The Villainess Whom I Had Served for 13 Years Has Fallen chapter 24

24 - Outing - Part 2

24 – Outing – Part 2

Luin, who was limping.

He looked at me with a dissatisfied expression, and I couldn’t understand why.

“Nice to see you here, Miss Luin.”


Luin let out a hollow laugh. Why was he acting this way? We had shared life lessons and had a good time together with Miss Hanna the last time. So, why was he looking at me with that expression?

I felt a sense of disappointment in Luin, who seemed to have forgotten the good memories.

Nevertheless, we met here by fate.

Maybe things would be okay if we talked it out; after all, we were academy classmates.

I said to Luin with joy in our reunion.

“Weren’t we introduced at the mansion last time? It seemed like you left without even meeting the lady.”

“What? Who?”

“Deathmont Olivia Youngae.”

Luin chuckled softly.

Deathmont Olivia.

His rival and the woman who had brought him irreparable shame.

The unforgivable name of an unforgivable guy flowed sweetly from his lips.

Luin was a prey.

The only purpose of calling for Ricardo was one. He found it amusing that Ricardo, who had no money, came to meet his forest friend.

He wanted to make amends for what happened last time, causing embarrassment in front of many people.

There was a woman with white hair behind him, but Luin didn’t care.

If she was with Ricardo, she must be of the same level as Ricardo. Seeing her wearing an outdated dress, Luin thought of her as a fallen noble from the countryside.

Plus, Olivia has black hair.

Luin was sure Olivia wouldn’t be here.

“Yeah, where’s your master? If you came here, you should have come with your master.”

“My master?”

“And does it make any sense for a butler to come with another woman? What kind of date is that? Hmph. Do you have any money?”

“Another woman? Miss Hanna is here.”

“What are you talking about?”

Luin was taken aback.

Ruin, who heard rumors about Olivia, did not know much about her.

He was unaware that Olivia had turned white-haired and that she could even walk short distances with someone supporting her on her back.

All Ruin knew about Olivia were just rumors that his friends told him. He didn’t want to call back the girl they had expelled, nor did he want to know more about her, so the occasional rumors he heard were all that Ruin knew about Olivia.

“It’s about Olivia. She can’t use her legs anymore!”

The rumors began with a fact.

“Olivia’s life is in danger.”

The rumors escalated to an extreme level.

Based on these rumors, Ruin, with a misconception, assumed that Olivia would naturally be suffering at home.

As a result, Ruin did not recognize the young lady behind him and made the mistake of confessing that he wanted to see Olivia in front of her.

I whispered quietly to the young lady who was counting the tiles on the floor.

“Excuse me, miss. It’s Ruin.”


The young lady raised her head, looking surprised.

In that moment, Ruin shrugged his shoulders.

Unable to meet the young lady’s eyes, Ruin continued to look at the floor.

Why am I acting like this?

The young lady tilted her head.

“Who are you?”

With an expression that truly showed her lack of recognition, she looked at Ruin.

“Well, they used to gossip that you were my rival at the academy.”

“I only have one rival, Yuria.”

“But she said it herself, didn’t she?”


The young lady looked at Ruin again.

Ruin flinched.

His shoulders trembled.

The Ruin who had been determined to see Olivia’s face when he arrived at the mansion had disappeared, and now he was like a cat with its fur standing on end.

Unable to show his temper because he felt like he would only end up being hurt, he couldn’t do or say anything. I felt sorry for him.


“How about now? Do you remember?”


The young lady furrowed her brow and scrutinized L’ouine. After observing her excellent memory for 13 years, I immediately realized. It seemed difficult to remember within the day.

“Are you the son of the butcher?”



“I am the village mayor of Nokjo.”


L’ouine responded with excitement at the accurate introduction.

“It’s not like that!”

“Then who are you?”


L’ouine stood on one leg in front of Olivia.

He was a character in the novel who always spoke his mind, but in the face of true madness, L’ouine couldn’t find the words.

He was the same way at the academy.

A migratory bird who enthusiastically gossiped about the lady from behind, but when the lady scolded him to stop, he would become disheartened and leave the classroom.

I don’t know why he behaves like that only in front of the lady.

One thing for sure is that L’ouine was afraid of the lady.

Olivia tightly hugged my neck.

Although the ample chest that could be felt on my back threatened a male’s dignity, I managed to choke down an anthem.

“Let’s go, Ricardo. I’m hungry.”

“Just a moment, shouldn’t we find out who it is before we leave?”

It would be difficult in many ways if we moved now.


