The Villainess Whom I Had Served for 13 Years Has Fallen chapter 3

3 - The Letter Awaiting the Villainess -2-

3 – The Letter Awaiting the Villainess -2-

With a slight headache, Olivia’s eyes closed.

[10 minutes until the reading begins.]

She slowly opened her tightly shut eyes.

Familiar ceiling greeted her.


A laughter, lacking its usual vigor, escaped her.

Wondering if she had truly gone insane.

A room decorated with pink curtains, cute dolls placed on the bed, like that of a normal noble lady.

It was her own room from the past.

It was exactly the same.

The photo of Mikhail that covered the ceiling.

The attachment doll with Mikhail’s photo stuck on its bear doll head was the same as it was a year ago.

In a state of confusion, the voice naturally flowed out.

“It’s real, right?”

She cautiously reached out and lifted the bear doll next to her.

Her attachment doll that Ricardo had abandoned. The soft, musty smell remained the same.

She thought her mental illness was severe because the fantasy felt so realistic. A meaningless laughter escaped her lips, but she couldn’t hide the strange excitement in her heart.

She was looking forward to the future she would soon see.

Who cares if it’s a mental illness.

She’s already a crazy woman.

Olivia lying on the bed cautiously looked at her legs.

Smooth legs. On her knees, there was a cute little bear patch that Ricardo gave her. Olivia lightly put some force on her toes.

“Should I try moving?”

Suddenly, she was afraid.

The lower half of her body that she hadn’t been able to move by herself in the past year. The memory of it not feeling like her own body overlapped. Her eyes shut tightly.

“It moves…! It moves!”

But her worries were groundless. Olivia’s tightly shut eyes were as pale as ever, and her toes moved well.

Fluttering white toes.

Olivia leapt up from the bed and stood upright by herself.


Tears felt like they were going to fall.

The sensation of supporting herself on the ground after a long time. Olivia couldn’t hide her emerging laughter.


Foolish laughter flowed out of her mouth.

In this moment, she was glad to be crazy. As long as she could feel, even for a short moment, that she could walk again, she didn’t mind being called crazy.

A strange sense of fulfillment filled her whole being.

Olivia started to feel certain.

That what she would see in the future wouldn’t be a nightmare. Now, feeling this happy, how would her past self, who was not bothered by the servant, have been?

Is she too overwhelmed to regain her senses?

“Look, I told you I wasn’t wrong.”

-Tick tock, tick tock.

The sound of the ticking clock fills the quiet room.

Olivia turns her head to check the time.

11:59 PM.

Olivia is familiar with this date and time.

“It was probably midnight, right?”

The day she used black magic.

The time she entered the room.

In fact, Olivia’s memory of that day was not complete.

She remembers entering the room.

But she doesn’t remember anything else.

Just a vague memory of something hurting and being in pain. And then losing consciousness.

What she remembers clearly is entering the room at midnight. And Ricardo entering and disturbing her black magic. Besides that, she doesn’t remember anything.

Is it because she was too excited?

Or is it because of the aftermath of the failed black magic?

“Why did it happen? I’ll understand if I see it now.”

Time passes and points to midnight.

[Reading begins.]

After the blue letters appear.

A familiar voice is heard from beyond the door.

-This is all you need.

A voice that has been deeply engraved in the memory.

Like a child who was promised a toy by their parents and is filled with happiness, the voice enters through the door.

“I look more beautiful back then than I do now.”

The 20-year-old self with black hair and a bright smile, unlike the limp white hair now. Full of confidence and grace, overflowing with a smile.

There was a time like that.

With regretful eyes, she reminisces about the past.

Time passes quickly.

Lying on the bedroom floor, her current self etches a magic circle on her body and the floor, following the black magic spellbook she obtained from the black market. It felt like she was being infected by her past self, full of chaos and laughter that never ceases.

It looked nice.

A smile never left my face as I watched.

Exactly for one hour.

It had been one hour since I started drawing the magic circle.

Olivia felt a chill on her arm.

-Mixing the blood of someone I like with my own blood…

-It’s almost done. It’s all over now.


“Was I making that expression?”

It was eerie.

The sight of herself, drawing the magic circle with eyes consumed by madness. It was just like a fanatic.

“Was I like that?”

She wanted to deny it.

