The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me chapter 72

The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me 72

72 – The Tyrant has Escaped

In the dark and damp prison, the Young Lady of the Senestia Duke’s family was captured.

Her formerly tended hair was tangled, stained with sweat and dust. Her clothing was torn and soiled to the point that its original color was unrecognizable, and there were scratch marks all over her skin.

Even if someone is a prisoner, if they are of high status, it is common decency to treat them to some degree of comfort. This would be advantageous during hostage exchanges.

However, Sussia’s neglected state showed just how much the empire was enraged by the Senestia Duke’s betrayal.

“So, Sussia. What were you doing when you got caught?”

“I was so hungry that I was boiling stew in the forest. The smoke gave me away and I was caught.”


She brought it on herself.

Munch munch.

When bread and soup were brought to her, she began to eat ravenously.

“Eat slowly.”

“Sniffle… I haven’t had a proper meal in ages. Since I was imprisoned here, all I’ve had is hard moldy bread.”

As food filled her previously sunken belly, she plumped up like a hamster.

“Cough, cough!”

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“What’s wrong! There shouldn’t be poison in the food.”

“My, my throat’s blocked. Need water.”

Just drink the soup, Ascal wanted to say, but he was at a loss for words when he saw the totally empty dish. It was as if she had scraped it down to the bottom.

Coughing heavily, Sushia regained her composure after taking a sip of water.

Ascal threw the blanket he had brought to Sushia.

“It’s warm…”

Wrapping herself in the blanket, Sushia, her belly full and body warm, finally had the time to take a closer look at the figure in front of her.

Sushia’s purple eyes scanned Ascal.

“Kyaa, kyaa! The Devil of the Empire! I didn’t misread you indeed! Are you planning to fatten me up then eat me?”

“You caught me.”

Ascal approached Sushia with long strides.

Sushia, still sitting, began to back away until she was pinned against the prison wall, shaking with fear.

“You’ve been through a lot, Sushia.”

Ascal stroked Sushia’s head.

After all, he had a soft spot for the creature before him, whether it was borne out of affection or annoyance.

Seeing how she had suffered, even in a dream, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of pity.

Sushia, initially curled up like a scared hamster, began to relax.

“The Devil of the Empire can’t possibly be this kind.”

“You’ve been calling me a devil. What on earth did I do to earn such a name?”


The man before her eyes is less frightening than she expected.

Black eyes, black hair. Undoubtedly, this man is Ascal Devere, the Devil of the Empire.

Rather, she felt like teasing him.

Feeling a strange emotion, Sushia continued.

“Always leading the empire ruthlessly, everyone trembles at the thought of what plot you may be devising each time you pick up a quill. Enemies who face you are always victim to your surprising strategies, not to mention you are a master swordsman. No one has ever survived seeing your sword…!”

Ascal had a hunch.

No doubt, rumors had once again been circulated strangely.

Just like the groundless rumors that had inflated his reputation to the point of being called the Leviathan of the Empire, here he was being called the Devil of the Empire.

“So, this Devil of the Empire has come to see me in person, does this mean today is my execution day…? Was this meal my last supper? Right?”

Sushia started to overdo it.

“But before I die, please allow me to meet His Majesty once! I have something I desperately want to tell him! Actually, you could say that’s why I let myself get caught… though it’s true I was craving stew.”

“Follow me.”

“Heavens. Are we heading to the execution grounds?”

Shia reached out to clutch his sleeve.

Ascal looked down at Shia with a look of disbelief.

“Honor the Emperor.”

“You’re five minutes late, Ascal.”

The woman on the bed only wearing a robe, clutching the pillow (the one Ascal had been using), was Yulia Barva, the emperor of the empire.

“I apologize. I had some baggage.”

“…… Is that woman beside you not the daughter of the Count of Senestia?”

Yulia’s eyes glinted dangerously.

Shia trembled like a mouse in front of a snake.

“Why did you bring a traitor here?”

“She said she had something to tell you.”

“I don’t really want to hear it.”

Ascal walked over to the bed and snatched the pillow Yulia was holding.

