The Villain Changed the Ending chapter 7

The Villain Changed the Ending 7

007 guardian

*****[Oscar, the main character]*****

Sven was getting a room in the mansion while he was my tutor.

Perhaps because traffic conditions in this world are not good, it seems that such things are common in aristocratic houses.

When Sven finished class and went to his room, the butler came in as if changing.

“Did you enjoy the class?”


when did you come

Basically, the person who waits on me all day is the nanny.

Because I was so young, I didn’t have an attendant in charge of me yet.

In fact, the person who was waiting outside when I started class was also the nanny.

Even before the accident, I was with my nanny most of the time.

I don’t know if something happened, but the butler rarely came to my side.

He is in charge of almost everything in this huge mansion, so he must be very busy.

But these days, the butler stays by my side too much time.

‘It’s a bit strange.’

At first, I thought the butler cared about me because I had been in an accident.

Even though Dennis inherited blood, he was an bastard, and I was the only heir to this family.

But even considering that, I think I see it too often.

The butler came closer and looked into my face.

“What’s wrong, young master? Is there something wrong? I heard that you are studying magic. Is there something wrong with your body?”

“No, nothing happened. Studying is fine.”

It was Sven, not me, who had a problem with his body.

“Benno, Grandpa said that the registration of the territory was over for me. Do you know anything about it?”

“Of course, Bocchan.”

The butler looked at me with a puzzled face.

“Who manages the proceeds of the estate? Is your father managing it?”

“No. The territory is a baronial territory that is separate from the duchy. Its owner is the only master, and now it is managed by the Crown Prince.”

“Then am I a baron?”

“No. Non-adults cannot receive the title. However, since they have already received His Majesty’s approval, they will receive the baronial title as soon as they become adults. Until then, the Master’s Guardian has been entrusted with full powers.”

His face was slightly wrinkled.

The guardian of a child is usually a blood relative, usually the father.

If money can only be used with the guardian’s permission, or if documents must be signed by the guardian, things will be difficult.

“Who is my guardian?”


The butler was silent for a moment and was lost in thought.

It was only me and the butler in the room.

He knelt down and looked at my face and asked in a low voice.

“Can you keep a secret?”

“Depending on the content.”

The butler smiled.

“If you can say that, then you’ll keep a secret enough.”


“This is something only me, my late grandfather, and the crown prince who rules the territory know about.”


“On the surface, the governor who rules the territory is the guardian, but in reality, I am the guardian of the young master. The governor in the territory is a scarecrow that I am setting up.”

The butler smiled softly.

“If there is anything you want, young master, please tell me at any time. Even if something difficult happens or something you cannot tell others about, please tell me, no matter how small it is.”

“Why? Why do you need to keep that a secret?”

When I asked, the butler replied as if nothing was wrong.

“Since father and mother don’t get along well, grandfather prepared a safety measure. So that if the boy gets into a difficult situation, he can get through it.”

No, that’s a bit of a clumsy answer.

I don’t know if it’s to keep the barony in my hands, but normally, I don’t appoint a guardian for my grandson without my son’s knowledge.

I asked several more times why it was a secret or if there was any special reason, but the butler didn’t say anything further.

While talking softly here and there, he didn’t respond at all.

When I had no choice but to say that I wanted some money to give to Sven, the butler asked what was going on.

“I bought your study. That’s the cost.”

“That’s… very rare. Could it be that Mr. Sven asked you to do that?”

The butler’s gaze sharpened slightly.

I think I thought Sven was using me.

I thought that sanctions would be applied to him if he did something wrong, so I quickly added my words.

“No, I asked the teacher. Sven didn’t induce me like that. I really liked the research, so I wanted to have it.”

It may have been a little hard to believe my words.

the butler asked politely.

“I’m sorry, Bocchan, but would you mind if I take a look at the contract?”

If my grandfather had made him my guardian, I could trust him.

I handed over the contract, and after reading it, Benno politely handed it back to me.

