The Villainess Whom I Had Served for 13 Years Has Fallen chapter 48

48 - If You Can't Avoid It, Enjoy It!

48 – If You Can’t Avoid It, Enjoy It!

The young lady shouted at me.

“Get out!”

A provocative remark from the young lady.

I hugged myself and said to her,

“Eek. What will happen if you speak so lewdly.”

The young lady became agitated. She looked at my gloved hand and said she never said such things.

“You must undress! I’ll get a refund!”

Undress, such lewd words.

I fidgeted with the gloves on my hand and let out a snort at the young lady’s words. They’re still useful, so why should I undress?

I firmly refused the young lady’s demand, as I thought I would lose those memories if I were to get a refund.

“Why bother with the hassle of a refund?”

“It’s unfair!”

“Enlarge it, that’s right.”

“I didn’t buy it for you to do that!”

“I thought you bought it for me to wear it like this.”

I shook my tightly fitted gloves in front of the young lady.

“It’s warm and nice.”

The young lady stared at me. Her eyes were as sharp as if she could devour me, but her lips curved up, and she laughed.

I replied to her smile and said, “Well, you know, clothes, when you wear them, they stretch, and when you wash them, they shrink, right? So, it’s better to stretch them out before wearing them anyway.”


The young lady looked apologetic.

She had bought me these small gloves because my hands hurt. Wearing tightly fitted gloves restricts blood circulation and isn’t healthy, but I felt reluctant to return them because I didn’t want the memories to fade.

“Is it too small?”

I couldn’t help but laugh when I looked at the gloves.

I remembered the young lady who tried to put them on desperately, even with a runny nose.

The young lady, realizing that negotiation was futile, sighed deeply and looked at her gloved hands as she said, “Ricardo.”


“The chick has grown into a chicken.”

The young lady said as she looked at the extended embroidery on the gloves. Whether it was forced or not, once the embroidery was done, it couldn’t be undone.

I caressed the embroidery on the speechless gloves and said to the young lady, “This one also needs to grow. That way, we can raise it and catch it.”

“…But you can’t eat gloves.”


The young lady pouted and bit into a piece of chocolate.



A day that began with a small mishap.

We didn’t leave the mansion for a whole week. The young lady did suggest going to see her friends in the forest, but she must have realized that we didn’t want to see those unfriendly faces.

We would have definitely been met with growls if we met, and the young lady was certain of that. After all, looking after the owner’s dental health was also a virtue of a butler. It was my decision to keep us inside.

The change in the young lady’s desire to go outside was a welcome one, but for a while, I hoped she would endure it as I wiped the chocolate from the corner of her mouth.

“By the way, Miss.”


“Do you remember the wheeled chair I made for you last time?”

“Wheeled chair?”

The young lady, who had erased the memory of the masterpiece ‘Benx Model 1’ disappearing into the annals of history, pondered it carefully. She wasn’t sure if the invention had stayed in her memory.

Thinking about the upcoming ‘Porsche Model 1’ to be born in December, I cautiously asked the question. Even if the young lady didn’t like it, I still intended to make it. But it was polite to listen to the customer’s thoughts.

I anxiously awaited the young lady’s response.



The young lady nibbled on a piece of chocolate. I tried to help jog her memory by picking up a nearby chair and mimicking the motion of pushing it from behind.

“It’s a chair with wheels that I push from behind for you.”

“Hmm… Oh! The wheeled chair for leisurely strolls?”

Leisurely strolls?

As the father who gave birth to the ‘Benx Model 1’, my pride was hurt.

“It’s not for leisurely strolls; it’s the Benx Model 1.”

“You even named it after a tree?”

“Benx Model 1… Anyway, what do you think of that leisurely stroll chair? I think it’s quite good.”

The young lady firmly shook her head.

“I don’t like it.”

“But I haven’t said anything yet.”

“You’re not going to make it again, are you?”

