The Villainess Whom I Had Served for 13 Years Has Fallen chapter 94

94 - I Am a Bad Person -1-

94 – I Am a Bad Person -1-

On the way to the tteokbokki shop in Sudo.

The lady sitting gloomily in Ferris Wheel No. 1 was bowing her head.

“I’m sorry…”

“It’s okay.”

“Ricardo spent all the money he earned because of me.”

“It’s okay, he didn’t earn it the hard way. And it wasn’t really my money anyway.”

“But still…”

The young lady was feeling melancholic.

She blamed herself for not enduring a little longer, thinking that if she had, none of this would have happened. She also thought that if she had been able to buy her father’s gift, she could have avoided this situation altogether.

I glanced at the gloomy young lady and pulled out a small black box from my pocket to show her.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a tie pin.”


She looked at me with a bewildered expression.

I let out a wry laugh and muttered with a sense of resignation.

“I thought I wouldn’t have enough money, but it turns out I have plenty.”


“While you were in the restroom, I finished talking with the shopkeeper.”

It was a lie, of course, but it sounded convincing.

I had made a difficult request to the shopkeeper.

– Excuse me, I’m really sorry, but could you attach the tie pin to the tie for us? It’s something we absolutely have to buy…

– Oh… yes. That’s possible.

– I apologize for causing trouble. We’ll repay you as soon as possible. We would appreciate it if you could wait a little longer.

– Oh… it’s okay. I think we can easily fix it with the money you gave us.

Thanks to successfully concluding the conversation with the shopkeeper, I was able to bring the tie pin back to the chaotic store.

As it turns out, the group of girls who had caused a commotion with the young lady had been caught shoplifting at a boutique… I even received grateful thanks from the shopkeeper instead.

Thanks to that person, I felt relieved for the first time in a while. Don’t worry, I’ll speak to the boss about it, so just go on your way.

With the money I earned at the casino, I managed to cover 90% of the damages, and the amount I had to pay back wasn’t that burdensome. The discerning lady didn’t damage any expensive items or dresses, so the compensation amount was relatively low.

It wasn’t a big burden, especially since I could repay the money by catching a few wanted criminals in the middle of the novel.

I conveyed that the lady’s worries were needless by tightly holding a black box containing a necktie pin, imbued with the meaning of gratitude.

“A birthday present for the boss. You should give it to the lady.”


The lady lowered her head and spoke.

“If I had endured a little more, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“Holding in anger makes you sick. You said that before, didn’t you? You can endure hunger, but not anger.”


The lady’s temperament was unpleasant.

Whether in the past or now, she consistently had a fiery personality and a flashy way of speaking. In front of me, she might act like a fat cat, but in front of others, she could be portraying the image of a villainess from a novel.

The lady in the novel was much worse and more wicked than she is now.

I knew a side of her that she herself might not be aware of, so perhaps my reactions were a bit sympathetic.

Even if others cursed her as a crazy woman, she oddly looked kind in my eyes, and I thought she might be considered an angel at this rate.

‘You don’t know the true nature of a villainess.’ It felt something like that.

From Noble mtl dot com

While calmly organizing the lady’s scarf, I finished packing the clothes. Even if I’m not in a good mood, I need to take care of my health.

“You’ll catch a cold. Dress warmly.”

“Sniff… Yeah.”

The young lady spoke to me in a soft voice.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

We walked a little like that.

I cautiously asked the young lady why she had fought. I didn’t want to ask directly as it didn’t seem polite, so I took the opportunity to ask carefully.

“Why did you fight with those people?”


The young lady replied to me with a voice filled with a hint of anger.

“They said something rude about me.”


“I’ll be back.”

“Where to?”

“I think I got off easy.”

The young lady grabbed the collar of my coat as I tried to leave. There was a slight blush on her face, whether from the cold or for some other reason.

“Don’t go. I got scolded a lot.”

“I don’t mind. I’ll go press their noses with a triangular ruler each.”

“It’s okay.”

In my mind, I recalled the faces of the girls who had been lying on the floor.

An orc-like triangular ruler.

A goblin-like schoolgirl.

A straight bamboo-like silhouette.

If seen later on the street, I vowed to myself, pretending to resist the urge to touch while stopping still, that I would pickpocket a month’s worth of allowance.

“Is it really okay?”

“Yeah. I’m hungry now.”


With the hope that their future would not be thorny, I turned around following the lady’s touch.

“It can’t be helped. I’ll make sure this doesn’t happen next time.”

“I’ll endure more next time.”

“Don’t endure. It’s not right to push me.”

“Then, I’ll get a little angry.”

We moved towards our destination, taking slow steps. The cold wind felt somewhat warmer.

