The Villainess Whom I Had Served for 13 Years Has Fallen chapter 118

118 - The Sad Love Story of a Certain Villainess -2-

118 – The Sad Love Story of a Wicked Woman -2-

[Perspective shift]

The blue window whispered into Olivia’s ear with an emotionless voice.

– At that time, you didn’t know.

– You didn’t know the reason why your butler left. You just thought he submitted his resignation because he felt bad, and you thought he would come back someday.

– You never thought that Ricardo left your side because of the aftermath of dark magic. You, at that time.

– You were a fool.

– You at that time, and your butler.

The voice of the blue window lacked emotion. Despite speaking in a steady tone, it seemed to carry the emotion of sadness, even in the cold voice of a woman.

It’s strange, isn’t it?

-Time flows.

-You attended the academy as before, still fond of Mikhail. You were captivated by his appearance, continuing a foolish one-sided love.

-You gave Mikhail expensive gifts that you never gave to the butler, and freely indulged in behavior without Ricardo’s interference.

-Of course, as time passed, your human relationships deteriorated. The absence of the butler, who always stood by your side, did not pose a danger to you.

-Instead, you seemed to enjoy the liberation. The presence of the butler, who had always been your restraint, had only been a hindrance to you.

-Even your parents did not stop you, saying, ‘Who are you.’ Sometimes you missed him. When you heard harsh words from Mikhail or when everyone turned their backs on you and spoke ill, you missed the comforting presence of the butler.

-Your honest heart believed that Ricardo would come back. You never thought Ricardo would discard the time and friendship you shared. And your money.

-Contrary to your thoughts, Ricardo’s absence lengthened over time. Your life began to weigh heavily.

-No one remained by your side. Originally, there was no one, but the absence of the butler made your loneliness gradually repugnant.

-You were fragile.

-Feeling tempted to look back at the dark magic book.

From Noble mtl dot com

-The perspective shifts.

-You get a glimpse of Ricardo’s life after leaving you.

-After Ricardo submitted his resignation, six months passed. You read about Ricardo’s life after leaving Olivia.


The trembling voice of the blue window spoke.

For the first time, the emotional voice of the blue window spoke not with cold emotion but with a trembling that seemed to come from the depths of the chest.

-I regret it.



As soon as I opened my eyes, what I saw was red blood oozing out of Ricardo’s mouth.

The rough coughing and the spreading red blood in the room stained the white pillow and blanket with a crimson hue.

-Cough… Cough… Haa… Haa…

The coughing didn’t stop.

Even after a long time had passed, enough to think it would subside, the rough sound of breathing, as if scraping the flesh, continued without ceasing.

Ricardo’s groans, as he struggled to breathe, grew louder, and at the same time, his face began to contort in pain.

-Painkillers… Where are the painkillers?

The one greeting Olivia as she opened her eyes was Ricardo lying on the old bed.

The sight of Ricardo lying in a place even more dismal than the small room of the mansion where they used to live appeared desolate to Olivia’s eyes.

“You said we would live well….”

Olivia spoke to Ricardo with a trembling voice.

“You said we would live well with the money we saved up…!”

The image of him opening a shop and living in a quiet neighborhood in the countryside was nowhere to be seen. The sight of Ricardo, who seemed to be far from peace and had piled up emotions like happiness, was not the image Olivia had imagined.

“What is this, you idiot…!”

Olivia looked at Ricardo with trembling eyes.

Even though she had heard that he couldn’t defeat black magic, Olivia’s heart had been resolute. She believed Ricardo would overcome it. She had thought that confidently after six months, he would overcome it.

However, the sight before his eyes now contradicted his beliefs.

A fierce wind swept through Olivia’s heart. The faith that had embraced a fleeting hope was undulating like turbulent waves.

“Ricardo couldn’t overcome dark magic.”

Once again, the blue window reminded Olivia of her mistake.

“I know. I understand.”

The voice of a silent woman made Olivia’s heart ache.

“Originally, Ricardo should have taken on the side effects of the dark magic you were supposed to endure. He would have used his ‘limit-breaking’ ability to transfer any pain away from you, just so you wouldn’t suffer.”

“But now Ricardo is healthy…”

The blue window interjected with a cold voice, almost as if questioning Olivia’s mutterings.

“It doesn’t matter. If Ricardo hadn’t been lucky back then, the reality you see now would have come true.”

“Unlucky, you say?”

“Ricardo has less than four months left to live.”

“So, Ricardo chose to part ways with you because of his impending fate.”

The blue window spoke calmly.

Lucky, they said.

Such dry words from the blue window pierced Olivia’s chest like a dagger. At the same time, Olivia could only gaze at Ricardo with helpless eyes.

“Don’t talk nonsense… Ricardo is strong! He wouldn’t succumb to something like this…”

Olivia once again spat out frustration at the blue window. Ricardo, filled with anger, retorted to the blue window that he wasn’t weak.

But as always, the blue window remained indifferent.

4 months.

It was said that Ricardo had four months.

Although described as a space within a fantasy that could not happen in reality, the voice of the blue window declaring the deadline sounded more terrifying to Olivia than the midnight cry of a hyena.

