom fell apart.

The rebels became talents of the future.

Isn’t it going to be okay as long as we manage the dragon?

“Breath, avoid the dragon’s breath……”

Sushia, who was walking down the street with him, looked at Askal as if she were looking at a madman.

“Minister, could you please keep some distance?”


Soon the two arrived at the theater.

The Golden Theater, located in the center of the Empire’s downtown, looked dazzling even at first glance.

Askal hesitated.

He believed it had been diluted by a long aristocratic life, but the instinct-driven soul of a commoner hesitated to enter such a place.

“Minister. That way is not the way in.”

“Isn’t this the entrance?”

“hahahaha. I told you it’s going to be a problem. You are from the countryside. ‘We’ll go this way.’ We have a separate VIP entrance.”

Sushia fluttered her palm.

Sure enough, when they went that way, there was a separate entrance where they didn’t need to queue.

And there was always something lurking at the VIP entrance, like a thread and needle. Men with fierce faces dressed in uniform.

The guard bowed his head slightly when he saw Sushia.

“You have come again. Lady Senestia. It’s an honour.”

Siusia, as if to say, “This is who I am,” shrugged his shoulders casually.

“Grateful, am I? Because of you, I’m having this experience.”

Ascale, feeling an urge to lie his head down slightly, took a step forward.


“Could you, perhaps, be the State Administrative Minister, Count Ascale Eryndale?”

“That is correct.”

The guard who had greeted Siusia earlier was startled upon seeing Ascale.

Following his lead, the other guards, like waves, began to throw a ‘?’ over their heads – ‘The State Administrative Minister?’ ‘Count Eryndale?’ ‘Sleeping Dragon of the Empire?’

Before anyone knew it, the lined-up guards collectively dropped to one knee.

“It is truly an honor to have you visit our Golden Theatre, Lord Count. Our theatre owner will surely be very pleased.”

“All of you, stand up. This is unnecessary.”

“I apologize. Everyone, ensure that Lord Count is accommodated comfortably, with no room for error!”

The guards circled Ascale as if they were escorting him.

Ascale looked at Siusia.

Then laughed softly.


Siusia felt a sense of defeat.

The Golden Theatre.

It indeed lived up to its reputation as the Empire’s top theatre. It shined brightly, with a high ceiling, and walls adorned with gold leaf decoration.

The spot Ascale and Siusia were escorted to was the royal box on the top floor. It was a place where you could see the entire play at a glance, and it seemed as if the area was reserved, there was nobody else around.

“This, the ticket…”

“Ah. Give it here, Your Highness. We will refund your ticket.”


“How could we accept money from Lord Count and Your Highness? It’s an honor simply for you to visit. Enjoy the performance.”

Ascale sat down.

It was soft. Comfortable. Quite splendid.

“This chair could give my command chair a run for its money.”

“You really seem attached to that chair…”

As they sat quietly, soon servants brought servings of wine, cheese, and fruit.

Ascale reflexively reached for the wine, then paused.

“Be careful, Ascal. This is also a trap of the empire. You might end up being tamed.”

There’s a story about a monkey and his straw shoes.

At first, the badger gave the monkey a pair of straw shoes for free, insisting that it was a token of friendship.

And the monkey, who found the shoes very comfortable, asked the badger for more.

He had become dependent on them.

Then the badger asked,

“How much are you willing to pay?”

That’s how the monkey ended up losing all his properties.

Ascal’s eyes wavered, staring at the wine. One sip wouldn’t hurt, would it? There’s nothing better than having a bit of cheese with a sip of wine.

While Ascal was agonizing, a waiter bowed.

“I apologize. I failed to consider your desire to watch the play sober. I’ll remove the wine.”

Respect was seen in the waiter’s eyes looking at Ascal. The same way one would look at someone who truly knows how to appreciate a play.

It’s a misunderstanding. The more famous you are, the more likely you are to have misunderstandings.

Feeling annoyed, Ascal simply nodded.

“That’s a waste. I’ll drink it.”

Soosia took the wine instead. The expression on the waiter’s face became a little strange looking at Soosia.

Regardless, Soosia drank the wine in one gulp. Her face reddened slightly after drinking the wine.

A moment later.


The light went out.

“It seems the play is about to start.”

Thud. Thud. Thud.

One by one, the lights turned on, accompanied by sound.

And then, the actor appeared.

The first one to come out was a man with black hair, wearing a black coat and a mask. The onlookers gasped in surprise.

“His outfit looks familiar.”

The man started a monologue under the light.

“Oh, eternal darkness. Soothe the whirlpool in the depths of my heart.”

This is tough already.

The dialogues in the plays of this era often had a lot of serious rhetoric and unnecessarily ornate expressions.

But it resonates well with the people of this era.

As Ascal glanced towards Sushia, she hadn’t taken her eyes off the play, seemingly deeply immersed.

“Greedy glow, this abominable and loathsome kingdom is messing with my heart. I can no longer bear to see the evil acts of those pretending to be holy.”

I can no longer bear to watch these cringe-worthy lines.

Ascal writhed in agony.

Nevertheless, the actor playing the protagonist continued his lines.

“Oh darkness, within your black embrace, I discover the truth, the unveiled hypocritical nature of the wicked kingdom. Night, hide my path. I, Prince of the Night, shall punish the false kingdom!”

Ascal’s eyes widened.

Why is the Prince of the Night appearing here?

“Wow, that’s cool. The Prince of the Night …… I wonder what he would look like in real life.”

Ignoring Sushia’s obsession on the side, Ascal recalled the dialogue.

The Prince of the Night punishing the Kingdom.

This was certainly about him. Though it was significantly different from the truth.

But there are very few people who know this pseudonym, how on earth did it get out?

Even the costuming details are the same.

No, it seems that the other side is actually better.

Almost as if someone had seen it for real.

“My Knight Order, reveal yourselves!”

One by one under the command of the Prince of the Night, the knights began to appear.

A Mysterious Clan member dressed in black knelt on one knee.

“Command me at any time. The blade of I, the Night’s Assassin, is solely for you.”

It’s a familiar sight.

‘Raica? No, they’re similar, but it’s a different person.’

Then the rest of the knights each took turns kneeling.

“I, the Night’s sentinel is……”

That actor took on Deban’s likeness.

“I, as the Night’s staff is……”

It was the appearance of Cain.

Ascal got serious.

Even though there are no concepts like portrait rights in this era, is it okay to randomly use the staff from the appraisal department?

“And what on earth does the name ‘Knights of the Night’ mean? Even a primary school student would come up with a better name.


Let’s just ignore Susia for now.

‘We have to find the internal mole.’

With a highlight, the last actor appears.


The attention of the people converges.

“Minister, that actor is currently the most popular actor. Known for being perfect in acting, voice, appearance, and never missing a beat. Moreover, she started as an unknown and sharpened her focus through many hardships.”


Finally, the last member of The Knights of the Night has appeared.

She says,

“By the Knight of the Night, there is always a princess of the night”

It was Serena Barbah, the second imperial princess, who had appeared.

‘Was it you…’

Susia shed emotional tears.

“Now that’s Seri Rabione. I am moved to tears.”

“I also cry…”

From Noble mtl dot com

Out of embarrassment.

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  1. rob z rob z says:

    Black coat, black belt, black pants, and BROWN shoes?? Absolute fashion crime – he should be imprisoned. Guys – never, ever, wear such an outfit. At the least, match you belt and your shoes. These are basic idiot rules.

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