The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me chapter 83

The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me 83

83 – Why Was This Selected

The imperial officers’ military training was handled by knights loaned from the knight order in the capital.

Of course, they were involuntarily drafted, so they had no motivation despite being knights.

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Dissatisfied officials and unmotivated knights.

Their compatibility was equivalent to bread and jam, chocolate and peanuts.

Therefore, military training usually proceeded like this.

“Oh, Sir Londeon. Nice to see you again. You must be tired from today.”

“Isn’t this Mr. Beryos? Nice to see you.”

“But my back isn’t doing well today, it’s really… “

“Oh dear, your valuable body serving the Empire shouldn’t get hurt here. It would be a national loss.”

The knight brings a makeshift bed suitable for rest.

“Here, rest awhile. You have trained enough.”

“The gratitude I feel, this is my humble offering in recognition of your continued protection of the empire.”

Then, the manager passes high-valued items like chocolate or expensive spices to the knight.

The knight clears his throat and responds with his preset Macro Message #1: “I can’t believe I’m receiving these gifts. Nevertheless, I gratefully accept.”

A look of satisfaction settles on the knight’s face as he quickly scans the valuables. They have just concluded a satisfying transaction.

This is the way of surviving wisely in the empire.

“Knight Landion! We meet again!”

“Trainee #23, do not speak so casually.”

“Are you in a bad mood today? Well, here is something to soothe your frustration. It’s the root of a Huasang plant, consuming this will boost your energy…”

“How dare you try to bribe in this sacred training ground! Such impunity! Arrest this trainee immediately!”

“Knight Landion, why did you change suddenly, Knight Landion! I thought we were closer!”

Verios cried out in despair as he was being dragged away by security guards.

It was incredibly unfair.

He was successful last time, why was it different now?

His mistake was neglecting to read the update notes.

“<Imperial Military Training 12.1 Update>”

Up until the last version, offering bribes to the knight who’s managing the training proved to be too an effective measure.

However, in this update, Princess Three has now joined as a special instructor.

Of course, those who were diligently training wouldn’t be affected, but for those trainees who tried to bribe, ‘tricky decisions’ will now be required.

That’s right.

When dignitaries visit, the messy streets get cleaned up overnight, and the haphazard training suddenly becomes organized; a miracle occurs.

Especially for the hot-tempered knights, the involvement of Princess Three was like a much-needed rain in a barren land.

“See my wonderful skills, Your Highness.”

“My ambition has always been to be a royal guard for the princess. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity for me.”

“Perhaps a marriage overstepping my rank?”

The faces of the knights, who would normally be bored to death, were now filled with sternness, solemnity, and seriousness. As a result, it was a living hell for the trainees. If they slacked off even slightly, they were promptly criticized. “Trainee number 17, hold your sword properly. Your posture is crooked.” ‘Wow, I looked incredibly cool just now.’ Randeon glanced behind. The Empire’s third princess, Yulia Barba, was kindly watching the trainees. Gulp. At her sight, Randeon swallowed. The third princess of the Empire was rarely seen. Though her beauty was widely rumored, it was extremely difficult to see her unless it was an official event. ‘Upon actually seeing her, there don’t seem to be any goddesses.’ As it is with many young people, fantasy began to unfold like a panorama in Randeon’s head. Princess Yulia, who fell for his coolness, pleaded him to become her personal knight, and Randeon helplessly accepted her

proposition. Then, one day, when Princess Yulia’s life was threatened by an assassin, Randeon risked his own life to protect her. From then on, they slowly became aware of each other, and a love that transcends social status begins to unfold-. “Cadet. Do you know where trainee number 27 is?” Randeon was snapped out of his fantasy. Before he knew it, Princess Yulia was right in front of him. Hiding his pounding heartbeats, Randeon checked the roster. “The 27th trainee should be on the western training ground by now. May I ask why you are looking for him?” “Hmm. I was thinking about giving him a bit of punishment.” “What! What did he do wrong to Your Highness! How could this be!” “He did something very wrong indeed.”

Julia laughed.

“I won’t say he stole my heart,” she decided.

“Troop! Advance! We are warriors of our proud empire!”

Ascal became a squad leader.

Used to sitting and processing paperwork daily, moving his body gave him a thrill.

Perhaps this was his true calling.

“Your proactiveness serves as an example to other trainees. The chances of being selected as an elite squad are extremely high.”


Ascal’s anxiety sensor activated.

“If selected as an elite squad, we can finish 10 days of training in just 5 days! Let’s give it our best!”

As soon as he heard this, Ascal shouted.

“Troops!!!! Turn right full!!!! Advance!!!!”

“Squad leader!!! That’s a river!!!”


“Damn it, I don’t care!!!!”


It was a sight to behold.