“Oh! That’s mine!”

“It’s my pillow.”

“Yours is effectively mine, isn’t it?”

“I will return it if you listen to what she has to say.”

Yulia Barva was gripped by extreme paranoia.

Due to countless assassination attempts and betrayals, she had grown to trust no one.

However, Ascal was the one exception.

The sole sanctuary of the tyrant, the one steady pillar she could lean on— that was Ascal Devour.

“I have no choice. Traitor, come here.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Shia came up to the bed.

It was night, and a cold wind was blowing. Furthermore, Shia’s clothing was nearly ragged.

Yulia observed Shia shivering, raised an eyebrow, and pointed to one side of the bed.

“Get on the bed.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

And then, she tucked Shia in with a large quilt.

Only her face peeped out from under the blanket.

At the opposite end, Yulia did the same, her face peeking out from the covers.

It was somewhat reminiscent of a game of whack-a-mole.

“Is this what it means to share a blanket with a traitor? Fascinating, daughter of Senestia. What message do you wish to convey to me?”

Depending on her response, it was implied that her life could be in danger. However, the situation lacked any weight given their current set up.

“I have heard that the Imperial Army and the Rebel Army are about to clash!”


“Could you please stop the fight, or at least delay it?”


“Unintentionally, I overheard my father’s conversation! He plans to betray both sides! There will be witches spreading fireballs, giants wrecking havoc on the battlefield, assassins lurking… Everything is dangerous!”

Yulia sneered.

“How am I supposed to believe that? Do you have any evidence?”

“Evidence, I…”

“You almost seem like a spy who got herself captured on purpose to confuse me with these lies.”


Susia desperately looked at Ascal for help.

But why was she seeking my help?

“Besides, let’s say I believe you and withdraw the troops. Windwill is a strategic military location that we can’t afford to lose. As soon as it’s taken, we’ve essentially lost the war. It’s a lose-lose situation.”


Ascal tried to recall from his vague memory.

In the novel, the Imperial Army and the Rebel Army had a major confrontation there. And in the midst of a tense battle, a third force suddenly emerged.

‘Was it Zine or what…’

And the Duke of Senestia was the leader of that organization.

The Duke of Senestia, suddenly appearing and revealing his identity and story in detail, sent in the dark forces he had been cultivating.

Then, three major forces fiercely collided, and even more absurd events unfolded.

A dragon, Karnax, known as the Flame Spitter, suddenly appeared.

The dragon awoke from his sleep in the mountains of Windwill and started making a mess.

This was the second of the three disasters of the Empire.

In the end, losing most of her troops and just barely saving her own life, Yulia Barba retreated, biting her lips until they bled.

‘Well… I’m screwed.’

The existence of a dragon is such that only with a multitude of swordmasters, grand magicians, and elite soldiers to draw the aggro can they dare stand a chance against it.

Even more so if it is an elder dragon from the legends, it’s hopeless.

“How many swordmasters are currently in the empire?”

“Such an odd question. Duke Felix has already perished. The North has been destroyed by giants. The only swordmasters left in the empire are you and me.”

“Could we receive help from the White Magic Tower?”

“They maintain absolute neutrality. Even in this desperate strait, they merely shut their doors and do not move.”

“Does the empire not have a guardian dragon?”

Yulia looked at Ascal as if she didn’t understand his meaning.

“Isn’t that a legendary entity from historical texts?”

“I understand. Your Majesty.”

“Oh, my perceptive chancellor. Have you thought of a way to reframe the situation?”

Ascal simply stated his solution.

“We should just run away. Abandon the empire. Retreat somewhere remote.”


“Today is chilly, so we must prepare sufficient firewood.”

“I gathered a lot of greens! They will be delicious when cooked! Cheers!”

In an unnamed deep mountain.

Yulia sat on a wooden chair that Ascal had crafted, taking in her surroundings.

Pure white snow covered everything.

Opening her mouth, she exhaled warm breath.

“I’ve boiled some water. It’s cold, so come inside the cabin.”