“The content of the contract is beyond reproach. It’s definitely more favorable to the boy than to Sven. It’s great.”

Of course.

It’s really difficult if you can’t even make a simple contract after 30 years of rolling and working in the modern world.

“After I pay Sven the amount according to the contract, I will receive a confirmation letter.”

“Thank you. By the way, why does Benno come to me more often than before?”

I asked as if it was nothing.

If the butler doesn’t tell you what the ulterior motive is, try asking another way.

“Bocchan, are you uncomfortable with me coming often?”

“No, I just know that the butler is very busy.”

“You took care of me. Thank you, young master.”

But it seems like he’s just trying to get over it.

You’re quick-witted, Benno.

“You are the only heir to the ducal family, and the future head of the family. It is natural for me to be with such a young boy.”

“Then shouldn’t I go to my father’s side more often? My father has just become the head of the family, so he will need Benno’s help more.”

Come to think of it, the old butler was always next to my grandfather.

Because of that, in me, the butler is the perception that he is next to the family head.

‘Oh, by any chance Benno doesn’t recognize his father as the head of the family?’

Seeing my startled face, the butler seems to have realized what I was thinking.

He had a slightly regretful expression on his face.

The butler smiled and lowered his head slightly.

“I was simply worried about you. Because there was such a big accident. I was just worried about when the same thing would happen to your body again.”

“I’m fine.”

“…Could you keep your thoughts a little while ago? I feel ashamed if other people think that way. My immaturity has been exposed.”

As expected, the butler seems to be displeased with his father becoming the head of the household.


“Thank you, Bocchan. Then I will guide you to your room.”

I walked down the long corridor of the mansion with Benno.

The nanny follows right behind.

My block was at one end of the main mansion.

Connected to the main building through a long corridor, it is said that it was designed as a children’s space from the time the mansion was first built.

For this reason, the building itself was round and soft.

The interior is also decorated in a warm and cozy atmosphere.

For generations, when the duke’s son is born, they live in that space until they reach adulthood.

Because only a limited number of people were allowed to enter that area, the lessons with Sven were conducted in the main building.

The mansion is very large, and some areas are in the form of rooms adjoining long corridors, but some are corridors by opening a few doors in a large hall, and others are connected by high or low stairs.

In case the enemy comes, there are places that are connected in a winding way like a maze, so you have to go up and down the stairs and corridors.

In short, we had to walk a lot from the main building to the children’s area.

The distance you have to walk is several times longer than the actual straight line distance.


I am an adult mentally, but a child physically.

In addition, the aftermath of the accident may have been greater than expected, and although he looked fine without any bruises, there was still a sore spot.

It is difficult to walk for a long time.

‘Still, aristocrats shouldn’t show pain.’

This is a phrase that Oscar has heard countless times from his grandfather since he was a child.

I let out a small sigh and walked away.

Since the servant’s aisle is separate so that he does not meet with the nobles, as he moves away from the office, he disappears without realizing it.

With no one around, the butler hugged me.


“There’s no one right now. It’s after a big accident. Master’s body hasn’t completely returned to normal yet. If you work too hard, you’ll get a fever.”

After saying that, the head butler started to walk while talking about this and that, saying that it would be boring.

These are mostly old stories.

Things like the unknowns that the head of the family several generations ago wandered around this country when he was young, and the stories about his interactions with other countries.

‘Is it simply that he came to me frequently because he was worried about me? They say that children die easily in this world.’

Through the novel, I know that Oscar grows up without any problems until he becomes an adult, but neither the head butler nor his mother know that.

He was just a weak child with no masculinity yet, so maybe he was really just worried about his one and only successor.

The guardianship issue still bothers me, but maybe my grandfather was minding Dennis’ business.

It could be that he was preparing for the time when his father, blinded by love, tried to appoint Dennis as his heir.

I relaxed from my body and leaned my head on the butler’s shoulder.

I tried to grasp possible situations in order to survive, but I don’t know if I was overly sensitive.

