The Villainess Whom I Had Served for 13 Years Has Fallen chapter 30

30 - Unexpected Encounter - Part 2 -

30 – Unexpected Encounter – Part 2 –

Yuria dislikes me.

From the day we first met at the academy until now, Yuria has disliked me.



-The creep is staring at you.


-That pink-haired girl over there has been looking at you since earlier.

-Oh…. No way.

A pink-haired woman quickly turned her head when our eyes met.

-It’s true.

She called me a pervert.

The protagonist of this novel was Yu-ri.

I don’t know if it was because I was wearing a butler costume for the entrance ceremony, or if it was because she didn’t like how I looked, but Yu-ri kept stealing glances at me until the boring speech by the principal ended.


“M-Madness, madness,” she muttered.

I was scared that she might have noticed that I was the crazy guy.

Who wouldn’t be scared when they hear someone saying they’re crazy for getting involved with the female protagonist who rises to the top of the world hierarchy in the latter half of the novel?

I’m not crazy, of course.

Sure, I eat poisonous mushroom soup to build immunity and throw myself into the flames for fire resistance as a hobby, but I’m not crazy.

Back then, I thought I had made a mistake with the female protagonist and the first button.

Romancing the strongest characters.

And b

-I’m really sorry. I like Cosmos so much.

-Do I resemble Cosmos?

-Yes~ If you tell me your name, I can compensate…

-Instead of that, would you dance with me later? I don’t have a partner.

Yuria accepted with a genuine smile, like an innocent person.

Indeed, Yuria had a kind disposition, just like the one portrayed in the novel.

Even when faced with excessive torment, she would laugh and find joy. She was a kind person who would even share a meal.

Maybe it was because she was the protagonist of the novel.

She was someone with a lot of patience and consideration.

However, I pushed away such a Yuria.

Initially, our relationship was good.

But cracks began to appear in our relationship after the young lady showed her disdain towards Mihail.

-Ricardo, do you see that vulgar woman?

-No, I don’t.

-Just shut up and look properly.


-Lock that woman in the closet until the party is over.

-Is it really necessary to go that far?

-Isn’t it better than killing her?

-As you wish.

During that time, the young lady was a villain.

She knew that the young lady would never actually harm anyone, not even an ant. But variables always exist. I played the role of mediating between the young lady and Yuria.

When the young lady heard strange rumors from other maids, I would clarify any misunderstandings. I also tried to prevent the other maids from provoking the young lady into doing anything strange.

I just wanted Yuria to dislike the young lady a little less.

Whether the young lady knew about my feelings or not, she would secretly inform me about the incidents the other maids made up.

-May 12th.


-Go to the dungeon.

In the novel, Yuria faced many threats to her life.

Not just from our young lady.

“With the Yoeng-ae who like Mikhail, and the Yoeng-ae who like Loo-in. And due to the jealousy of the high-ranking nobles who secretly cherish the Crown Prince. I drank poisoned tea. I was kidnapped while passing through an alley. I bought a student and was defeated in a dungeon. I saved Uria so that things wouldn’t get out of hand, but Uria misunderstood me. -How long will this continue? Just tell me to die. From the poisoned red tea. From being defeated in a dungeon. And even being imprisoned? -That’s not it… -Really? Every time an incident occurs, you were there. You want me to believe that? You said you came to save me this time too. -Miss Uria, listen to me. -No. I can’t trust you anymore. I must be crazy for thinking well of you. I wanted to clear up the misunderstanding, but Uria didn’t listen to me. Because she had experienced numerous threats that overlapped with me. I could understand why Uria hated me. Yet, we tormented Uria. Because if it wasn’t for the young lady, the other Yoeng-ae would really kill Uria. Within the limits of not threatening her life, we continued to torment Uria. In the end, Uria, like the unfortunate heroine, courageously overcame all the hardships, and the young lady and I met the same ending as in the original. And Uria said. She hated us. She never smiled at me again. After being expelled, I received a letter from her saying ‘I don’t like you anymore.’ And it said, ‘I’ve never seen such a wicked person before.’ It sounded right, so I couldn’t reply. *** Uria is looking at me. Various emotions seem to be crossing her face. Uria, who is staring at me with a hardened expression. The smile she used to give me so brightly at the academy is nowhere to be found, only a cold expression remains. “You said it’s been a long time?” Uria’s voice sounded cold when she said that. I forced a awkward smile.

“hahahaha… Nice to meet you.”

Perpetrator and victim.

I couldn’t find the right words to say. Whatever I said, it didn’t seem like Yuria would take it well.

Right now, I just wanted to leave this place as quickly as possible.

‘Should I run away?’

Because it ends quickly, becoming a momentary villain who disappears. It might be better for Yuria and Lune if I leave without blushing.

When I was thinking about waking up the elite orc and buying time to escape.

Yuria, who had been clenching and unclenching her fist, said to me,

“I’m not pleased to see you. It’s not like we’re on friendly terms where we exchange greetings with smiles.”

