The Villainess Whom I Had Served for 13 Years Has Fallen chapter 181

181 - The Will You Carry on Your Sword -6-

181 – The Will You Carry on Your Sword -6-

The day of the decisive battle had dawned.

The 15 days, which felt both short and long, had passed by like a shooting star.

It could be said that it was too little time to prepare.

Because for a swordsman, 15 days was too short a time to prepare for anything. It was easy to talk about reaching a new level of enlightenment during that short period of time, but in reality, there was no swordsman who could perform such a miracle.

Even with a good teacher and a perfect environment, achieving it depended solely on the individual’s ability.

However, arrogantly, we performed that miracle, and Hannah grew to the point where she overflowed the cup of growth that I had prepared.

She ran towards the nature of the sword,

And towards the goal of the sword.

I didn’t know what Hannah’s goal was, but she had grown rapidly. So much so that Rowan couldn’t believe it.

11 p.m. when the moon came up.

We visited the training ground late at night when there was no one around, and we stood in the middle of the training ground where a cool breeze was blowing, waiting for our opponent.

Hannah, who exhaled deeply to calm her trembling chest, kept drinking water as if she was thirsty.

I approached Hannah and carefully spoke to her.

“Are you nervous?”

“hahahaha. No…. Would it be too much of a lie if I said that?”


“Ha…. I think I’m going crazy.”

Hannah looked at me with a dry laugh.

“I thought I wouldn’t be nervous…. I’m shaking a lot. You said I could win, but I’m sorry, I keep shaking.”

I looked at Hannah and nodded, saying that it was okay.

Because Hannah’s life was at stake during this time when she had been running without rest. It would be strange to take it calmly.

For some, this opportunity would be a chance to prove their worth to their teacher, but for Hannah, it was a duel that carried the weight of her passion for the sword and her impending marriage.

If it were to happen, which it wouldn’t, if Hannah lost, I didn’t plan on accepting the outcome.

I could reluctantly nod my head if she were to give up the sword, but I didn’t want her to waste her marriage, which she was supposed to have with her loved one, on something like this. I thought that even if I had to defeat Rowan, I wouldn’t let things go as he intended.

Of course, that wouldn’t happen.

For Hannah, this duel was extremely important. The reason we first met was related to this, and it might be the only chance she had to prove her sword to her father for the last time.

Not knowing the weight of the burden Hannah carried, rather than giving her a vague answer like, ‘You’ll do well,’ I patted her on the shoulder to cheer her on.

This would give Hannah strength.

Time was approaching.

The time that would be the day of the decisive battle for someone was gradually approaching.

During this process, I think Hannah would have been stressed out meeting Rowan at the academy and clenching her fists watching her father teach others the sword.

Because the academy students had effortlessly obtained what she had been begging for, and on top of that, the appearance of a disciple named Mikhail must have been a great sense of deprivation for Hannah.

I thought that an indescribable sense of disappointment would have washed over her because everything she had wished for had begun for the sole purpose of blocking her sword.

If I were in Hannah’s shoes, I would have been desperate.

I couldn’t fathom Hannah’s feelings. The word ‘dare’ would be appropriate.

It’s an unfortunate thing to say, but I had achieved a lot with my sword and had grown smoothly without any hindrance.

The only thing I had to watch out for was the extent of the young lady’s tantrum, so I didn’t think it was right for me to judge Hannah’s suffering.

So I said with conviction.

I said it to Hannah to give her faith rather than meaningless comfort.

You can win.

“You can win. If you do as we practiced.”

“Of course. Whose disciple am I? I’m the disciple of the strongest butler in the world.”

I smiled at Hannah’s bold reply and nodded.

“You know me well.”

The earrings I gave Hannah were dangling in the moonlight by her ears. I clenched my fists as I watched Hannah’s earrings trembling slightly. You can do it.

Unless there is a big upset, Hannah can beat Mikhail.

That’s what Hannah I’ve seen was like, and that’s what Mikhail’s martial arts were like. In the original story at this point, even Mikhail’s martial arts couldn’t keep up with the current Hannah, so I was sure I would win.

Hannah’s swordsmanship had grown that much and she hadn’t taken a break, so even if Mikhail had a great epiphany and learned Histani swordsmanship, I was sure it wouldn’t have a big impact on the duel.