‘I need to relax a bit.’

The female protagonist appears in the aristocratic society in the year she turns 16.

She will be five years old like me now, but that time is still far off.

It’s not something that will be over in a month or two.

If you act too impatiently, you will be exhausted before the doomsday comes.

‘are you okay. I can do it.’

I closed my eyes.

The butler continued his story in a soft voice.

“… The situation has stabilized for the past ten years, but there are still embers left. Small battles are still taking place away from the capital. The danger of barbarians is still there.”

The country has vast grasslands and deserts to the north.

Barbarians lived in the grasslands, so they were often invaded.

In fact, in the novel, barbarians invade on a scale that has never been seen before ten years later.

At that time, it was the prince who led the army and defeated the barbarians.

Thanks to that achievement, the prince is able to marry the heroine of a low status that he desires.

‘In the novel, there was no saying that the female protagonist would become the Crown Princess, but that’s what it means to be the wife of a reborn prince.’

On the other hand, Oscar, blinded by jealousy, colludes with the barbarians.

In a word, it was treason.

Maybe he thought he had no choice but to become a king himself in order to get the woman he liked.

Rebellion usually destroys the whole family, but there was nothing like that in the novel.

Oscar is executed for misdeeds other than treason.

I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes because the exact details haven’t been released, but looking at it now, I don’t know if the duchy and the royal family were holding hands behind the scenes.

The duchy is the biggest supporter of the royal family.

If the ducal family collapsed, the power of the royal family would weaken, so no one would have wished for such a thing.


I let out a small sigh.

In the novel, barbarians almost invade the capital.

Barbarians are a cruel people.

The number of territories and people trampled on the road they passed through was described as almost ruined.

‘Should I just run away to a foreign country before the barbarians invade. If I make money and go abroad.’

I remembered the face of my father who was about to punch my mother.

To a man like that, my beautiful mother is too precious.

mother is still young

I was younger than I was in my previous life.

In the future, I will be able to meet other men and become happy.

You can enjoy happiness as a woman.


Mother will never obey my will.

Without knowing what the future holds, there is no way he would follow his son to run away to a foreign country.

Besides, the happiness of a mother who grew up as an aristocratic nutrition may be different from what I thought.

‘It can’t be helped.’

I have to come up with a way to protect myself and my mother before the barbarians attack.

My magic power alone is not enough.

you need troops

My heart, thinking that there was still time, became impatient again.

I took several breaths to calm my mind.

The butler was still talking.

“… The Bocchan’s maternal family, the Marquess of Hoven, is aristocratic, and our Duke of Weiss is a royalist. In addition, the Marquis of Petrie, who is engaged to the Bocchan, is a neutral faction. It leaves a way to connect to the faction, because even if you fall into the worst of things, if you have a blood connection, you can somehow see through the words of the other faction.”


Before I knew it, the story was turning from a simple old story to politics.

The head butler repeated the same story several times in different ways, as if he wanted me to remember.


What are you asking of a five-year-old?

Maybe the butler wants me to become the head of the family, not my father.

I do not know.

However, I am grateful for the stories of politics and the current situation that cannot be encountered on a daily basis.

It will be the basis for judging how to act in the future.

‘Because I’m only 5 years old, it’s kind of unnatural for me to ask you to talk about politics…’

I listened to the butler’s voice and quietly put the contents in my head.

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  1. ashy larry says:

    His father already had a lover before he was even born so I believe that he wanted someone else who made him feel like not a loser. His grandfather seems to have given up on him and MC mother was probably too excellent so it made him feel small. It doesn’t take much for an idiot to hate someone.

  2. His wife wrote this novel, I think, out of love for her, even if it wasn’t an interesting story, he would have read it completely, and most likely his full pedigree was revealed there, but as we see, nothing is said about it. By the way, I don’t understand at all why his father hates him so much…

  3. Merkz ZZ Merkz ZZ says:

    I wonder if the butler is his real father.

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