The Villainess Whom I Had Served for 13 Years Has Fallen chapter 130

130 - Yuria Won't Like You. -1-

130 – Yuria Won’t Like You. -1-

In a dark space.

With his head bowed, Lune sharpened his sword and thought about what had happened with Hans.

The conversation he had with Hans on the day he escaped from the basement and was locked up was disturbing Lune’s mind.

-Hey. Let me ask you one thing.


-Why did you do that?


-No matter how much I think about it, I don’t understand.


Hans didn’t open his mouth. He simply kept his mouth shut and bowed his head.

Seeing that guy bowing his head as if he had become a criminal, Lune didn’t feel good.

He didn’t expect that the model student who lived in the library with thick books on his side would end up like this.

-Why did you dabble in black magic, I’m asking you.

He didn’t think that guy would do such a sinister thing. He was quiet, but always had a smile on his face, and had a fragile heart that couldn’t even kill a small bug.

That’s why he couldn’t believe it even more.

It felt like he was putting his hope on a slim chance.

Ruin knew that erasing Hans’ inspiration was a mistake.

Because Ruin didn’t know what Hans would do once the barrier was gone. Hans was an unpredictable opponent, so there must have been a reason for warning Ruin to keep the inspiration quiet.

That his friend was a bad guy.

That Hans was a criminal who killed people. Ruin knew.

But accepting the corruption of a long-time friend wasn’t easy, and it led to the foolish act of erasing Hans’ inspiration. They had been friends for over ten years, so Ruin wanted to believe in their doubts.


The childhood years spent with Hans continued to whisper mercy to Ruin.

-Why did you do that…!

Hope that there would be a reason behind their friend’s actions rose to the surface.

Every time, inspiration said the same.

“Why do you live without thinking?”

Stupidly causing incidents by not controlling their anger, even though they could have gotten better results if they just held back a bit. Inspiration had scolded themselves for making foolish choices and ruining things.

It was a natural thing to say.

I knew it too.

How much I couldn’t control my anger.

That I was a person who threw punches before words, who solved problems with force rather than rational conversation. I knew I had a lot of issues.

But how could I change that when it was the best way, when I had lived like that and received such treatment? I couldn’t change a long-standing habit in an instant.

Still, I tried to remain calm this time.

I tried to have a rational conversation with Hans, following the inspiration’s advice to hold back my emotions.

From Noble mtl dot com

Because I wanted to believe.

There were other circumstances.

Unavoidable circumstances.

Hans wanted to hear from his friend that it was a choice he made.

Because they were friends.

“Ha… Rune.”

But his friend did not tell him the words he wanted to hear and answered with a cold smile.

“Do you really not know?”

His companion, who had been bowing his head, let out a deep sigh and opened his tightly closed mouth. After being exhausted for a long time, his voice was hoarse, but the voice that came out was full of annoyance and anger.

Hans spoke with a voice that suppressed his emotions. The voice, as if trying to control his anger, rang in his ears like a cracking sound.

“Why did you do that?”

“Rune, why did you do that to me?”

In Hans’ eyes, as he slowly lifted his slumped head, deep hatred was filled.

It was the first time. Hans, who had only shown innocent laughter, had such a cold expression.

The pouring of suppressed flesh. As the time spent in the dark prison of buried emotions grew longer, it seemed to amplify.


With the sound of the rattling of the chains that bound his hands, Hans shouted.

“Don’t say comforting words. You’re the one who’s pretending to know.”

“That’s why…”

“You don’t know.”

– So, you’re asking me! Why did I do that!

– Sigh… Seriously.

Hans let out a dry laugh.

Not a mocking laugh, but a hollow laughter, inhaling the damp air of the prison.

– Do you know that feeling? The feeling of your name following me wherever I go?

– What?

– Even when I achieve something new in magic. Even when I discover an undiscovered formula. It’s always your name that follows me, and you don’t know that feeling.

– …

– Ridiculous.

– … Just ignore it. Fucking ignore it! If someone said that to me, I would have helped them!

At that moment, Hans spoke to himself with a bitter smile.

– It’s you.

– What?

– It’s you, you! Can’t you even do that in front of me? Barely managing to cast one Fireball and laughing, asking if that’s magic! Me! Me! Fucking hell, isn’t it because of you that I chose this path!

With his hands bound in the shackles, Hans glared at Ruen with bloodshot eyes.

– I will slowly take everything away from you.

– …

– Everything you love, everything you cherish! I will take it all away.

And Hans finally uttered the words that severed the ties he had been holding onto.

– Yuria…

The moment Yuri’s name, whom Hans had simply regarded as a friend, flowed out of his mouth, his heart felt as if it was freezing and hardening.

“Yeah, Yuri, the one you like.”