Olivia spoke to L’ouine.

“Who are you?”


“Stop stuttering and speak clearly.”

L’ouine reluctantly opened his mouth at the lady’s command.

“I am a follower of Martovism.”

“Oh, I see.”

Olivia raised her thumb and gestured with it.

“Then enjoy your meal.”

Right now, Olivia is in a quandary.

Regardless of whether she’s the protagonist or the sub-main character, the meat in front of her was precious.


“Why are you in a rush?”

“Don’t you really remember? I’m Ruin, the Fire Mage of the scorching heat. I even ranked first in the Academy.”

An earnest effort to make her remember.

I felt sorry for her as I watched.

If I had known, I would have told him to remember my name.

In various ways, I felt sorry for Ruin.

“I set your dress on fire with a fireball back then, and you scolded me terribly.”

Stop it, sub-main character.

Don’t try to revive her memory as a dark episode.

“I don’t remember.”

“Really? You should remember! I set your expensive dress on fire back then and tormented you with ice magic for 30 minutes. I really thought I was going to freeze to death.”


She said.

“I don’t remember.”

To protect Ruin’s mental state, I called the nearby waiter.

“Excuse me, can you prepare a table for two?”

“I’m sorry, but we operate on a reservation basis, so could you please tell us your name?”

“Ah… Show them, Miss.”

She stuck two meal vouchers on her forehead. She had been told not to lose them, and she clutched them tightly, so there were wrinkles all over the meal vouchers.


The lady smiled.

The waiter widened his eyes and guided us.

“We’ll take you to a private room.”

Ruin mumbled softly as we disappeared from his view.

“A…private room?”

When we were about to disappear from Ruin’s sight, a girl with pink hair grabbed Ruin’s collar.

“Ru-in, why are you like this?”

Ru-in, barely regaining her composure, murmured with despair.

“It’s nothing, Yuri-a.”


Me and the lady sitting in the restaurant.

A happy atmosphere flowed around us.

Various side dishes filled the table.

A feast of side dishes that could rival even the king’s royal banquet unfolded before our eyes.


“You’re drooling. Miss.”

“It’s mine, so I’m wiping my drool.”

I wiped the drool on the lady’s chin with a tissue. It was quite awkward for a noble to behave in such a manner, even if it was for food that could enter the mouth.

Side dishes kept being served on the table.

Even just roughly counting with my eyes, there seemed to be more than 30 different kinds. I couldn’t recall ever ordering this many.

I cautiously raised my hand and leaned close to the waiter’s ear, thinking that the order might have been incorrect.

“Excuse me.”

“Yes, sir.”

“We ordered the steak set, but it seems like there might have been a mistake with the order.”

“Oh, it’s alright. The owner himself brought the meal coupon. We should take care of this much.”

“The owner? I received it from Mr. Malik.”

“That’s right. Mr. Malik.”


“He is our owner.”

I clasped my hands together.

From Noble mtl dot com

Thinking of Malik somewhere swinging a sword, I said a prayer.

I want to see him again.

He helped me repay my debt and entrusted me with this precious meal coupon. Today of all days, I missed him so much.

We lifted the fork and knife.

Slice. Juicy steak dripping with juices.

“Wow… Miss. Look at those juices… You’ve already started eating, haven’t you?”

The young lady who filled her mouth with meat made a loud noise.


Her eyes were so bright that it could be mistaken for Sim Bongsa (a Korean historical figure) waking up.

“It’s delicious…!”

I felt good.

For this taste, I endured all the suffering.

The young lady chewed the meat vigorously until her jaw seemed to come off.

After a momentary pause, the lady cut a piece of steak smaller than her pinky finger and offered it to me.


“Are you giving it to me?”

I nodded.

“Well, then, serve me a bigger piece. Isn’t this too small?”

I opened my mouth in response to the lady’s threatening gaze.


It was so delicious.

It felt like the juicy flavor and the scene of a calf frolicking in the mouth came to life just as described in the novel.


“Is it delicious?”

“Yes, it’s really delicious.”

“hehehehe, eat as much as you want. It’s not my treat, though.”

That’s how we cleared the entire dining table.


“I’m full.”

Patting my bloated stomach, we smiled happily while enjoying dessert.

The lady, who had gotten some oil on her mouth, didn’t look aristocratic at all as she burped and wiped it away.

Slowly, it’s time to speak.

Dinner has also arrived.

The atmosphere is good too.

Now is the time to say that I’ve finally paid off my debts and can live without worrying about being chased away.