The young lady was quick to catch on to things unnecessarily.

I asked her with a hint of a question. I had to change the young lady’s way of thinking from now on, so she would enjoy the ride.

I started persuading the young lady with the thought of 3 million gold coins if she said the packaging was bad, and that was also quite difficult, so I started trying to persuade her.

“This new piece is a bit different.”

With a touch of madness.

“We invested the latest magic technology and a substantial capital…”

Putting the souls of the water god and the spirit medium into the embodiment of the latest technology, only to let it rot in a warehouse without seeing the light, was not polite to the world.

“A whopping… 3 million…”

From Noble mtl dot com

“3 million?”

Today, the young lady seemed particularly perceptive. In order to avoid any further questioning, I pressed a chocolate into her mouth.

“Uh… let go.”

“It’s okay. You should eat a lot at times like this.”

The young lady nodded and bit into the chocolate.

“Anyway, this work is different. I can confidently say that you will be satisfied, as I put a considerable effort into preparing it.”

The young lady asked me, “Is it not made of wood like last time?”

“Don’t even compare it to that garbage. It’s made of steel crafted through intricate forging, and the design will be quite pleasing. It’s planned to be in black, reflecting the current taste of nobles.”

The young lady opened her eyes with interest.

‘Oh…’ she said, putting down the chocolate she held in her hand. It seemed like she might be won over with a little more persuasion.

As I passionately described the details, the young lady said to me, “Faster than a carriage?”

Indeed, it seemed the young lady had an eye for vehicles. I confidently replied, “Of course, isn’t that obvious?”

“Oh…! Then does it shoot fireballs too?”

“If it couldn’t do that, I wouldn’t even mention it.”

The young lady spoke with sparkling eyes. Like Capua trying to pull off an installment plan for a foreign car at a used car dealership.

I had crossed every hurdle.

In my previous life, I should have been a used car dealer, not an office worker. If I had realized my talent for negotiation earlier, I could have quickly escaped the convenience store triangle kimbap life.

The young lady was succumbing to my eloquent words.

“Can you ride it and go to the mountains with it?”

“The mountains?”

“Yes, the air is good there.”

“Do you want to go hiking?”

The young lady raised her head, looking at the sunny Hamel mountain range.

“No, I don’t like it because it’s tiring.”

“Then why did you ask?”

“Aren’t there chocolate trees in the mountains? Fresh chocolate would taste even better.”

“There’s nothing like that.”

The young lady clicked her tongue with a disinterested gaze. So unnecessary, this young lady says.

Looking at the blue sky, the young lady asked one last question.

“Can you fly?”

“No. Only the great sorcerers can do that, right?”

“I can’t do that with this?”


I should ask the Water Spirit.

Judging from the young lady’s reaction, it seemed like she was pleased. It could raise expectations even more since the fee was astronomical compared to the first work, which was too miserable.

Is it fortunate that the first work failed?

It was fortunate that I unintentionally set the stage for the young lady.

The young lady looked at me.

More precisely, she looked at my right hand.

She glanced at my right hand, which was still wrapped in bandages, and then lowered her gaze to the ground and murmured softly.

“I’ll pass. Ricardo’s arm hurts.”

I wasn’t just a butler who would overlook the gloomy words of the young lady. I hung the armless glove around my neck and sat down, humming, to meet the young lady’s gaze.

“Why are you sitting like that? Do you think I can’t lift you like this?”

The young lady nodded.

“Umm. I’m heavy.”

“No, you’re very light.”

The young lady’s head nodded, warning me not to lie.

“Ricardo called you a pig last time. You’re heavy and chubby. What if Ricardo’s arm hurts?”

She was a considerate mistress.

I could still lift the young lady up lightly, at least for now. My dulled senses were gradually returning, and my resistance to dark magic had increased. The tears that used to flow through my hands and the scarred wounds were gradually fading.