Is it because I got mad? Or is it because it’s heartwarming? I’m not sure, but this cold doesn’t seem so bad.


In front of a bustling tteokbokki place.

Looking at the people standing in a long line with trembling eyes, I remarked.

“What’s this?”

“A line.”

“I know that. But isn’t it too long, even for a line?”

Many people were gathered.

A vast crowd, seemingly incongruous for just eating tteokbokki, was reflected in the eyes of the country girl and me.

“Wow. This is no joke.”

“Can’t we even have our meal?”

The young lady asked with a troubled look. Already hungry and upset, she mumbled about being disappointed if she couldn’t eat on top of being angry.

Although I wanted to offer hopeful words, the crowd in front of us seemed unlikely to disappear easily. Therefore, I comforted the young lady with a vague response.

“Yeah, there are just too many people…”

“But I’m hungry…”

The tteokbokki shop near the water was not as big as I had imagined. A small building with a red background sign, about 15 square meters in size.

Inside the shop, there was no space to eat, only a packaging cart set up outside the shop on tables where you could eat.

It took longer to find than I had thought because it was smaller than I had imagined, erected like this.

When talking about business with Malik at the mansion, I never thought that the words spoken casually would actually be reflected.


-“Don’t call me hyungnim. It feels awkward.”

-“Then, boss.”

-“…Just call me Malik.”

-“Do you know the best way to eat tteokbokki?”

-“Use good ingredients, right?”


Malik had listened to my words with a serious tone. I remember him paying more attention than when we talked about Ora.

-“It’s about the atmosphere.”


– Cold winter. Warm soup and tteokbokki.


– Rather than eating inside, it tastes the best when eaten outside the shop.

– Won’t it be cold?

– Isn’t it romantic?

– Definitely…

At that time, I remember busily writing in my notebook, but I wonder if I actually did that.

The result of Malik’s outstanding execution ability and adventurous spirit was evident in the long line of people standing before us.

To think I would see the scenery from my past life in this world. When I was silently immersed in memories in such a familiar landscape.

– Gulp.

A strange sound came from beside me.

I looked at the lady with a puzzled look, and she was drooling while gazing at the tteokbokki restaurant in front of her.

“I’m hungry.”

“It seems like you’re hungry from using your strength after a long time.”

“Yeah. But the line is too long.”


I nodded as I looked at the long line. Indeed, it was too long. In my past life, I would have thought it was excessive just to wait for a single tteokbokki, but this was the only place in the empire that sold tteokbokki.

I had thought about opening a shop earlier, not knowing it would sell so well, but I dismissed the arrogant thought, knowing that I couldn’t do it like Malik.

I glanced at the lady and asked, “Shall we leave the line?”

“Yes. Let’s hurry before more people arrive.”

The lady didn’t suggest any other place to eat.

Right now, it seems like she wants to eat tteokbokki.

Carefully pushing the lady’s wheelchair, I moved forward. When I heard a familiar voice from behind, I turned around cautiously.


A handsome appearance.

A man with a radiant aura.

A man whose charm suits a chef’s knife more than a sword.

Malik shouted at us as he looked.

“Where are you going? You’re over here.”

Malik pointed to the back door of the shop.

“It’s on the house.”

Really, he was a splendid man.


At the same time.

To refresh her gloomy mood, Yuria, accompanied by Ruin and Mikhail, went out for the first time in a while.

The three, who had received friendly disciplinary action, strolled down the street amicably. Among them, Ruin, discontented with the imposed punishment, talked about the injustice as they walked down the street. Upon seeing a shop emitting a spicy aroma, they stopped.


A familiar scent.

Yuria turned her head at the familiar smell of food she hadn’t smelled in a long time.

[Forest Friend – Tteokbokki Stand]

-I received the recipe from a monster hiding in the outskirts.

Ruin looked at Uriah, who had stopped in her tracks, and asked.

“Want to go eat?”


“You seem like you want to eat.”

In response to Ruin’s questioning glance, Uriah nodded her head.


She had been craving it for a long time.

The food that Ricardo had made for her back at the academy, during times of melancholy.

So she lined up.

And when her turn approached.


The familiar face of a man in a white chef’s uniform caught Uriah’s eye.


“Oh? We meet again. Miss Uriah.”

Unexpectedly, Uriah encountered Ricardo in an unexpected place.

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  1. Extra Extra says:

    Malik is currently winning against Kyle for best future brother-in-law 😅

  2. birch hero slayer says:

    malik seem like the best hasbando from the original than michael

  3. Cero says:

    Malik you are a sun🤩

  4. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

    Ricardo : Malik is a kind of guy that keep his best staff happy, it’s Ricardo tho

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