The Villain Bought the Heroine chapter 52

The Villain Bought the Heroine 52

Chapter 52

The full moon rose.

It’s the great full moon that shines the world anew, filled with the light of the sun.

In a corner of the spacious garden near the dormitory.

I was training my magic while receiving that brilliant baptism. Immersing myself in a lonely room is good, but sometimes, training while enjoying the atmosphere outside like this injects vitality into the essence of magic.

As I touch the flow of magic, I feel a change.

“As the total amount of mana increases, the level of curse magic is growing rapidly.”

Magic is fundamentally divided into three levels.

The lowest level is low-grade.

The next step is mid-grade.

And nearing the peak is high-grade.

By the time most graduates reach this point, they have passed through these levels as a rule.

Most of the achievements that Vargan essentially possessed were high-grade magic. Some unnecessary or unsuitable magic for combat remained at mid-grade, but there was no need to force development. It’s not cost-effective.

When magic reaches the high-grade level, one can roughly grasp the form of magic in that field. Substantial individual research and development take place from the following levels onwards.

“Soon, curse magic will ascend to the level of ‘Hae Deuk.'”

The next step after high-grade, a new realm of magic.

A door opens to a new world, and all the cognition of the existing world is reorganized from this level.

Entering the stage of enlightenment, the novice. While some categorize and meticulously divide based on subsequent realizations, it is, in fact, practically impossible.

Ascending to the stage of enlightenment and numerically ranking individual realizations distorts statistics.

This is because it is a delicate and sophisticated field. It is not something that can be divided into mere numbers and superficial hierarchies.

…Well, it is quite common to express those who have reached a significantly different level as transcending to the realm of transcendence, but this is a story for later and applies to very few.


To complete the unique spell formula I aim for in magic recently, one must reach the stage of enlightenment in at least one field.

Originally, reaching the stage of enlightenment in the curse magic of Vargan is approximately eight months from now. The satisfying news that the results of the seven months of possession were not negligible.


I could feel the presence of someone observing me nearby. Despite trying to conceal my magic as much as possible, there was still a novice touch to it.

I had known this for quite some time, but I didn’t bother as it wasn’t interfering. I didn’t want my focus to be disrupted. Although now, with training temporarily halted, the situation is different.


As I called out her name, the blades of grass near me rustled. Freida, who had been hiding behind the bushes, awkwardly smiled as she revealed herself.

Given the time it took for her to appear, one could speculate that there was an internal conflict within her.

“Ha-ha, I didn’t intend to eavesdrop… I just happened to be out for a walk….”

Under the moonlight, Freida, fully revealed, looked different from her usual self. While her long, orange-tinted chestnut hair remained the same, the pointed ears attached to her head and the fluffy tail hidden within her skirt were new sights.

“Oh, this appearance…,”

“I know. You are not of the Ain race, are you?”

From the small, unnamed country of Haremga, where Freida had lived, she had roots in the Drekk Union, which was full of the Ain race.

If she had not been abandoned in a distant, unfamiliar Haremga, she might have formed friendships with individuals such as Diphylia, who were possibly from the same region.

“…Yes, that’s right….”

She looked at me, giving off the impression that she didn’t know if I was aware of her race.

I snorted, saying I didn’t bother to hide something that wasn’t particularly rare.

“There are plenty of Ain scattered in Academia. While your tail and ears might have made you stand out in Haremga where you lived, here it’s not the case. You must know that, yet you insist on the hassle.”

“…It became a habit to hide.”

Freida’s eyes showed wonder. She seemed to want to ask how I knew so much.

As she wrapped her body, showing signs of fear, I ignored her and began to leave. Hurriedly, she continued speaking.

“I’ve finished organizing the research documents as directed by Vargan. The cleaning was done meticulously, leaving not a speck of dust behind, of course.”

“What’s the purpose of saying that?”

“Don’t you know what my intention is in bringing up this topic?”

She showed an okay sign with her finger, smiling broadly.

Although her blatant attitude was somewhat surprising, it didn’t upset me. If anything, it felt comforting to have clarity.

Throwing two coins from the silver purse in my arms, Freida caught them mid-air, displaying a satisfied expression.

“Thank you as always!”

The training outside was over. It was time to return.

As I started to walk away, Freida followed behind. Despite having given her what she wanted, seeing her sticking around made me think she still felt lacking. So, I continued speaking.

“Vargan is dedicated solely to his training.”

“It’s necessary work, after all.”

“Are you so absorbed in it every day?”

I gazed intently at Frida. It seemed like she was beating around the bush with something she wanted to say.

“What’s on your mind?”

“Oh, I see… You’re quite sharp.”

Frida, showing a surprising reaction, then raised her eyes to me with a sharp gaze. It was as if she was saying, ‘I know it’s rude to ask this, but I’ll ask.’

“Are you not interested in women?”

At the sudden and bold question, I let out a wry smile.

“Do I seem like someone who enjoys the company of women?”

“Not exactly, but you always seem to be engaged in training or reading books. You haven’t even touched a beautiful book like Alicia. I think it was easy to misunderstand.”