Taking the lead, Ascal fell into the river, followed by the others, plunging in like a herd of lemmings.

“What are you guys doing!”

The baffled instructor approached the river Ascal’s squad had fallen into.

Despite his long career, he had never seen a troop attempt mass suicide.

“Glub, glub!”

A squad member who couldn’t swim flailed his arms. He grabbed something.

Fortunately, the river wasn’t too deep, and one by one, the regrouped members started to emerge, with something in their hands.

“Trainee number 27, if this was a wartime scenario, you all would have been annihilated. Extremely disappointing. Why on earth you entered the river… and what’s that in your hand?”

Askal naturally looked at the rectangular stone in his hand. There was an imprint of a grotesque creature.


Startled, Askal threw the stone on the ground.


The stone split and the creature was restored in perfect condition.

A trainee who was soaking wet hurriedly ran towards the fallen stone.

He was a custodian of the archaeological department.

“This appears to be ancient creature Regalos, only known in legends! Everyone, show me the stones you have in your hands!”

The trainees showed their stones to the archaeological custodian one by one. They were all fossils.

“Good heavens! We must thoroughly explore this river immediately! This place is certainly an ancient ruin!”

The custodian shouted excitedly.

The instructor watched this scene with a soulless expression, then approached Askal.

Askal hastily spoke,

“I apologize, Instructor. My foolish mistake has put the squad in danger. I’ll repay this mistake with ten days of diligent training.”

The instructor shook his head and patted Askal’s shoulder.

“A good squad follows the orders of its superiors, but a better squad sometimes defies orders for a greater cause. You seem to know that fact well.”

“Wh, what do you mean? Wait a second, Instructor!”

The instructor used the Super Pass, a one-time use on during training.

And Askal’s squad became an excellent squad.

“I announce to all the trainees. The west river is off-limits due to certain circumstances. However, military training will continue.”

It was a blessing amid misfortune.

If military training had been interrupted by the discovery of a ruin, Ascal would have wept tears of blood.

The knights had concluded from their meeting that the training had to proceed under any circumstances, even if a meteorite would fall on the training ground.

It was all because of Yulia, of course.

“Trainee number 27, you seem happy.”

“It’s an honor to see you, Princess Yulia.”

Yulia walked over to Ascal with a stern expression.

“Well, as you are avoiding your fundamental duty and taking training, it must be a rather comfortable life?”

You had no plan to see me for ten days?

Ascal rolled a perception check, but disastrously failed.


Yulia’s eyebrows twitched.

“Do ten push-ups.”

“….Yes? Yes.”

While Ascal was surprised by the sudden command, ten push-ups were not difficult for him.

Ascal prepared himself.

But then, he felt an added weight on his back.

Yulia was sitting on his back.

“Why? Start already.”

Ascal had no choice but to start his push-ups, feeling a soft sensation on his back. It was distracting.

“Ten more.”


“Ten more.”

Yulia, who seemed offended, showed no mercy.

Having barely completed one hundred push-ups, Ascal collapsed and fell to the ground.

Yulia looked down at Ascal with a satisfied smile.

“Trainee number 27, is that all you got? I think you definitely need some rigorous personal training.”

Yulia effortlessly picked up the fallen Askal.

And she whispered in his ear.

“Last time we went to the sea, how about the mountains this time?”

As they breathed in the fresh air of the mountains, Askal slowly began to regain his vitality.

“Your Highness, please put me down.”


He couldn’t just let it happen. Askal, at some point, took out the headband that had become a staple and tied up Yulia’s hair, who concentrating on climbing the mountain.

“Set me down. Lia.”

“You’ve … gotten weaker.”

Lia obediently set down Askal.

Before he knew it, they were at the top of the mountain.

“The air is nice, isn’t it? When I was young, I would come up here alone when I felt suffocated.”


The view from the top of the mountain had to be good.

Askal, fatigued from work, felt his mind clear up.

But then Askal’s expression changed as he stared at a certain rock.

“Is the name of this mountain Aiyota Mountain by any chance?”

“Yes, you’re right.”

Askal walked towards the rock with heavy steps.

Turning it over to see the back which was hardly visible, sure enough, there was a hilt protruding from it.

“This must be the Caliburn…”

The legendary sword, Lightbane.

A sword said to be only drawn by those recognized as heroes.

In the future, pursued by the imperial army, Sirius who has fled to these mountains will be the one to draw this sword.

Without much thought, Askal pulled on the hilt.


The sword was drawn without resistance.

“Ah, after hundreds of years, I see the light again. My name is Lightbane, you, my master, your name is――.”

Askal hastily sheathed the sword.

The sword went silent.

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  1. komaru says:

    Lol he’s refusing everything now.

  2. Zreomurderer says:

    bro refuses to be a hero

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