The Villainess Whom I Had Served for 13 Years Has Fallen chapter 163

163 - Dislike of Kongogi.

163 – Dislike of Kongogi.

I let out a bitter laugh at Mikhail’s words.

Telling me not to act high and mighty was like telling an embodied spirit not to breathe; it was essentially asking the impossible.

It might be an unfortunate sound, but it was true that I was exceptional.

I made a helpless expression and timidly expressed my opinion to Mikhail.

“I’m sorry. Being exceptional is not something I can control. I don’t want to act high and mighty either, but I’m just too outstanding. It seems inevitable.”

At the same time, I informed Mikhail of a groundbreaking way to solve this issue.

“If you really don’t like it, if Mikhail is more competent than me, the problem will be solved. Then there won’t be such incidents, and you’ll feel better…”

Mikhail started to tremble slightly. His expression, looking at me with an eye furrowed like seeing an unlucky person, was astounding.

I smiled faintly at Mikhail.

“Am I just too unfortunate? I’m sorry. Just think of me as ‘a strange person.’ Please try to understand that. Are you not used to it by now?”

Mikhail clenched his fist and glared at me.

“I dislike the fact that you always appear at dangerous moments, acting as if nothing is wrong, making people look like fools, which angers me.”

I responded to Mikhail’s harsh words without much reaction.

I knew to some extent that he disliked me. And Mikhail was also in a fragile state of mind.

Losing an enemy in front of his eyes.

Keeping secrets that I didn’t want to know.

Since everything he went through was related to him, I could somewhat understand Mikhail’s feelings.

I put my hand in my pocket, nodded at Mikhail’s words, and replied.

“So, what do you want me to do for you?”


“You dislike it this way. You resent it even if I help. You just have bad luck. So, what do you want me to do?”

I sighed heavily, expressing my dissatisfaction with Mikhail’s vague complaints.

“No matter what I do, you’ll dislike it, right? I feel the same way. Isn’t it time for you to admit that?”

I said as I looked at the fallen disciple’s body in the forest. The number of fallen disciples by my sword was ten. And the number of fallen disciples by Hanna’s sword was eight.

Mikhail’s eyes, seeing a considerable number of corpses, started to show frequent fluctuations.

“You know it wouldn’t have been resolved without me. It was the same before, and it’s the same now, isn’t it?”

Mikhail shook his head vigorously and spat out bitterly.

“Even without you, we would have been enough!”

“Are you trying to make everyone die?”


“If Yuria and Hanna died here, why would you blame others for not helping when everyone dies?”

Mikhail, with a complex expression, recalled the past as he remembered his past self, who found a hero in the slums where no one came that day, and spoke fiercely with a boiling voice.

“Just shut up.”

I said firmly to Mikhail.

“Regretting what has already happened is meaningless.”


“Until when will you indulge in heroics, both in the past and now? No one asked you to do so.”


I gazed at Mikhail and slowly spoke about the harsh reality.

The fact that you can breathe now.

That you haven’t stained your hands with the detestable blood.

When you look at everything closely, it was your job to do, yet you feel no emotion towards what I did for you. I reprimanded Mikhail in a calm voice.

I am not the protagonist.

I am not a hero who gives kindness for free, nor a priest who gives love, so there is no reason for me to consider others altruistically.

Of course, I was a fool to show kindness to the lady and other supporting characters, but that was merely fulfilling my duty as a possessor.

Essentially, I am a coward who protects only those within my selfish boundaries… To put it plainly, I could be called a villain. From that perspective, Mikhail’s words were not entirely wrong.

I sighed deeply and said to Mikhail.

“I do not expect thanks.”

Slowly spitting out the words inside me, I said quietly.

“I didn’t seek heroic treatment, knowing you wouldn’t do that. There is only one thing I want.”

“Don’t hope. There’s nothing I can do for you.”

“I wish I could say the same. Mikhail keeps getting himself into trouble, doesn’t he?”

I expressed my true feelings to Mikhail.


Mixed with affection.

As a concerned friend, I slowly voiced an unreasonable request buried in my heart.

“Please don’t get hurt. I worry about you.”

