The Woman Found the Will I Wrote chapter 53

53 - Zombie Outbreak 2

53 – Zombie Outbreak 2

Not only is he an official wizard recognized by the academy, but he also has the financial resources to buy a huge mansion in the very center with the best infrastructure.

Of course, there were numerous protective spells installed within the mansion to prevent any kind of terrorism.

‘Whether there is a protection spell or not.’

If it were to be a single spell with overwhelming power, everything would become meaningless.

I looked at the mansion that had not just exploded, but had completely exploded to the point where I said everything had disappeared.

I quickly turned my body and went in the opposite direction using space compression magic.

‘Then, while all eyes are focused on this place.’

We can release the zombies and take a look at it, as we planned earlier.

With those thoughts in mind, I quickly moved to the spot where the Celestial Order members had tempted me.


‘It was definitely here.’

Building near the central stairs.

I quietly hid near a building that looked pretty decent, shaking out the box containing the zombie underneath.

‘It’s early in the morning, so there will be very few people walking around.’

Still, I don’t want to cause innocent civilians to get hurt.

I deliberately scattered mana nearby, in case zombies caused a problem.

‘Then, let’s observe it.’

I’m watching the zombies do little by little what they did before they died.

I was able to discover that one of the zombies was doing something particularly noteworthy.

‘… ‘Why do you keep trying to get into the large trash can?’

Of course, since it is something that zombies do, there is a high possibility that it is a meaningless action.

From Noble mtl dot com

There was a need to check if he was repeating the same actions alone.

As I approached the trash can with that thought in mind, I saw a zombie scratching at the trash can door and struggling to open it.

‘Is there something hidden in here?’

That may be the case given the circumstances.

I opened it, wondering if it had hidden seeds of negativity.

There were all kinds of trash piled up inside the trash can, and there was nothing that looked special.

‘Was it a mistake?’

I was thinking about that and was about to look away.

I could feel a very subtle wave of sticky mana flowing out from inside the trash can.

The moment I confirmed this and realized that this was a trace of the Heavenly God Church, I activated magic and compressed the trash together.

‘… ‘What on earth is hidden in here?’

With that curiosity in mind, I checked inside and saw a dark red potion stuck to the wall of the trash can.


Why was this put here?

I thought it would be a good idea to first check what the potion is.

After putting the potion in my pocket, I watched the zombies’ actions a little more and then moved to Chloe’s mansion.


I returned to the mansion.

I immediately took out the Seed of Negativity and tried to find out the identity of the potion.

[Hey… ]

Perhaps because the magic modification of the Seed of Negativity has not yet been completed.

There was a significant decline in intelligence, and he was acting like an idiot, drooling over the box.

Seeing the seeds of such negativity, I sighed lightly and spoke briefly.

“Let it happen.”

[Huh… ]

You can’t even answer.

Well, I already knew that, so I didn’t pay much attention to it, so I took out the dark red potion from my pocket and waved it in front of the Seed of Negativity.

[…] … ]

After shaking it like that for a while, the seed of negativity started to shine on my body.

It started rolling around like a box and rushing towards the dark red potion.

‘It is certain that it is related to the Heavenly God Church.’

And if the seed of negativity reacts like that, there is a high probability that it is an item with a high level of ‘negative energy’.

I struck the Seed of Negativity to calm him down and then lifted up the potion.

‘It should be easier to leave the analysis to someone else.’

Not wanting to give away the information that I got this, I decided to just analyze it myself.

‘Well, that’s not the same as throwing it on the ground.’

If you completely complete the magical modification of the Seed of Negativity, your intelligence will return to its original state.

If we were to analyze this using this guy’s information and senses, we would be able to figure out the information without much difficulty.

‘So for now, focus on completing the seeds of negativity.’

I decided to find out the identity of the potion later.

* * *

The next day, stories of zombies and stories of terrorism were mixed together in the newspaper produced by the academic society.

I see that even during this time, there is no mention of the ‘Celestial Order.’

While I was admiring the abilities of the Celestial Church members in many ways, Chloe spoke up.

“My youngest, are you going back today?”

