The Villainess Whom I Had Served for 13 Years Has Fallen chapter 18

18 - Hanna's Suggestion

18 – Hanna’s Suggestion

Three weeks have passed since Hanna’s departure.

Rowen couldn’t lift her head.

Hanna left the house, declaring she didn’t want to stay there anymore, and returned to the academy after living at our mansion.

Since she said she would be staying in the dormitory, the next meeting might not be until the winter break. Our mansion is in the countryside, and the academy is in the capital. It’s not an easily commutable distance. It’ll probably be a while before we see each other.

After the academy’s vacation ended, the only news I heard about Hanna was on one page of the newspaper.

[“Histania’s third princess, achieving 1st place in the combined 1st and 2nd year rankings in the Royal Academy competition by defeating Mikhail, expressed her feelings, saying that she could be in this position because there was someone she liked the most,” speculating that she might be referring to Mikhail or her father, Histania Rowen, but she firmly denied it.]

Seeing the photo in the newspaper, I couldn’t hide my proud smile.

She was holding a trophy and smiling broadly.

It seemed like she had finally unloaded a heavy burden from her shoulders. I’ve only seen her hunched over and crying all the time, you know.

It was strangely satisfying, and it felt like she had changed her future for the better.

The best part was probably Mikhail’s defeat. It felt really good to break the nose of that guy who lived in his own little world. The first year beating the second year…

I wanted to see Mikhail’s expression, but I decided to endure it.

Mikhail and I seem to have an unpleasant relationship, so we could only wish for each other’s misfortune.

It was a great time in many ways. We earned a lot of money and could build a friendship. It was probably the most meaningful time of the year. I should think about taking the lady out for a meal when the thought comes to mind.


I met the gaze of a lady who seemed to be glaring at me to the point of poking holes in the newspaper.

I quickly folded the newspaper and hid it under the blanket.

“Why are you hiding it? I’m curious too, so let’s look at it together.”

“No, you don’t want to see the content.”

“Is it that bad?”

“No, it’s just that if the lady sees it, she might faint.”

“No, I’m mentally strong.”

The lady flexed her arm, and the two tiny biceps were revealed. It looked like she might burst into laughter at the sight of the unimpressive muscles, but she furrowed her brow and squeezed the muscles seriously, pinching her thigh and holding back her laughter.

“Wow! How about that? I’m strong, right?”


As we applauded and cheered, the lady smiled and showed her other arm on the opposite side. Seeing her puny biceps, I thought I should feed her more meat in the future.

The lady couldn’t seem to forget her curiosity. She kept asking me over and over what the newspaper article was about, so I decided to tell her the edited version of the content that wouldn’t startle her.

“Hanna said.”



“Why? Didn’t she buy a house?”

“No. She says she took first place at the Academy.”

“Oh…! The beggar made it!”

The lady who was several times wealthier than us. I decided not to correct the lady’s misunderstanding. Protecting the owner’s pride was also a virtue of a butler.

If the lady were to learn that Hanna is wealthier than us, she might even go on a hunger strike, thinking she needs to save money.

“That’s right. It seems like we eat well and sleep well.”

“Is that so?”

“Of course. Didn’t the lady sweep through her first year like a whirlwind in her prime?”

In street fights.

The lady smiled in response.

“Right! I worked a little magic.”

“That’s true.”

The lady was laughing so heartily that it made me feel good.

“Yeah… hehehehe. I made quite a name for myself at the Academy.”



There was a hint of nostalgia in the lady’s smile.

She must be happy for her friend, but at the same time, she probably wants to go to the Academy herself. She would like to ask Hanna for help soon, but as we know, Hanna is a busy person.

Unlike us, who laze around at home, Hanna is the most famous person in the Empire. And she has already asked Hanna for a difficult favor, so I felt reluctant to make such a small request.

“Um… Hanna, right?”

“You can speak more informally. You don’t need to be so formal with me.”

“Ahahahaha… I’ll keep that in mind for later. After all, being a butler for 13 years makes you quite comfortable with me.”

“Though I heard you’re quite comfortable swearing at Senior Lwin.”

“…I have nothing to say to that.”

“Hoohoohahahaha…! So, what’s the favor?”

“Well, it’s like this. When you have a position at the Academy later…”

I cautiously asked for her help regarding the lady’s return to the Academy. Hanna said she would do her best, but in her own words.

-It seems like it will be tough until Yuria senior graduates. I’m sorry.

An expected letter had arrived.

I didn’t feel disappointed or give up.

As always, if you just make a plan, there is a way. It may take longer than the conventional method, but I didn’t give up on fulfilling the lady’s dream.

Anyway, Hanna left our mansion, and we stayed in the mansion.

That’s when it happened.

“Oh, oh, oh! That… that bastard came again!”