Taking a deep breath, Mikhail clenched his fist and spoke to me in a cold voice.

“Who am I to worry about myself?”

“Aren’t we friends?”

Mikhail answered without a hint of hesitation.

“Don’t intertwine your life with mine. It’s repulsive, so back off.”

His words were too harsh.

Yet, I refrained from cursing.

With a bitter heart, I forced a wry smile and untangled my complex emotions.

“Mikhail, at least get some treatment.”


“You’re losing too much blood.”

Mikhail looked down at his body.

The wound he sustained in the recent battle seemed deeper than he thought, blood staining his clothes.

With trembling eyes, Mikhail quickly turned away and started to leave.

I couldn’t understand why he was so flustered, but maybe this conversation was coming to an end.

Raising my hand, I began to leave my seat.

“I’m going.”


“I’ll eat well.”

[Q. Mikhail’s Guardian,]

There was a prosecutor who met an enemy.

The prosecutor was a person with a gentle heart.

Disliking murder, they believed in reforming evildoers through idealistic sentiments.

Thinking that if the boy who had been their light was still alive, he would have lived like this, they had been educated in hope during their time at the convent.

The prosecutor suddenly had this thought.

What if ‘that man. How would I react when facing the enemy who killed the boy.’

Now, after much time has passed, the prosecutor, thinking that the weight of emotions had lessened, internally decided on forgiveness as the answer, and today that day has arrived.

And the prosecutor realizes how strong their hatred was.

(!) Please help the endangered Mikhail.

From Noble mtl dot com

1. Protect Mikhail without killing the Archbishop of Oblivion ‘Yung.’ (1/1)

Reward: Unveil Terving’s hidden ability.

Failure: Mikhail’s collapse


Another languid day in Olivia’s room.

Olivia sat there, absentmindedly staring at the rainy sky, sniffing from time to time.


On this chilly day with a touch of spring, Olivia, wrapped in a blanket, gazed out the window.

The rain gradually subsided.

The clouds loomed heavy.

Under the gloomy weather, Olivia’s mood sank even lower.

“So boring.”

Ricardo had gone out for work, and the emergency food… or rather, the bear stew, seemed to emit an odor from the corner due to the rain, while the bored Olivia yawned, trying to alleviate her boredom.


Indeed, watching the house alone was quite challenging.

Staring blankly out the window without anyone to share the moment required a great deal of concentration. Olivia had to keep an eye out for burglars and chase away those who defaced the mansion, so she squinted her eyes, focusing all her attention.

With pride in her profession, Olivia nodded her head.


Leaving that aside, why wasn’t Ricardo back yet? It should be about time by now.

“I’ll work and be back, Miss.”

“Huh? Ricardo, you’re unemployed.”

“I’m not unemployed. Being a butler is a proper job.”

“And what about me being unemployed?”

“Take pride in being unemployed.”


Ricardo, who had found a part-time job, had promised to return before sunset today. He even vowed to give two chocolates if he was late, but the sun was already halfway down.

Leaning her face against the window frame, Olivia puffed her cheeks and pouted, letting the wind blow on her face.

“Sigh… You’re late.”

Olivia’s annoyance, expressed with pursed lips, continued for about ten minutes.

In the distance, a familiar man was approaching.


With red hair and something in his hands, Ricardo was walking towards Olivia with a confident stride, causing a smile to spread across her face.

“It’s Ricardo…!”

Ricardo, approaching cheerfully, waved his hand vigorously at Olivia, who was also waving her hand energetically, and she greeted him with a loud voice.

“Ricardo! What’s for dinner tonight?!”

Ricardo smiled brightly, holding up a bag.

“Tonight’s dinner is stir-fried beans and vegetables!”

Olivia didn’t like Ricardo’s choice.

“Get lost!”


Nevertheless, as expected.

“I want to eat something else!”

“Just eat what’s given to you!”


Olivia liked Ricardo.

Like a friend.

It was fun to be together.

The worries disappeared, which was nice.


It didn’t seem like that.

It was regrettable to label this fuzzy feeling as friendship.

Although the answer had not been found yet.


“Get lost!”

Liked Ricardo.

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  1. Wikka says:

    Tyrving has another ability??

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