Ascal and Sushia swiftly entered the warm cabin as if in competition.

“Here, have some warm cocoa. It will warm you up.”

“This luxury… Thank you, your Majesty.”

“It’s not ‘your Majesty’ anymore. Yulia, no… that name is also a risk. Call her Lia.”

“Lia’s made cocoa is the best! Ah, it would be even better with cookies.”


The three of them had fled the empire.

And thus began their life in exile within a deep mountain.

The cabin was incomparably cramped compared to the grand palace, yet for some reason, Yulia found the cabin much more comfortable than the palace.

I simply looked out the window while eating warm cocoa and stew.

“Really, it’s so comfortable…”

I wonder what’s happening in the empire right now.

They’re probably desperately searching for the emperor and the prime minister.

Thinking they must have been kidnapped.

It’s been a month since I started this fugitive life.

“Don’t you think the three of us really get along?”

“It’s not that we get along, it just seems like you’re the one benefiting.”

“Is that so? hehehe.”

I am happy.

That’s what Yulia Barba thought.

If only this lifestyle could continue forever.

Then where did I make the first mistake?

Was it when the crown prince, worn out from his rigorous martial training, found the legendary Pegasus and died while half madly riding it?

Or was it when I forced Serena Barba out, labeling her as a witch, and unjustly ascended to the throne in the midst of fierce competition?

My memories go back even further.

When I was six years old.

I had a strong desire to possess.

I didn’t want anything taken away from me, and whatever I liked, I had to have.

If not, I always got robbed by my sisters. Whether it was toys, or even our mother.

Even then, I was fighting with Serena.

We were each pulling an arm of the teddy bear, ready to tear it apart.

“This is mine! Yulia! You can’t have it!”

“No! You already have five dolls! I want to have one too!”

“Hmph. Why don’t you ask our mother for one?”

“Mother doesn’t make dolls for me…”

Serena had hair like our mother’s.

And mine was blonde like our father’s. Is it because of that hair? Our mother never showed any interest in me.

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She was always absorbed in something.


“Hmph. You keep it. I have plenty of dolls anyway.”

In the end, the bear doll was torn into two, falling to the ground.

Even when the servants consoled, the crying continued.

Something more than a bear doll must have been stolen away.

And then, you appeared.

“Why are you crying?”

I found out later that your father held a grand ceremony, which must be why you, his son, followed him to the palace.

“Is it because the bear doll is torn?”

I nodded.

You looked so brave back then, being slightly taller than me.

Borrowing different items from the servants, you swiftly stitched up the torn doll.

“Here. Look. It’s a rabbit doll, much cooler than a bear. It’s the only one in the world!”

“…Is it for me?”

“Yes. This is yours.”

Even though it was slightly awkward, the diligently stitched rabbit doll had a bright smile. And unknowingly, so did I.

“Thank you. What’s your name?”

“Sure. My name is…”

I didn’t get to hear your name.

Because, all of a sudden, your servant appeared, hastily pulling your arm away and disappearing. As if a major faux pas had been committed.

I have been happy since that day.

I fell asleep dreaming every night.

Because I finally had something that was just mine.

The only one in the world.

And as time went by, I tried to find you, but it was nearly impossible.

Ha. How would I find anyone stuck in such a backwater place?

So, when I finally found you.

Do you know the expression I had on my face then?

Also, the look when I excitedly approached you only to know you had forgotten me.

I wanted to have you by my side, even if it was by force.

But you always ran away.

It doesn’t matter.

After all, I’ve caught and held you many times over.

But for now, I am satisfied with this.


My first love, and my last.

I will let you go.

I wish you, and only you.

A life of happiness.

The next day.

“……Lia’s gone.”

“There’s not much time left until the Battle of Windwall, is there?”

Ascal put on his coat.

“You can stay here, Sushia.”

“Nonsense! Of course I’m going with you! How could I live without you!”

“Well. You’d starve to death.”


Julia had run away.

Now it was time for him to go and catch Julia.

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  1. Des says:

    Perfect. Chaotic like a dream should be. Lmao.

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