In the distance, I could see a familiar male figure.

Mikhail approaching with heavy steps and Rowan approaching with calm steps as if he knew the outcome.

I rubbed Hannah’s shoulder and whispered softly.

“Don’t be nervous.”

“Whew. I’ll try.”

“Even if you lose, I’ll stop the marriage, so don’t worry.”


“Just trust me. Not that it will happen, though.”

I brushed off Hannah’s bewildered question lightly and looked at my watch and said to Rowan and Mikhail.

“You’re late.”

Rowan shrugged and replied calmly.

“We came right on time. What do you mean we’re late? Isn’t it your fault for waiting?”

“hahahaha! I see. I thought you had run away.”

“You’re so self-conscious.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

Rowan clicked his tongue, looking at me disapprovingly.

“This is the last day I’ll see you.”

“I feel the same way.”


I glanced at Mikhail next to Rowan. Mikhail looked at Hannah and me with determined eyes.

Mikhail took a deep breath, grabbed the sword at his waist, and said in a heavy voice.

“I’m sorry.”

Mikhail looked at Hannah and bowed his head.


“I’ve thought a lot. Why did you make this choice? Why did you ask for a duel that was disadvantageous to you? I’ve thought about it a lot.”

I watched Mikhail’s monologue, ignoring me, with an awkward smile.

Whatever it is, he must be saying that because he realized something. I wish he would just give up.

But that’s not going to happen.

Mikhail spoke to Hannah. He bowed his head and continued to apologize, saying that he was sorry for not understanding and that he had been reckless.

“If I had thought a little more, I wouldn’t have accepted this duel. I was reckless.”

“Take up your swords.”

“You grew up in a good environment. I think you’d have a better future if you went back….”

“Shut up and take up your sword.”

Hannah gritted her teeth at Mikhail’s meaningless apology.

Nevertheless, Mikhail continued to apologize. He spoke with his eyes open and straight, as if he had already won the match.

“I’m going to win.”

“You must have a reason to win.”

“That’s why. I’m sorry.”

The wind was cold.

I looked at Rowan and said, feeling like I would catch a cold if I stayed any longer.

“Let me ask you one thing.”

“What is it?”

“If Hannah loses, will you proceed with the wedding we talked about last time?”


“I’ll start as soon as I ask this.”


“Isn’t it unfair to start a duel with two proposals? We only wanted the price of isolation, and it doesn’t seem right to ask for marriage as well.”

“I’ll think about it.”


I smiled coolly and said to Rowan.

“It’s not good to just think about it.”

“We’ve already finished talking about accepting the results.”

“Isn’t it unfair for one side to suffer more?”

“It’s something we started by accepting the unfairness.”

I erased my smile and said.

“You’d better be moderate.”

A cold atmosphere flowed.

Rowan’s anger and the young prosecutor’s warning clashed with my cheeky words, creating a gust of wind.


I clapped my hands and said.

“Let’s start now. It’s annoying to see each other’s faces.”

I looked at Mikhail and Hannah and said.

“Are you ready?”

The two prosecutors nodded, then stood at opposite ends of the practice hall with their swords raised, waiting for the signal.

“Killing is prohibited.”

Rowan raised his hand and cut me off.

“I permit it.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Can’t you just block it? You’ll lose heart if you feel the wall of reality.”


I shook my head and said,

“I won’t stop you.”

“Do you want to see your disciple get hurt?”


I answered while looking at Mikhail’s sword.

Seeing the long sword that I had thought was Mikhail’s weakness from before, I was half sure that I would win.

It seemed that Mikhail still hadn’t let go of his stubbornness.

“It seems like your disciple will get hurt a lot.”


The moment the fluttering petals fell to the ground.

Rowan’s low voice echoed slightly within the smoke screen.


The two 검사 dashed forward, kicking off from the ground.

Hanna’s sword cut through the fluttering petals, and Mikhail’s sword also advanced while cutting through the fluttering pink petals.

And then.


To the two people’s sword dance that surged forward.

“What the.”

Even I, who was face-to-face with the Sword Master.


Sword Master Rowan also.

Remained still, not moving.

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  1. Birch Hero Slayer says:

    Finally, in i hope this update not end with deep clift

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