“I may have pushed you into a pit full of beetles with my foot.”

“Ugh… that’s a bit much.”

Disgusted, Frida chuckled.

Most people wouldn’t respond in that way to such a statement, but she added a peculiar footnote. It is said that it was different from the answer she desired.

“Oh, I see…”

Frida, who had giggled, let out a small sigh as if she remembered something, changing the atmosphere.

Although she didn’t fully exude her inherent cheerful energy, there was a sense of calm and sensuality somewhere within her.

It was like reading someone’s intentions.

“Since I’ve learned that Lord Vargan is not uninterested in women, this is quite a piece of news.”

As if suspecting a fox, Frida approached me stealthily, gazing at me meaningfully.

A sweet fragrance tickled my nose on the breeze.

“So, does that mean I have a chance too?”

A tail tip swayed beneath her skirt.

Looking at her confident yet somewhat provocative gaze, I suddenly recalled a time when I was reading a novel.

It was a situation similar to now.

“Nothing will change just because you found out.”

“Well, you never know until you try. Whether I’m the second or third woman, it doesn’t matter to me.”

“In the end, is it all about money?”

“It’s not solely for that reason, but… Isn’t the main reason quite clear?”

Frida, a supporting character who frequently appears in the original work, was only significant to Liam, the protagonist. There was a rather close connection between Vargan and Erika.

“If money is your goal, then the basics dictate that you must hide it. But with that attitude, I might just give you a chance.”

“You’re not exactly discreet about it.”

The anniversary of Erika and Vargan’s engagement.

In the original work, Vargan, who had received a date proposal from Erika, did not show up at the designated place that day.

The reason he stood up Erika was clear.

Although the details were not described, there was a mention of it, allowing the readers to understand.

“You may not yet know my charm. How about we take some time to get to know each other? Yes, let’s go somewhere together next week. Then, for sure…”

There were individuals who caught a whiff of money or success around Vargan, who had not been with Alicia. Among them, one person stood out – Frida.

At that time, Frida had approached Vargan and proposed a date, which somehow coincided precisely with Erika’s promised date.

It goes without saying, Vargan’s choice was not Erika but Frida. Although there was no description of Vargan’s feelings, it is safe to say that it was not simply because Frida was to his liking.

At that time, Bargan was trying to push Erica away for some reason, taking advantage of the fact that the situation would be suitable to cause her humiliation.

Even afterward, through Freida, Bargan brought considerable disgrace upon Erica. To the extent that Erica could be called a pitiful noble lady who had been left out by her fiancé.



It’s Erica….

“Bargan, sir?”

A strange sense of discomfort wriggled deep within.

Any intention to joke around or accept vanished completely.

The unbearable thing crept through my skin like an unsettling feeling.

I pushed Freida aside and walked forward.

Distractions increased. It was almost time to end the walk.

…Let’s head back to the room.

“It’s late. You should go in now too.”

I had wasted a lot of time. I didn’t want to waste even a minute, even a second, anymore.

…No, is this just an excuse?

“I have an early appointment.”

Leaving Freida behind, I entered the room.

Even the moment under the unusually long moonlit night came to an end with this.

Left somewhat perplexed, Freida, who was now alone, pondered deeply and muttered to herself. Her eyes were calculating rapidly.

“….The rumor that Erica and I are not on good terms seems to have been false after all.”

Freida, too, turned around and went back to her dormitory.


The next afternoon.

After finishing the household service training, on my way to the research lab, I ran into Diphelia, who had taken the same class. She, with a gloomy expression, was taken aback and quietly approached, as if she had the habit of greeting each time we met, but treating me as if I were a ghost made me feel like I had done something wrong.

She nervously handed me a letter with trembling hands. I don’t know what was so frightening, but as soon as I took the envelope, she quickly fled. The sight of her wheelchair moving swiftly as she followed her thoughts was quite fascinating.

I thought about reading the letter right away, but I decided to put it away. I had just made eye contact with someone.


How long had she been watching? Erica left without a word. Her usual cold and aloof expression remained the same.

I felt strangely uneasy.

In many ways.

Strange… I haven’t done anything except for the class. Or maybe it was a big shock for Diphelia. If so, she’s even more fragile than I thought.


I changed my steps.

At the research society, everyone was gathered, including Pin who had returned. Freida acted cluelessly as if she had forgotten about yesterday’s events. She naturally spoke to me, played pranks with Emily, and everything seemed normal.

Silencing the chaotic scene, I spoke up.

“The selection of new members for the Arbol Frutal has ended. This makes a total of 33 members for the large research society.”

The newcomers had not entered this room yet. The list of those who passed was left on the notice board, but their activities truly began after relocating to the research lab.

“Therefore, we have rearranged the research lab accordingly. We have already found a new place. Most of the research society’s items will be moved by the Academy’s staff, but personal belongings should be moved by individuals.”

After informing the members of matters related to the research society’s relocation, I got to the main point.

This will be the pillar that supports the basic foundation of Arbol Prutal in the future.