If it’s a short distance, maybe a month. If it’s a long distance, maybe a year. With my right hand that I think will come back, I shook my hand to assure the young lady not to worry.

“It’s okay. You’re a bit, just a little bit heavy, but I can lift you.”


“If it’s a lie, then I’ll take you to the forest’s friend as soon as the sun rises tomorrow.”


The young lady spread her hands wide open.

“Give it a try.”

The young lady, claiming she was heavy, teasingly encouraged me to lift her. I chuckled lightly and offered my back.


With a loud exclamation, the young lady mounted my back.

She was lighter than a feather.

If the young lady had felt heavy, I would have dismissed being an inspector, but now, I guess she needs some nursing care. My body wasn’t quite ready for that.

As I was about to give her a confident smile and tell her to look, she exclaimed, “Hold on!”

A sensation, more vivid than usual, could be felt on my back.


No way. Or maybe not.

I looked at the young lady with trembling eyes. I saw her pale face, struggling to catch her breath and lighten her load.

It should be a funny situation…

So cute, it could make you laugh.

This… Well…

“Young lady.”



She urged me, trying to catch her breath.

“Speak quickly… I’m suffocating.”

“That’s… Did you, by any chance…”

The blunt words about her underwear not being on were not uttered. Instead, her black panties, which were lying in a corner of the bed, answered on her behalf.

Panties of an outrageous size.


I gently placed the young lady on the bed.

“I admit defeat.”


Leaving the young lady to declare her diet, I quickly fled the room to cool my reddened face.

The path leading to the friend in the forest.


The young lady riding in the cart had a pleasant smile on her face. The rickshaw that could be seen on the road. The young lady looked around excitedly while riding the rickshaw.

“It’s exciting.”

“Young lady.”


“Just lean on me.”

The young lady in a black dress.

Although she had dressed up for the occasion, she cautiously said to the young lady riding the rickshaw.

Even though she wore her hat low and covered her face as much as possible, we couldn’t avoid people’s gazes turning towards us.

The young lady said to me.

“Don’t hurt your arm.”

“Isn’t it uncomfortable? Even for people….”

The young lady pressed her hat low and said.

“It’s fine. It’s better than Ricardo being the one in pain.”

My heart swelled.

Compared to the first outing, she paid less attention to people’s gazes, but it couldn’t change all at once. Whenever our eyes met with people, she would tremble, pull her shoulders up, and press her hat low.

Although we were walking in places with no people, it was impossible to avoid gazes when there were one or two people on the street. I was afraid that this rare outing would become a bad memory.

Even if I offered to carry her, she would refuse.

If I said I wouldn’t go out, she would scold me for not keeping my promise, saying I was an untrustworthy butler. It bothered me as a butler who always wanted to do only good things for the young lady.

We should hurry.

I tried to quicken my pace.

Until I heard the conversation of passing rich people.

-“Dad… That looks fun.”



-“Dad, did you play like that in the old days too?”

-“Really? Let me do it too!”

-“No, you can’t. Dad’s back hasn’t been good lately…”


Come to think of it, we used to play like this in the old days.

Riding on bicycles, playing kings,

Going downhill fast and getting hurt.

Instead, it seemed like a joke for naive noble maidens to gather attention.

“If you can’t avoid it, enjoy it.” A famous saying flashed in my mind.

I gained confidence.

I spoke meaningful words to the young lady.

“You’re not too slow, are you?”


“Don’t you want to go a little faster?”


The young lady looked at me with trembling eyes.


I pushed down the young lady’s hat and grabbed the handles of the bicycle and said.

“Shift to gear 3.”



The young lady’s scream echoed.

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  1. Crosz says:

    Sigh why so many unecessary filler chaps bruhh…

    1. shelwyn shelwyn says:

      It’s a slice of life. Lol

    2. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

      Why can’t you enjoy their happiness…….
      Look at them having fun

    3. Zhen Wu. Zhen Wu. says:

      They didn’t give him love when he was little p

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