The moment malicious words about Yuri flowed out of his long-time friend’s mouth.

“I’m going to kill you.”

For the first time, he wanted to kill him.

In truth, Hans hadn’t uttered a single word about Ricardo.

He wanted to come up with a plausible excuse for the Tower Master and didn’t want to worry him.

He came up with an easy excuse to say.

The cause of Hans’ escape…

Ruin was hiding the fact that it was not a provocation between Ricardo and me, but an incident stemming from a threat to Yuri’s life.

Hans had crossed the line that should not be crossed with his burning eyes.

“You have to be careful. There won’t be a second chance. I don’t have anything to lose anymore.”

He couldn’t hold back and punched.

Hans fell into his own trap, looking good.


As I sat next to the lady suffering from a reading allergy, I absentmindedly looked out the window with her.


“You want to read a book?”


“Oh, then here it is.”

“I won’t look.”

“I see. Then we’ll see each other tonight.”

“I won’t look!”

As always, the absent-minded lady seemed oblivious to the butler’s feelings.

Indeed, knowledge is something that, the more you accumulate, can be of great help in life. But the lady seemed determined to harden her mind and gather knowledge, as if it were a deliberate effort.

I reached out and spun her temple.


“Your blood needs to circulate for the desire to study to arise.”

“It’s spinning…! The world is spinning!”

“How about that? Now you feel like studying…”

“I won’t do it! I hate studying!”

The lady endured the pain as if her temple were being pierced, firmly isolating herself from her studies.

“What can I do?”

It would be nice if the lady would learn magic, but her strong will not to do it made it difficult to force her.

I didn’t want to make her do something against her will.

I spun the lady’s head and looked up at the cloudy sky.


Is it going to snow?

It seemed that on such gloomy days, someone with a story would always come to the mansion…

I thought of the girl who came to the mansion with a sword on a rainy spring day. She had come up with a feeble excuse about wanting to drink cheap green tea, but she was crying that day and carried a heavy burden.

It was a day similar to today.

A day with lots of clouds in the sky and rain falling.

That’s why I felt even more anxious.

Because I hate troublesome things.

Even though there are no guests coming to the mansion.

“Come to think of it, it’s about time to start.”


The young lady, who overheard my muttering, turned her head and looked at me. Her hair was disheveled from the intense torture, and there were stray strands sticking to her sweaty forehead.

The young lady furrowed her brow as she was bothered by the stray strands irritating her forehead.

“Ah… Ah-choo!”

-Bless you.



“Why is that…”

The young lady showed me her hand with the sneeze on it. I flinched and stepped back as she tried to wipe her nose on her holy maid uniform, and I took out a handkerchief from my apron pocket and handed it to her.

The young lady sniffled and blew her nose.

She smiled happily, shivering her shoulders.

“So, what is it that’s starting?”

“Ah… Choosing tonight’s dinner menu.”


“Is it a beef stew with lots of paprika?”

“Eeek! Don’t abuse the nobles!”

“I apologize. I can’t stand it because my hobby is abusing nobles.”

“Uh-oh! I’m going to starve!”

Slowly, an episode of Uriah being kidnapped was approaching.

The story of the cultist who recognized Uriah’s possession and tried to kidnap her was getting closer.

It’s a problem that will solve itself if left alone, but I’m a little worried.

Was she staring out the window for a moment?

The lady who nervously brushed off the stray hair from her face pointed to the front gate of the mansion with her finger, accompanied by a small question mark.

“Ricardo, someone is coming.”

“What? No one should be coming.”

“No, a broom is walking.”

“A broom?”

I raised my head and looked down at the mansion’s yard.

Huh. It’s true.

Someone is walking towards us.

The familiar figure of a man was coming from outside the window.

Green hair.

A supporting male lead who resembled a broom.

Ruine was walking towards us with a dark expression.


Of course, I was caught by the bear’s legs.

-Let go! You little bear cub!


It didn’t seem like a fake.

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  1. Buckget22 says:

    Man this new chapters were great. Waiting for the next 10 chapters

    1. Buckget22 says:

      *these new chapters were great. Mtl is messing up my grammar now

  2. Wikka says:

    it’s not a cliff but a shallow hole on this update.
    I think there are some novel said grimoires contain not only knowledge, but also transplant/added new magic circuit to use the unique magic magic of that grimoire. I hope Olivia would get that chance

  3. Extra Extra says:

    Binging this from the start to here was quite the ride. Awesome novel so far.

    Moar please

  4. Zhen Wu says:

    Thanks for the chapters, so in the end you are going to give the book of celestial magic to the seaweed head

  5. It was not enough! More!

    Thanks for the chapters!

  6. birch hero slayer says:

    another clift. dang it. thanks for the update tho

  7. Gracias por la actualización estuvo bueno 👌😊👌

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