The Villain Changed the Ending chapter 62

The Villain Changed the Ending 62

062 Demon Beast Flood

****[Rene, everything] ****


Oscar didn’t look at her at all.

It is completely different from the novel.

‘I don’t know why.’

Is it because of that woman, Catherine?

Did the story go wrong because that woman was reincarnated?

Oscar, who should have loved him originally, does not move at all according to the original story.

Even if he went into the IF story, he must have been in love with himself.

Renee crouched down, holding her bruised and throbbing body in her arms.

After the banquet at the palace that day, when she returned home, she was beaten up by her father.

Except for the face and exposed skin, it is covered in bruises.

And from then until now, I have been confined to my room.

‘I just called your name.’

I know it’s rude.

But was that such a big deal?

Was it such a big mistake that your father jumped up and got angry and hit you like that?

‘I don’t know.’

This world is different from what you know.

It looks like it’s real, but it’s definitely a novel, so this world must be a fake made up of Renee as the main character, and of course she should be happy, but it doesn’t work out.

Suddenly the door burst open.

My father was standing in front of the door with bloodshot eyes.

My body shrank in surprise.

“Because of you… Because of you…”

My father approached slowly, step by step, speaking as if suppressing it.

“The engagement was broken. You begged so much, but you said you couldn’t buy the duke’s wrath… It broke in the end. It’s all because of you. If you hadn’t been so rude to the duke.”

Dad grinded his teeth.


As her father got closer and closer, Renee pushed her butt off the floor and moved away.

“The saying that twins bring misfortune was true. I should have killed them then.”

“Ah… Father.”

“Don’t call me that, you sinister thing!”

My father punched her hard on the cheek.

Renee fell to the floor as if plummeting.

The whole face seems to have collapsed.

The shock was so great that I couldn’t feel the pain.

After that, kicking started.

He was hit directly in the stomach and chest, and his breath stopped for an instant.

can’t breathe

Not even a scream came out.

The mother and the butler, who came running late, grabbed the father.


“Master! Be patient. If you hit me like that, the lady will die.”

But drying it didn’t help.

My father runs amok like crazy.

The head butler held on to his father as if hugging him, and spoke again forcefully.

“Master! The lady is dying.”


At those words, the father’s movements gradually stopped.

It was like a robot slowly stopping due to running out of batteries.

It may have been difficult for rumors to spread that he had killed his daughter.

My father threw words as if he was chewing and spitting them out.

“Send it away today.”

I didn’t say where it was being sent, but I didn’t even dare to ask for water.

When the father went outside with loud footsteps, the mother followed suit.

I heard the butler click his tongue.

“Go and get a compress and some medicine.”

“Yes, butler.”

I heard the maid leave, and the butler looked at my face.

“You’re bleeding a lot. If you do it wrong, there will be scars. I’ll get you some medicine, so don’t forget to apply it every day.”


The butler clicked his tongue again.

Renee spat out the blood in her mouth and pursed her lips.

“… where… where am I going?”

“It’s a monastery. The lady has decided to go to a monastery far away from here.”

Oh, no.

The strength drained from Renee’s body.

The second half of the story has already arrived.

Originally, the monsters of locusts began to attack the capital, and the number of monsters in this country increased rapidly.

In the novel, it was called the Demonic Beast Flood.

According to the novel, it was after that that Renee went to the monastery.

‘What do we do.’

If there had been an inundation of demonic beasts, they would have been able to find a way somehow by chasing the events that occurred in the middle of it.

Renee’s strength is that she knows what will happen next.

But for some reason, this world seems to have surpassed that story. It went right into the second half.

It is jumbled.

In the Oscar route, Rene takes refuge in a monastery after the world is in great confusion due to the flooding of demon beasts.

Catherine continues to spy on Rene’s circumstances, and when she finds out about it, she buys off the abbot.

Catherine never forgave Rene for stealing Oscar’s heart even once.

Catherine worked with the abbot to get Renée sold to a rich pervert.

Renee is confined to the mansion of a perverted old man for the rest of her life and lives a miserable life.

I don’t know what Katrin is like now, but if it were the flow to the monastery, the ending would be the same.

“I, I, don’t want to go to the monastery.”

When Renee shook her head and said, the butler looked at her with cold eyes.

“My lady, are you saying that now? It’s possible, lady, don’t you know what a great thing you’ve done?”

