There Are Too Many Background Settings in the Possessed Novel chapter 51

good boy

good boy

Late at night in the student council president’s office, I explained the situation to Yuria.

When Livia revealed that she was the princess of the Assassination Guild, Yuria was surprised and asked several questions.

After hearing the general explanation, YuRia pondered as she sat cross-legged on the chair.

Yuria, who touched the tip of her wavy blonde hair with her slender fingers, slowly opened her mouth.

“…You mean everything will be fine once you finish your education, right?”

“yes. The Assassination Guild’s princess will be of great help to Your Highness. Of course, you will follow my orders, not yours.”

“You mean it destroys a person’s personality… . Yes, it doesn’t matter who it is, as long as it benefits. and you are my knight If it’s yours, it’s also mine.”

Anyone who didn’t know Yuria well would have thought it was her cold, dictatorial side.

But just a little while ago, it seemed like a mask to me who knew Yuria, who was holding back tears and breathing heavily in my arms.

It’s just a look that desperately tries to hide its weak side.

So someday I’ll break it down and hold it in my arms and cry a mess… .


I stopped the creepy thoughts that flowed naturally.

Are you crazy?

Did you infuse too much?

Or was I originally like that?

No, at least I think I was just normal in my previous life.

‘If there is a cause… .’

I thought of a pretty girl smiling at me like an idiot.

‘There is only Nias.’

While making me bully Nias, maybe I’ve been in this relationship longer than I thought.

It’s just that it’s going to make Libya a good kid, and it’s just a little deeper.

‘When did I become so twisted?’

No, it’s not twisted, it’s crazy.

I took a long breath, correcting my thoughts again.

Having received Yuria’s understanding, I came out and devoted myself to making plans for the future.

It was to hide a complicated mind.

Come to think of it, I lied.

Before I knew it, it seemed that I was also a liar.




Time flies and the 7th day of confinement in Libya.

I slowly descended the basement I was used to.

What Libya needed was learning.

There are probably one or two Libyan masks left.

It too will be completely broken today.

‘Actually, I wish I didn’t like it.’

I remembered Libya’s voice that had reached my ears.

‘Me too. senior.’

Those words, almost like crying because they were young, kept biting my ears.

‘Perhaps it’s already too late.’

I can’t help but make Libya love me in a different way.

In order to do that, I had no choice but to break all the masks.

And the last remaining mask wasn’t going to be very cooperative with me.


When I opened the door, I saw Libya lying on the bed, free from the chair.

Libya wrapped the blanket around herself and shivered thinly.

It seemed as if he was shivering in the bitter cold.


I sat down next to Livia and ran my hand through her azure hair.

Livia bit her lower lip and glared at me.

Right now I’m helpless and I can’t do anything, but if I regain my strength just a little bit, it’s as if I’ll bite my neck off if I’m not careful.

bleak and cold eyes.

This alone can tell.

After all, that was the mask he was rebelling against until the very end.

The ‘cold assassin’ mask.

It was the name of the mask that was formed first, settled first in the inner world of Libya, and dominated all other masks.

“Isn’t it cold?”

I whispered slowly next to Libya.

Looking at the corners of my mouth slightly rising, I spat out as if I hated Libya.

“Just because all the other masks bowed to you… Because that was their wish.”

Libya crouched down even more as she trembled.

He seemed to believe that doing so would cause thorns to grow on his back, which would protect him.

“Don’t think I will either. Because it’s disgusting.”

Livia said coldly and shook her head.

Even so, the trembling body could not be stopped, and the weak trembling continued.

It’s a shameful persistence.

It’s not because Libya is cold, it’s really cold.

Unless the owner of this room allowed it, the person being trained set the temperature to vary according to their psychological state.

Because of that, Libya seemed to be feeling the cold. It meant lonely and difficult.

Of course, since this is a psychological cold, the room temperature did not actually go down.

I opened my mouth thinking about when she would cling to me and crave warmth.

“Now, do you need to keep that mask?”

Libya did not respond to my question.

I just crouch down to gather some of the remaining warmth in my body.

Of course, that psychological cold couldn’t be relieved just like that.


Hearing her name called quietly, she moved her head slowly.

The indigo-colored eyes contained only me.

“Come on.”

I said softly and held out my hand.

The outstretched hand gripped Livia’s chin firmly with her thumb and forefinger.

“You know there’s nothing left there.”

her eyes trembled

Perhaps, it was already on the verge of collapsing.

After all the masks have crumbled, the reason this mask remains alone is because of her deep trauma.

Because this mask was the way to protect the one person who caused Libya’s twisted personality.

“I’m fine now.”

Whispering, I moved closer to Libya.

As if rejecting me approaching, the force of pushing my chest with trembling hands was so feeble as a cotton wind.

So, that hand took the form of a tight grip on my chest, as if clinging to me.

“I’m not that weak, and I don’t hate you because you didn’t kill anyone.”

I whispered sweetly what Libya had probably wanted to hear all her life.

It was unknown whether she would fall into a trap that was so obvious.

“That is my promise.”

These were words that tied not only her, but also me to her.

I was sincere.

It was too cruel and twisted a promise to lock her up and talk about it.

And to the extent of using this method, I am as twisted a person as she is.

“…It’s petty. senior.”


It felt like the sound of Libya’s mask cracking in my ears.

No, masks are an illusion in the first place.

Read at

Just like YuRia did, it is just a shield that covers the soft flesh inside her.

The more masks a person wears, the softer they are on the inside.

Libya, who has dozens of masks, was a particularly fragile person.