When I nodded, Chloe spoke to me with a very sad expression on her face.

“If possible, I would like to take this sister with me one by one, but I am very busy with work… “It’s sad, but my youngest will have to go alone.”

When the words “Rather good” Were floating around in my mouth.

Chloe whispers something to a nearby maid and then talks to me.

“Then I guess I’ll see you later. “If you need anything, please let me know at any time.”


“Then, one last kiss… “

“…… “

When I turned her head in rejection, Chloe gave me a small smile and hugged me, and then she slowly walked out of the restaurant.

“… After.”

Once Chloe is gone, Delia sighs her relief and goes limp.

Although she didn’t say anything until now, Chloe’s influence and abilities seem to have put a lot of pressure on Delia.

‘Not only is she a high ranker of the 6th rank, but her personal influence is also considerable… ‘

It was inevitable that the burden would come in many ways.

I was nodding my head to show that I understood Delia’s reaction.

Rumi’s eyes sparkled as she stuffed both cheeks with steak.

“And my use… “

I’m not sure what I’m saying because I’m talking with my cheeks full of food.

Looking at Rumi, who doesn’t seem to feel any pressure at all, I’m thinking that simple things are good in their own way.

Delia calmed down and told me her story.

“So what are you going to do today?”

“I plan to look around the third floor and write down what I feel.”

“For a Derndern, it’s somewhat average.”

Anyway, you could get a good score just by going to the 3rd floor, so all you had to do was write down something that seemed reasonably rare.

Thinking about that, I nodded and finished the meal.

* * *

As soon as the Magic Society’s field trip ended, I went straight back to my home.

There may be many reasons, but the biggest reason was to finish research on the seeds of denial.

‘In addition, we need to complete the magic penetration.’

I decided it was right to rush back, so I immediately locked myself in the lab at home.

When I was conducting research over and over again, which was extremely enjoyable.

Someone starts knocking cautiously on the door of my lab.

‘… Is it Rumi?’

Actually, there was no one other than Rumi who would come to visit at this time, so I decided to give her a light slap and send her away.

I sighed inwardly and spoke briefly.

“Come in.”

I looked back, wondering what reason I was going to give this time.

Contrary to expectations, there was Shien standing there, not Rumi.

Unlike usual, I am making a puzzled expression as I look at Shien, who is not wearing armor but a rather wide dress shirt.

Shien called me in a slightly calmer voice than usual.

“… “Lord Dern.”

Let’s meet Shien’s eyes to see why he’s doing that.

Sien made eye contact with me for a moment, but then avoided my gaze and spoke softly, as if she were embarrassed.

“Because we haven’t seen each other for a while… “I came running as soon as I heard that Lord Dern had returned.”

Hearing those words, I was able to remember that I had not been able to meet Shien recently.

I awkwardly nod her head at those words, and Shien slowly approaches me and continues her story.

“I really wanted to meet Lord Dern.”

A simple confession.

I am doing my best to calm down in response to such a confession and the words that make my face heat up just by hearing them.

Shien looked at me like that and continued her words with a rather serious expression.

“While I was unable to meet Lord Dern, I thought carefully about why I had not met Lord Dern for such a long time… “It occurred to me that I had made a grave mistake with Lord Dern.”

It was just a mistake or something, we just couldn’t meet because we were both busy.

I don’t know why you say that.

Just as I was wondering where I should start to correct my mistake, Shien took a step closer to me and spoke.

“So, she asked the maid at the mansion how she could ask Lord Dern for forgiveness. “I was able to hear this answer.”

Shien unbuttoned the front of the shirt she was wearing and spoke to me with her face filled with determination.

“According to the words of her maid who has a lot of dating experience. “It is said that if you scribble on the body of someone who has done something wrong in this way, the other person will easily let off steam.”

“… Doodle?”

“Yes. At first, I didn’t know what that meant, so I asked the maid, and she said it while pointing at my breasts. “I took this into consideration and tried it out.”

When I saw the word ‘Dern’ written on Sien’s chest, I had no choice but to keep her mouth shut.

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  1. Ayato says:

    Thats maid has weird taste

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not work with dark mode