The butler’s face is somehow scary.

When Renee made a confused expression, the butler suppressed his anger and opened his mouth.

“I will explain what it is like to incur the duke’s wrath. An official letter from the duke has great power. With that one, the investment that was supposed to be made with the lady’s engagement as collateral was undone.”


“The baron has been working hard to get invitations to banquets from other families. If you don’t attend large and small banquets, you can’t get high-level information at all. However, those invitations suddenly stopped after the lady called the duke’s name carelessly. I cut off contact with this deep family too. No one wants to have a connection with this family.”


is that such a big deal

I do not know.

Nobles have estates, and they live off the income from them.

But why is information obtained from nobles so important?

It seems that the head butler knew that Rene didn’t understand.

He made a face as if he had chewed on maggots.

“To make it more understandable, I will tell you from the aspect of the lady’s life. A few days ago, the store where I used to buy things on credit sent me a message saying that it is no longer in trouble. It’s because the business association has influence. A large business association will take care of the duke’s mind and apply pressure.”

The butler glared at Rene as if he were angry while he was talking.

“The clothes the lady is wearing right now, the ornaments she is wearing, I have to buy things like that with cash right away. The candles that light up the mansion, bread, meat, and spices are all purchased with cash.”


“You can buy it with cash, what do you think is the problem?”

can’t say anything

Actually, that’s what I think.

“Crops don’t make money all year round. If you farm, you harvest at most once a year. “If you do that for a long time, the credit value accumulates at the store. Even if the payment comes in after the harvest, it will quickly run out of money. There are families that make money from investments, but the barons don’t have such income.”


“Moreover, two marquises with connections to the duchy sent letters reprimanding our family. We received letters of protest from the three most powerful families in the country. Now our barons are worse than cockroaches on the ground. It’s like a cart rolling down a hill.”

After saying that, the butler stood up with a cold face.

“Well, it’s useless to explain it like this now.”

That evening, Renee left the mansion in a thrifty carriage.

From nob le mt l dot com

Jim was simple.

Renee was allowed to own two simple clothes and one set of underwear.

They say they can’t take the rest.

Inside the wagon lay a cloth bag of bread, hard cheese, and jerky.

There was no one to see them off.

Only the coachman and two escorts go together.

Even the lady-in-waiting didn’t attach it.

The head butler asked the coachman and escort for something, and went into the building without saying hello.

As the wagon started to move, Renee laid her aching body on the carriage seat.

What do we do.

How to do it.

Before we get to the monastery, we have to think of something.

Tears ran down my cheeks.

When I came to this world, I thought I would be happy.

Obviously, at first, the life of being caught by the prince and becoming Cinderella must have unfolded.

‘But why did this happen?’

If I hadn’t come, if I hadn’t come to this world, then it would have been nice.

Who brought her into this world?

whose fault is it

‘If I had been on Earth, then I would have been able to live safely in the arms of my husband who loves me.’

I regretted it many times after coming here.

It would have been nice if he hadn’t cheated.

At least, if I hadn’t been caught seeing him with Kyung-wan that day, if Kyung-wan’s wife hadn’t come to the house looking at her husband’s phone, if only one thing had gone wrong, the situation wouldn’t have been as miserable as it is now.

If your husband was by your side.

Even if only the person who loves me was by my side.

Again and again, tears flowed and soaked the carriage seats.

****[Oscar, the main character] ****

The number of dead horned rabbits is estimated to be around 300.

There were slightly more of them, but the rest fled into the bushes on the other side.

The floor is all dirty with horned rabbit carcasses and blood.

None of our soldiers were wounded.

Well, if you get hurt by a horned rabbit, you’ll be called a magic soldier.

The magic captain approached with a serious expression.

“Until now, horned rabbits have rarely attacked people. Besides, there are such a large number… It’s strange, Duke.”

“Yes. But I don’t think these guys even bothered to attack us.”

That’s how I felt when I first came out of the woods.

Maybe we were just on the way to run.

Maybe it was running away from a predator.

A baby rhinoceros sleeping in the wagon was crying. He also seems to be worried about something.

I looked around and pulled the reins.

“First of all, you’d better avoid this place. If something happens again, you’ll be in trouble.”

This is in the woods.

My vision is blocked and I can’t see what’s behind that bush.

It was a better place for animals than for humans.

At my words, the soldiers started moving again.