She didn’t have such an ugly face and she was not a person obsessed with someone far away.

She thought she was just a girl with unrequited love like others.

But the self she saw was too grotesque.

But the reason she couldn’t deny being herself was…

-Mikhail. Mikhail. You’re mine, so you’ll understand, right?

It was because of the familiar name that came out of her mouth.

4:30 in the morning.

The room was immersed in darkness.

The past self, illuminating the room with her back and looking at the completed magic circle.

Up until this point, it was all that Olivia remembered from that day.

Thinking of Mikhail and pouring magic power in, feeling excruciating pain. And the scene of Ricardo violently opening the door and coming in, that was all she remembered.

Olivia clenched her hands tightly.

Regardless of the process, the time had come to prove that what she had done that day was not wrong.

“Anyway, as long as the result is good.”

The picture she wanted.

Not a picture disrupted by that damn servant. After a moment of pain ends.

A picture of black magic being successfully performed, drawing a happy future with Mikhail.

Scenes where they go on dates and cuddle while calling each other’s names warmly. Olivia’s heart felt overwhelmed when she thought of that scene.

“Yeah, as long as the outcome is good.”

Olivia clenched her fist tightly.

After completing all the preparations, she stood in the center of the magic circle.

“Great, it’s perfect.”

Flowing magic power.

The magic circle began rapidly absorbing her past self’s magic power.


A faint sound could be heard.

The sound of the floor cracking.

The magic circle drawn on the floor began to shine black and the seal engraved on her body turned red along the bloodstream.


In that instant, she sensed that something was wrong.

“What is this? Why is it like this?”

Her past self also seemed to realize that something was wrong.

Her eyes widened and she couldn’t do anything about the unexpected situation. Olivia shouted.

Olivia shouted.

“Snap out of it, idiot! What are you doing?”

Her own voice couldn’t reach her now.

Olivia could only observe.

“What’s going on? Why is it like this? The magic book clearly said that a pink light would shine!”

Turning the pages quickly.

She searched and read through the pages of the magic book that contained spells to brainwash people.

“There is no mistake. There wasn’t. I’m sure I did it perfectly… Mihail’s blood and my blood. I prepared both!”

The voice grew increasingly frantic.

Her self-assured expression had long been replaced with confusion.

“I drew the magic circle perfectly!”

“I brought Mihail’s blood from the field of combat! What went wrong?”

Flip. Flip. The pages turned rapidly.

– Shwak…

– Shwak…!

In the fantasy world, Olivia opened the last page of the book and her voice gradually faded away.


Olivia, who was reading the magic book together from behind, also read the phrase. She held her breath.

-No way?

(Magic only works if there is even a slight alignment in the direction of affection.)

-Surely, Mihail wouldn’t do that to me. I’m Olivia, the flower of high society.

Contrary to her words, her head gradually lowered.

Olivia’s voice grew smaller.

Finally, her past self buried her face in the dark magic book. Despite saying that it couldn’t be true, she clenched her fist so tightly that the blood drained from her hands.

-Sigh… No, it can’t be, I refuse!

She cried desperately.

-This can’t be. This can’t be!

Helpless, Olivia was at a loss.

Everything was just strange.

Starting from the failure of her own magic to not meeting the conditions for activating the magic.

It was just unbelievable.

“Did I really do that?”

The tremors didn’t stop.

Her mind was filled with denial, saying ‘no.’

Gradually, the black magic began to engulf her past self. Her white skin turned black, and blood began to flow from her nose.

It was the prelude to the failure of black magic.


An agonizing scream pierced her ears.

Goosebumps appeared on Olivia’s arms as she remembered the terrible pain of that day.


Olivia quickly moved her body.

She tried to grab her past self from the magic circle. She reached out in desperation.

But Olivia’s hand couldn’t reach her.

[This is from the observer’s perspective. You cannot interfere with the subject.]

With a cold voice, the hand passed through the body meaninglessly.

“Get up, you bastard! Get up! Come out of there! Did you go crazy because you wanted to die?!”

Unlike Olivia’s wind.

The past self stood still in that spot.

-No. My magic couldn’t be wrong. It must have been successful.

-My magic is flawless.

-Flawless? As the top student in the academy, I can’t make mistakes.

The past self gritted their teeth and endured.

-It was because there wasn’t enough activation time. If I hold on a little longer, it will activate.