The lady pointing outside with her finger and cursing.

I raised my head.

A hat deeply pressed.

A small child holding a brush and red paint, standing against the wall.

I spoke while looking at the child.

“Hey you, you bastard!”

The mansion’s rules did not apply to the wall terrorist in front of the wall.


From Noble mtl dot com

3rd-floor student council room.

The talented young leaders who will lead the empire were sitting at a circular table.

Sharthia 3, the princess known as the brain of the empire, was in the center, facing off against Lune, a disciple of Matop doctrine, the prince of the empire, and Mikhail.

A gathering of giants in the academy.

Their expressions were all equally unpleasant.

As if they were at a funeral home.

They were looking at one place with an expression of disgust.

Some didn’t like being called in the middle of their busy schedule, and some were uncomfortable with the fact that they were gathered here before the pain of defeat had subsided.

But what they disliked the most was.

“What? Let’s readmit that girl?”

“Yes, senior.”

“Are you really crazy?”

The reason they gathered the talents of the academy here was because of just one villainess who was expelled. With a dim freshman as the center.

Lune, who had his legs on the desk, stared at Hanna, who was standing upright. Lune looked at Hanna with a gaze that asked what nonsense she was talking about.

Hanna did not avoid such a gaze from Lune. Instead, she stared back at Lune as if she were stating the obvious.


Hannah calmly placed her hands on the table and spoke.

“In this ranking competition, I surpassed Senior Mihail and took first place in the combined 1st and 2nd years.”

Ranking competition.

A grand festival where students’ treatment changes.

A kind of social climbing event.

The grade of the dormitory used changes.

A kind of past exam that changes the quality of the school meals. Hannah’s words, who took the top spot there, were weighty.

Because it meant that she had the most talent within her grade. The gaze of the world was upon her, and the academy’s support was focused on her.

Hannah, as the person involved, felt this fact more than anyone else, so she spoke sincerely without pretense. Thanks to the advice of someone not to be humble.

Hannah planned to use her privileges.

“So, what do you want to say?”

The platinum-haired prince glared at Hannah. Judging by the way he was clenching his jaw, he didn’t seem happy.

If possible, he would use all his power to silence her, but in the academy where freedom of expression was allowed, that was impossible.

“I just wanted to say that we shouldn’t miss out on talented individuals for the development of the academy.”

Hannah had no intention of bowing her head.

Because she wanted to repay the favor.

And to fulfill her personal desire to attend the academy together with the butler.

Of course, as Hannah’s retort continued, the prince’s expression changed.

“Isn’t this academy such a place? A place where talented individuals who will lead the empire in the future are discovered.”

“That’s right. The academy is a place for cultivating talented individuals. But still.”

The prince glared at Hannah.

“This is a place to raise people, not beasts.”

“Is that so? Even Senior Lune is doing well at the academy.”


“What did you just say?”

Lune conjured a red sphere in his hand. He had eyes that seemed like he could shoot it at any moment while glaring at Hannah.

Hannah brazenly replied.

Because she had already crossed the barrier named Mihail.

She wasn’t afraid of Lune’s stone-like presence.

“Did I say something wrong? There’s no one at the academy who only fights, like Senior Luin. Even when you brought me the readmission application last time, you tried to be clever. I was nearly trampled by the housekeeper…”

“Shut up!”

Luin’s face turned red.

Hanna wanted to provoke him even more.

“That’s enough.”

The owner of this place did not allow any further disturbance.

Hanna used to pretend to be terrified by the senior’s words, but lately she felt herself becoming more like someone else.

It wasn’t a good thing, but she didn’t feel bad about it.

Instead, she felt good about becoming similar.

From a just personality to a boyish appearance, her taste was closer to Senior Mikhail, but ever since the beginning of the school year, the red-haired butler had been lingering in her mind. We’re just teacher and student, that’s all.

Hanna calmed her pounding heart and looked at the girl in front of her.

The owner of this place.

Current student council president, Princess Chartia III.

She spoke to Hanna.

“So what’s the main point?”

Hanna politely replied.

“Please readmit Senior Ricardo and Senior Desmont Olivia to the academy.”

Princess Chartia coldly replied.

“Rejected. Olivia cannot be readmitted.”

At the same time, Mikhail also raised his hand and replied.

If not for his feminine appearance and short silver hair blowing in the wind, his cold and firm words could have mistaken him for a woman.

“If those two are readmitted, I will withdraw.”

Their intentions were firm.

But Hanna spoke to them like this.

“Then withdraw.”

In Hanna’s scale, Mikhail was lighter than Ricardo.

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  1. Solqrz says:

    Mikhail has a feminine appearance,
    I think you know where I am going with this..

    1. Puta madre says:


  2. Zorrow says:

    Hanna being gangsta is so cute

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