Skirmisher checked earlier, but the Horned Rabbit did not reappear.

I can’t see any other demons either.

Except for the overgrown weeds, it was no different than usual.

The smooth road continued until the city appeared.


As our procession approached the city walls, the gatekeeper, who had been contacted by the dukedom skirmishers in advance, opened the half-open door.

The old castle gate creaked open slowly.


Their eyes met with the captain of the escort.

this is also weird

City gates are usually open until a certain time.

However, this place only opened the large gate when we arrived, and it seems that only the small side gate was open during normal times.

The skirmisher who had reached the city first saw our train arrive and ran.

He seems to have been getting information by asking various stories from the city gatekeepers and soldiers.

The skirmisher who came running after a month lowered his head and opened his mouth.

“It is said that horned rabbits have appeared in this area a few times. They are not a big threat, but I heard that they have been closed lately because they cause chaos in the city.”

As the skirmisher said, horned rabbits are not very dangerous.

Rather than attacking people directly, they ate corpses or small animals such as mice, squirrels, and badgers.

There are things that damage fields and sometimes children are attacked, but if you are careful, it is not very dangerous.

However, like normal rabbits, they have good fertility, so they need to be hunted periodically.

The skirmisher glanced around, then opened his mouth.

“I heard a grumble from one of the soldiers, who said that the horned rabbits seem to be giving birth to more babies than before. They used to have around 6, but now they are complaining that there are 10 of them. So we have to go hunting more often. .”

Horned rabbits do not have much flesh, but they are meat that humans can eat.

The hair is stiff, so you won’t get a good price, but you can sell that too.

It seems that the soldiers also liked it at first because it was an extra income.

However, horned rabbits give birth more than once a year.

The gestation period was also very short, about one month.

Horned rabbits become prey for other monsters, and humans are also hunted periodically, so their numbers are suppressed, but if more are born than die, it becomes a real difficult situation.

In addition, as the number of horned rabbits increased, the price of hides and meat fell terribly.

Far from improving the situation, rather, the number of people outside the castle decreased as horned rabbits swarmed around.

There were no rumors about horned rabbits attacking people, but the Witchbeast is a Witchbeast. Traffic is reduced as people become anxious.

It is said that as the number of horned rabbits increased and made life more difficult, the complaints of the soldiers as well as the anxiety of the people in the city increased.


The escort captain and the magic captain faced each other.

Rhinos and horned rabbits produce nearly twice as many offspring.

Somehow it doesn’t seem like a coincidence.

“It’s kind of uneasy. I think it would be better to speed up the march a bit.”

At the words of the escort captain, the magic commander also nodded.

‘Are Grandpa and Catherine okay?’

Both families have enchanted bottles.

You need to learn how to handle arrowheads with magic stones.

It’s not something you just buy.

For that reason, he sent several skilled magicians.

In the case of Catherine, there was also a duchess, so ten people were attached separately as escorts.

The grandfather himself is a soldier with a long experience, and so are the soldiers under him.

All of them were veterans of the war.

I won’t even have to worry.

‘So I really don’t worry too much.’

However, the human mind is not like that.

I looked up at the distant sky and let out a worried breath.

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  1. Gawkgawk says:

    I mean, I know she cheated but the punishment is starting to be a little too much. Unless there’s a special part she plays that the author will show later

    1. s0nablus says:

      honestly I also think the same, like yeah she cheated but it seems sooo severe, So I’m concluding that the author had a horrible experience with cheaters, be it themselves or others they know. But at the same time, girly was waayy too negligent for someone who is reborn. She expected that life would be fine and didn’t put in any effort for it, so she stumbles because she wasn’t prepared for the unexpected development.

      So I’d like to think that she was also punished for her arrogance. And the fact that she’s so hung up with her past life instead of living her current one. She had 10 years to improve her living conditions with her adoptive parents but spends too much time blaming and hating them for the bad life. S

      he didn’t put in any effort because she belived that she’ll get everything “once it’s time” which isn’t how life works, both irl nor in novels, if anything she’s kind of being used as contrast to MC who is actively trying to change his situation from the time that he’s reincarnated.

      Call it trying to justify what she’s going through, but eh, the story’s summary is the story of how his life gets better while his cheating ex’s life got worse. I never have a romantic relationship so never had a chance to be cheated on, so I don’t think it’s something that can warrant such a huge karma, but maybe for people who went through it, it justifies that.

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