Olivia was scared.

Her moth-like self was so terrifying.

“Please. Come out.”

From Noble mtl dot com

Even though her flesh was decaying from dark magic, she still stubbornly held on, which was terrifying and frightening.

Olivia covered her ears and closed her eyes.


How much time has passed?

A tired voice opened the fingers that covered her ears.

-Kyaaah!!! It hurts.. It hurts.. It hurts…!

Her weak self crumbling.

She looked so painful.

She looked so painful that just watching her made herself hurt.

Olivia beat her chest and said.

“Someone, please help.”

No one could hear her.

The past self had cast a silence spell outside the room in order to fully concentrate on this dark magic.

The past self shouted with a hoarse voice.

-Kyaaah.. It hurts.. It hurts..! Mom.. Mom!

“Someone please save her, she’s in so much pain…”

The past self pulled at their hair while crying.

How painful it was.

She was in so much pain just from watching.

“No. This can’t be happening.”

Decaying flesh.

Blurred, fading skin.

She couldn’t bear to watch the tragedy any longer.

Why had she believed that dark magic would succeed?

She couldn’t pinpoint where it had gone wrong.

All she could hope for now was someone to help her.

Olivia screamed.

“Is anyone there? It hurts so much! I feel like I’m going to die! Someone, please come and help!”

Her past self had been the same.

“Save me! Please, save me!”

Clinging to the floor, screaming.

It was pitiful beyond words.

The smoke of burning flesh filled the room.

Olivia covered her nose with her sleeve.

“Cough. Cough….”

“Save me…!”

A dying moan.

Her past self had said it until the end.

“Mikhail.. help me…”

“Mikhail, please save me. It’s all my fault, so please, just save me.”

Olivia instinctively cursed her past self.

“Wake up, you crazy b*tch──!”

But she continued searching.

“Mikhail, help me.”

By the time she was about to exhale her last breath.

Her past Olivia spoke a familiar name.

“Ricardo. Save me.”

[The viewpoint shifts.]

It was the familiar ceiling once again.

Perhaps some time had passed; the room was neatly organized. The Mihail photos that had covered the walls were gone.

Olivia, somewhat out of her senses, struggled to lift her head.

There was a frame on the bed.

Olivia let out a hollow laugh.

“Ricardo’s words were true.”

A familiar face, smiling brightly,

It was herself.

She must be dead.

That crazy bastard.

She thought she would have been happy if Ricardo hadn’t helped her, but she ended up dead.


A man was sitting on the bed, wiping off the dust from the frame.

Beside a pitifully placed chrysanthemum.

Olivia recognized the figure from behind.

The man with the red hair that she teased about being a clown every day, and skin whiter than hers.

He was her butler.

Ricardo was wearing a white shirt with his arms exposed. He lowered his head, trying to hide his expression as much as possible.

He spoke softly.

“Why are you doing what I told you not to do?”

There was moisture in his voice.

“Do you know how hard I tried?”

It seemed like he could cry any moment.

Like a young child holding back his tears.

He seemed like he would burst into tears at a touch.

Olivia kept her mouth shut and stood behind Ricardo.

Ricardo was guarding the bed until dawn.

[Reading is paused.]

Her forehead felt cold.

“What are you doing, miss?”

A familiar voice echoed.

It was the maid with the red hair holding a towel.

The man she had longed for in her dreams seemed to have no understanding of English in his expression.

“Did you have a nightmare?”


“Why aren’t you saying anything to put my mind at ease?”

“A dream?”

“Yes. You’ve been sleeping all day, haven’t you?”

He was checking her temperature by placing his hand on her forehead.

Olivia tensed her legs.

No movement at all.

She had returned to reality.

A sense of relief washed over her.

Whether it was a mental illness or reality, it was the worst nightmare she had ever had.

An nightmare she never wanted to dream again.

Olivia glanced at Ricardo.

Ricardo, as always, wearing long sleeves and pants. As always, he gave her a gentle smile.

“Are you hungry?”

“Shut up.”

He was her maid.


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  1. tian says:

    i like this sheiit

  2. Kaniya says:

    Fu€& it…

    U Slave (MC)

  3. I mean she is going to be forgiven most probably… But i already hate her… should i just stop or keep going…

    1. Luis says:

      Sigue Man xD.

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