In the moment when I cleared my throat and cautiously opened my mouth.

“Ahem! Ricardo.”


“I have something to say.”

After finishing the meal, the lady who had been watching my every move spoke first.

The lady swiftly looked around. Perhaps she was worried about someone seeing us.

Although it was a private room, a quiet space with no one around, the lady seemed to have something important to say. She continued scanning the surroundings.

“Yeah. No one is here.”

The lady nodded her head.

She was quite adorable.

Sip. I sipped my tea.

The lady began to take out a piece of paper from her bosom.

“What! What are you doing?”

“Huh? I’m searching my pocket.”

“Why is that your pocket?”

I extended my finger and covered my eyes.

It was well worth a look.

While sneakily glancing at the lady’s body was wrong, not exerting the gentleman’s manners was an even worse deed.

The newspaper gradually revealed itself between her bosom.

I wanted to keep it as a lifetime memento.

The lady proudly opened her chest and spoke.

“Here, the biggest pocket is here.”


Upon hearing, it was indeed correct.

The lady’s chest is always right.

I could not be the correct answer.

Thud. The lady unfolded the newspaper on the table.

The fresh newspaper that came out from the pocket. I covered my nose with a handkerchief once again.

“Why are you acting like that?”

“No, my nose is running.”

“Take care of yourself. You should stay healthy after eating meat.”

The young lady who worried about me pointed to a newspaper headline and said cheerfully,

“Listen, I’m trying to work.”


“Look at this.”

[Part-time job sticking doll eyes.]

-1 fairy tale per unit

“How is it?”

The young lady looked at me as if seeking permission. She was admirable, but my heart wasn’t quite happy.

What kind of feeling should I call it?

Should I say it felt like agreeing to let a child who hasn’t even touched water buy a computer?

In a strangely resentful way.

But I felt good that she had grown up.


The young lady looked at me again.

With shimmering eyes, she asked for permission, but I couldn’t find the words to say.

I wanted to say she was amazing.

I felt like I was lacking.

The young lady continued speaking.

As if trying to persuade me, she explained how great a job it was according to the newspaper.

“I thought about it carefully. We’re going through a hard time now, too. I don’t think I can just sit still, so I looked into it.”


“How about it? Isn’t it okay?”

“Well, that…”

“I even thought about selling the mansion.”

The young lady laughed awkwardly.

“The price has dropped a lot for the mansion I lived in. They say it’s the mansion where the villain lived or something.”

“When did you find out about that?”

“I wrote a letter to the real estate agent.”

The young lady was courageous and hurting inside.

I should have done better.

I didn’t want to make her worry.

With a bitter heart, she stuffed the dessert into her mouth.

“Young lady, it’s okay.”

“Why? I can work too.”

“No, you can’t. You shouldn’t be working.”

“Why not?”

She bent her arm and showed off her familiar bicep. The muscles were smaller than quail eggs and caught my eye.

How can they attach doll eyes with such delicate arms? Once they attach about ten, it will surely creak and groan.

But, I can’t hate her.

“You are truly impressive and something to be proud of. Now we won’t have a hard time anymore.”


“We’ve paid off all our debts. That’s why I came to the restaurant today to tell you.”

She dropped her fork and yelled at me.

“You told me not to…do anything dangerous!”

Her expression looked like she was about to cry.

She bit her lip tightly and puffed up her cheeks, scolding me.

And her eyes were moist.

She stared at me intensely and started scolding me.

– You can’t do that!

– It’s dangerous!

– Damn it! You shouldn’t follow just because they offer a lot of money!

As I listened to her nagging, I thought to myself.

Even this nagging isn’t so bad.

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  1. Munu says:

    So Olivia is just a woman with a yandere nature, but other than that she’s actually a good person, I understand why MC doesn’t hate her:v

  2. Glad everyone is on the same page. Pink hair is always a bad color.

  3. Golden d Golden d says:

    mujer de rosa detectada… exterminio en proceso

  4. birch hero slayer says:

    is it time for another pink hero to be slain?

  5. Constellation of Dietznatch Onyourchin says:

    Ugh… It’s enough to make grown ass man shed tears huhuhu

  6. TheSinglesLord says:

    The cursed pink hair females!

  7. Niehime says:

    It’s seems like pink hair girls are really hated nowadays.

  8. Pure Candy says:

    Pink woman

  9. Bronya's armpits licker says:

    Pink hair beach detected

  10. Zorrow says:

    Oh Man, that was some intense development! The villainess is becoming likable in her own way.

  11. Oh no pink hair. Here we go again

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