“As I mentioned before, Arbol Prutal will be divided into four groups.”

The ‘Roots’ where the officers gather.

The elite group ‘Trunk’.

The criminal-level ‘Stem’.

From Noble mtl dot com

And the lesser ‘Branches’.

“Members belonging to the Roots, except for the recent arrival Frida, have additional responsibilities.”

Although they are part of the Roots, they will be in charge of each group. They observe and report on the members’ progress within their respective groups, guide them in the right direction, and provide assistance. They will also handle other tasks, but their main mission is that.

“I am the leader of the Trunk. Since there is no one else here to lead them, I, who is already busy enough, have taken on the role.”

There are a total of four elites in the Trunk.

1st-year Beliar Troa Bantlo.

2nd-year Osel Victoria Francesca.

4th-year Alexeria.

4th-year Brackium.

These are the four key figures mentioned earlier.

There seems to be no need for further explanation for Bantlo.

Francesca, a 2nd-year student, was ranked 2nd in her class when she entered as a 1st-year student. Upon becoming a 2nd-year student, she left the student council and joined our research group. There aren’t many good ones in the 2nd-year, but Francesca, she’s an exception.

Alexeria, a 4th-year student, is also a talent not to be underestimated, with ties to the student council. She was actually the student council president two years ago.

After serving as the student council president in her 3rd year, she took a leave of absence to travel the world with her fiancé Brackium. It is said that Brackium accompanied her out of concern for her traveling alone.

Alexeria’s interest in Arbol Prutal piqued, and Brackium followed suit. Whatever the circumstances, since they have joined, let’s make good use of them as per my taste.

“…Next, Alicia and Serena are in charge of the Stem.”

There are a total of sixteen members in the Stem.

As it is the group with the highest number of members, two leaders are appointed. Alicia mainly deals with swordsmanship, while Serena specializes in archery, allowing for a division of expertise in training if needed.

“Lastly, Emily is in charge of the Branches.”

“Why do you only call the group I’m in like that…?”

The Branches consist of eight members.

It is a group composed of individuals with talent, but who have not fully blossomed yet or show only a slight potential.

Although I am somewhat uneasy about entrusting Emily, she is not without my support, and she is gradually improving, so I appointed her.

Moreover, Emily surprisingly excels in analyzing people. Truly surprising.

“Wait. Why are there eight? As far as I know, there were only seven. And… isn’t Fin responsible for any area?”


Meeting Emily’s gaze, Fin responded with a faint smile. Emily’s expression gradually froze. With a helpless look in her eyes, she seemed to be saying, ‘Could it be…?’

“You expelled Fin from the research group?”

Ignoring Emily’s desire for a denial, I continued speaking.

Look. When you interrupt someone’s speech before it’s finished, misunderstandings and conflicts arise.

“Fin, who was a former member, belongs to the Branches, not the Roots. Emily, you are not taking on a leadership role like you, but as a member.”

“That…! Even so, isn’t that too much?”

“Emily, it’s okay. It’s what I asked for.”

Emily’s trembling eyes paused at Fin’s words. Fin continued calmly.

“I keenly felt how weak I had become through the class battle. Just being part of the Roots for being a former member would make me feel too ashamed.”


“You don’t have to worry like that. It’s not like leaving the research society or being unable to be together. And….”

Fin seemed to smile.


He declares, showing that he doesn’t worry.

“I will definitely go all the way to the root.”

From branch to stem, from stem to trunk, from trunk to root.

The members of Arbol Frutal’s group change fluidly. While overall progress is natural, individuals who grow rapidly, meet the conditions to move to the next level, are reassigned to higher groups.

Fin speaks.

He will go from the current lowest rank, which can be called ‘branch’, to the endpoint, ‘root’.

Emily cannot read sadness or any negative emotions in Fin’s face. Because he was looking at her with an expression that showed how much he was looking forward to that moment.

“…Just try not to be late.”

“I’ll catch up soon.”

While preparing for the class battle, the two felt a sense of competition in their own way. In terms of skills, Emily was superior, but she directly witnessed how much effort Fin was putting in.

Fin’s pursuit.

Emily’s passion.

It can be said that they have a mutually beneficial relationship.

It felt refreshing to see that. They were originally not just rivals but didn’t even greet each other, like strangers.

But after I possessed them, their relationship completely changed.

There is a little less than a year left.

The day of the tragedy at Academia approaches.

What will happen to these two individuals who were supposed to leave?

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Master… I was just…”

Alicia, who was secretly watching me, smiled happily. A warm smile like a spring breeze.

“Because you seem to be enjoying yourself, Master. I feel happy too.”

“A very subjective judgment.”

“Yes, Master, you are right.”


Alicia affirming my words.

However, her smile is quite irritating. Like a mother’s gaze that seems to understand me.

…Let’s just ignore it.

“Now, let’s start today’s research activities.”

The small research room becomes busy again.

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  1. gege says:

    a mother??😭

    1. birch hero slayer says:

      a mother with white hair

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