‘It won’t happen.’

Olivia shook her head.

Because she wanted to deny it.

But in her mind, Ricardo’s face flashed like a will-o’-the-wisp.

Until now, she had never seen a future where Ricardo dies, no matter what fantasy she witnessed.

Even though she had seen fantasies where he mourned his own death and got injured. She had never seen a fantasy where she could never see his face again.

Always smiling brightly.

Ricardo’s bright smile, who always watched over her, never left her mind.

Even though she could see it when the hallucination ends.

Olivia was scared.

In her mind, negative thoughts like ‘I can never see him again’ filled up, and she felt like tears would come flooding.

Just a world in the illusion, but to Olivia, the words that she couldn’t see Ricardo again were more frightening than any other words.

Gradually, the figure of Ricardo lying on the bed begins to appear in Olivia’s clearing pupils.

The figure of Ricardo lying on the bed looked languid.

Dark circles under his eyes were full, and he seemed breathless. The muscles that once filled his entire body remained, but the grandeur of the past was nowhere to be found.

Ricardo, sitting on the edge of the bed, was looking at the ceiling with tired eyes.

Breathing heavily with a restless chest, Ricardo seemed to be enduring terrible pain, and his eyelids were trembling.

Olivia reached out her trembling hand to him,

[Observer’s perspective]

But sadly, the blue window denied her request.

*Sigh*… *sigh*… I guess I won’t be taking this medicine anymore. I bought it at a high price… damn it.

Ricardo threw the medicine bottle in his hand under the bed and shook his head.

The sight of Ricardo swallowing the white pills heavily weighed down Olivia’s heart.

I wonder if he’s doing well.

After swallowing the pills, Ricardo furrowed his brow and muttered as if the words were flowing out.

Even without much thought, Olivia knew that she was the person Ricardo was worried about.

My body is like this, I can’t even go to see them.

Ricardo’s body gently emerged from under the blanket. Olivia let out a dry breath at the sight of his body without a shirt, covered in wounds.

It’s disturbing to look at, even for me.

The wounds starting from Ricardo’s right hand were in a more horrifying state than when I saw them in the closet.

The necrotic skin spread all over his body, engulfing his torso and reaching his neck. His decaying skin was strangling his life.

The sheets on the bed were stained dirty by the oozing pus and blood from his body. Olivia couldn’t lift her head.

“Is it because of me that he ended up like this?”

As Olivia stared blankly at Ricardo,

Water spilled from the cup. To get out of bed, Ricardo began to move his body.

He gripped the bed with his hand.

With a pained sigh, he slowly reached out his hand towards the wooden wheelchair beside the bed.

No cushion.

Facing Ricardo’s desolate figure reaching out towards the unimpressive wheelchair made of only wood, Olivia extended a trembling hand to push the wheelchair.

[Observer’s perspective.]

As always, the cold blue window did not permit its modest touch.

-One. Two… Three…! Huh-cha.



Ricardo was laughing.

Gazing blankly at his motionless legs, even as he sighed deeply towards the ceiling, the laughter didn’t fade from his lips.

Olivia’s face twisted at his laughter.


Alone in the lonely room with no one around, he seemed foolish.

Unlike Ricardo, who was always there for her, the sight of Ricardo alone was so pitiful.

Simultaneously, a sense of guilt washed over her.

While shielding her eyes from sadness, Ricardo’s subdued voice pierced coldly into Olivia’s heart.

-Well, I think it’s fortunate. You don’t have to see me like this.

Not lamenting his situation, just.

-But… I miss you. Miss.

He kept on smiling.

-I’m glad I’m sick.

-The perspective shifts.

[<3rd Side Story> The second chapter of ‘The Sad Love Story of a Certain Villainess.’ begins, ‘I Am Embarrassed by You.’]

-In this story, Yuria comes to hate you.

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  1. amogustimestwo says:

    tbh I thought Ricardo made the system at first bc of the task but it makes sense for it to be a FL

  2. Lorus says:

    High chances Olivia is behind the system.

  3. Vamshi says:

    The system seems to be a women and the system loves ricardo more than any girl in the novel

  4. God Heaven God Heaven says:

    Interesting the system does have a conscious and it said “you” before changing it to “I”
    Regret could Olivia have some connection to the system?

    1. Kingshand says:

      Probably, this was the ‘originial’ timeline, with no system, where Ricardo just outright sacrificed everything for her (he still has his past life memories though), and ended up dieing like this in the end. Eventually she comes to regret it to use any and all means, Including black magic, to turn back the clock and give him a chance and some advantages, as well as to scold those she believe needed to be scolded, especially her past self, though she only did it under the condition they crossed the line, except for this of course.

    2. Dootdeedooterson says:

      The “I” is probably a red herring. I do agree with the other comment thst this is the true timeline but I doubt it’s Olivia it’s probably either Yuria or the creator goddess who reincarnated him to fulfill a task and she lamented at his death

      However regardless of who it is seems tolove him deeply

  5. I was wondering if Yuria would be in the story!

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