“I’m sorry. I must have mistaken it because it’s been so long since we met.”

Yuria sighed.

She seemed burdened.

“Olivia got expelled, it’s her first time, isn’t it?”


A bad memory.

“What did I do wrong to be told to leave? Is liking something a sin? Are you guys allowed to like her and cling to her until you die, but I can’t?”

The young lady shouted, fists clenched.

Professors who ignored such a young lady and sub-protagonists and academy students who cursed at us as we were dragged away.

The prince who shut the young lady’s mouth in an instant stared down at us as if we were bugs.

“Shut up, Olivia.”

Lune, who felt good to be able to secure the top spot, spoke with a refreshing expression, as if he had pulled out a deeply embedded thorn.

“Fool, you look ridiculous.”

Mikhail, who boldly claimed his innocence.

“I will never forgive you.”

I didn’t like him discussing forgiveness, but Yuria was beside me, so I held back.

We were the ones who were wrong by Yuria’s standards. I didn’t want to show an ugly side until the end.

From Noble mtl dot com

“Don’t ever look at us again.”

The scene where they sent us off without any affection or friendship replayed in my mind.

The prince. Mikhail. Lune. Yuria.

It was a connection that could never get close. A fateful entanglement where we hated and pushed each other away.

Uriah, who stood at the center of this fateful encounter, spoke to me.

“Why did you run away?”

“I, run away?”

“Yes. You should have at least explained before leaving.”

Uriah looked straight at me.

Even though Lune was right beside her, she was looking directly at me. I didn’t know what she meant by running away.

Why is she talking about running away when just moments ago she told me not to see her again? I asked her.

“What are you talking about…”

“Why didn’t you return to the academy? How much…”

Uriah stopped speaking.

Sighing, she shook her head and spoke again.

“Ricardo didn’t drop out. He should have come back.”

“Ma’am, you dropped out, didn’t you?”

“It has nothing to do with Olivia or you.”


I said to Uriah.

With a hint of firmness.

“In my hometown, we have a culture like this. It’s a culture where if one person makes a mistake, the whole organization gets punished… responsibility is taken collectively.”

“I don’t care about that culture. You should have resolved it before leaving. You ruined my school life. Take responsibility and leave.”

Uriah let out a hollow laugh.

As if mocking me.

Uriah speaks as if she finds me disgusting for uttering the word responsibility.

“Didn’t you read the letter?”

“I read it all.”

“Then shouldn’t you have come back and said something? If you have a conscience… the collective responsibility you mentioned. It’s just a nice way of packaging it. From what I see, it looks like we ran away together.”

She calmly tells me to take responsibility.

I had nothing to say.

Uriah shouted at me with a voice filled with more emotion than before.

A moment ago, she acted as if she didn’t care about me. But now, Uriah’s emotions start to show.

“Why. Nothing wrong? Because Olivia ordered it. Are you saying you did nothing wrong?”


Yuria fundamentally misunderstood things.

“Miss Yuria. Why am I not at fault?”

I don’t particularly enjoy hiding personal mistakes.

Already branded as a bad guy, I knew nothing I said would be accepted.

Might as well speak freely rather than fabricate perfect lies. It’s easier on the mind.

I intend to speak openly.

“There was an incident of failure in the dungeon before. I was involved.”


“I was secretly watching.”

Yuria’s expression gradually hardened.

“And there were doodles on the desk every morning. I wrote, ‘Get out of the academy.'”


“That was me too.”

Yuria asked me.

“Why did you do that?”


Because the young lady ordered me to?


I made excuses like every bully at school.

“Because it was fun.”

Truth be told, it was all for Yuria’s sake.

Judging by Yuria’s favorability, I thought I should say this.

[Yuria Lv. 29]

[Occupation: Academy student / Saint candidate]

[Favorability: -81]

[Favorite Conversation Topics: Friends / Service / Justice / Handsome men / First love / Benefactor of life / Father]

[Disliked Conversation Topics: Olivia / Selfish individuals / Two-faced people / Liars / Ended first love / Hardship / Red hair]

Might as well make sure I become a truly bad guy.

I wanted to go to the young lady quickly.

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  1. Munu says:

    At least she’s not a bad woman :v

  2. Extra Extra says:

    A ‘First Love’ that ended, eh? 🤔

  3. birch hero slayer says:

    ops… my sword almost unsheathed it self. but yeah pink birch still anoying

  4. Anon to mouse says:

    I hate the grammar it’s bad and there’s no specifications on who is talking.

  5. Hu Tao Hu Tao says:

    ohhhh wow this is really good

  6. Crosz says:

    Oh so this girl yuria, was not the typical pink-haired b*tch who acts good outside but rotten inside like in other cliche novels. Interesting…

  7. Kingshand says:

    Is she the first non-ntr pink hair Korean women I’ve seen? Though it might just be the case where the protag has no relationship with her.

    1. TheDiir says:

      Hmm i think we are think the same??? Right?

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