In order to make these masks, she must have been wounded countless times, and each time she increased the mask one by one.

He killed people even though he didn’t want to, and he just thought it was a way to protect the people he loved.


The only difference is that Libya’s mask is a bit peculiar, and each has its own ego.

However, even bigger cracks were appearing in that mask now.

Tears flowed.

Drops of water flowed down the reddish white cheeks, giving lukewarm warmth to my fingers.

Livia didn’t cry much. Because I already cried a lot.

Instead, it was slowly crumbling down on me.

And as if coveting the warmth that had been lacking in the past, he pressed his soft body close to me.

Her body, shivering from the cold, seemed to gradually regain warmth in my arms.

The tremors subsided slowly.

“You don’t keep i will protect you I will carry your past as well.”

I hugged her tightly and whispered.

“From now on, you don’t have to hurt anything you don’t want.”

Contrary to what I said to Yuria, I didn’t want Libya to follow my orders.

Libya wanted to free itself from the shackles of the past and think.

Still, one thing was certain.

Libya will no longer hurt anyone because she loves me.




‘Now I won’t come out often. Because I have someone to protect.’

With those words, the ‘cold assassin’ mask completely collapsed at the words of the senior.

Listening to her senior’s heartbeat, Livia exhaled.

I closed my eyes, and it became a world where only the sound of my breath and the sound of my seniors intertwined and the sound of my heart existed.

He knew very well that he had been caught in a trap.

I’m not stupid, and there’s no way I don’t know.

‘I’m sure you know. It’s like I didn’t really break down.’

The cold has subsided.

In the first place, Libya knew that it was the cold that she had created.

By accepting the senior, the cold was going away.

‘I know, though. A senior’s mind is different.’

He didn’t even say a single word of love.

She didn’t want to lie, Livia understood.

My senior is obsessed with me, but it wasn’t love.

It’s not as intense or hot as love, but it’s a very complex emotion.

Realizing her senior’s feelings, Livia finally gave a name to the feelings she had for her mother.

And he gave the same name to the suffocating feeling he had for the good people he killed.


It was guilt.

Senior took the guilt from me.

You decided to carry it instead of me.

Libya hugged Leonhard tightly.

Although there was no strength in the body that suffered for a long time, it was only digging.

Leonhard hugged her even more forcefully as if he was loving Livia’s powerless movements.

‘Senior, I love you. I really really love you. Even if you don’t love me, I love you.’

Livia was once again convinced of her feelings.

And he whispered, immersed in its warmth.

“Senpai, please love me someday.”

“…not someday, but now.”


Livia fell for that obvious lie and kissed the nape of Leonhardt’s neck.

Still, Livia loved her senpai overflowing, more than the guilt he took.




The stone that was blocking Libya’s use of magic fell to the floor.

Even when the restraints on her arms and legs were released, Libya did not use any magic.

“Let’s go now.”

I told Libya.

“Is there any graduation ceremony?”

Before I could open the door, Livia tilted her head with a subtle expression.

Perhaps he still wanted to make sure I was friendly.

“A graduation ceremony?”

“yes! why. Don’t you think there should be a graduation ceremony for something like this?”

He casually recites the wrong words well.

For a subject who had been imprisoned just a moment ago, it is a tremendous resilience.

I looked at Libya in bewilderment and motioned for her to come here.

Libya approached me with resolute steps, and blinked her clean blue eyes.

“Libya is now a good kid. Congratulations. As a prize… .”

I ran my fingers through Libya’s bangs and brought my lips to her white forehead.

I kissed Livia a little longer than usual.

“Is this enough?”

The heat rose up to his cheeks.

No matter how much I have to pretend to be obsessed with Libya, this is pretty tough.

At my solemn declaration, Libya prettyly rolled her eyes and laughed.


Libya wrapped her arms around my waist and clung to me.

“Anything you do is good!”

Seeing her smiling brightly, I think I got my nose right.


[Libya’s affinity increases very greatly. (Reason: I love you very much)]

[Libya’s form of love changes from exclusive love to dependent love. You will think long before attacking those around you.]

[Since 50% of Libya’s attack was achieved early, you will receive 10000 points as a reward.]

[Some of Libya’s settings change.

46. I will protect the person I love even if I kill everyone (obsession) -> I will kill the person I love if they ask

52. The person I love will be weak (obsession) -> The only person I love is a strong person]

[Due to the change of the character’s core setting, the set’s seeker’s special ability gains a large amount of experience.]

[Setup’s Seeker’s special ability becomes LV6. Objects with high setting understanding can now be summoned three times a day. The summoned object disappears after 10 minutes.]

I hope this kind of message doesn’t come out in this situation.

Anyway, the reward and growth felt good.

This is the first time I learned that you can get rewards by changing some of the settings. It is probably because the setting of the main character has been changed.

In addition, the ability to summon objects created when the set-up’s seeker’s special ability reached LV6 was also quite interesting.

It took quite a while to say that Libya’s capture was 50% achieved.


As I was looking through the system window, I heard a call.

Looking down, Livia was smiling pretty.

“i love you. senior.”

Still, it wasn’t such a bad feeling to receive unconditional love like this.



[End of 1st grade, 《Entrance and Wizard and Princess》 episode]

[1st year edition, continued!]

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  1. Doublesubwalfas says:

    This is too satisfying, being the dominant one against a yandere, not just in one area but everything.

  2. Dark says:

    Seeing a protagonist dominate a yandere like that turned me on more than I expected, I think it woke up something inside of me xD

  3. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Well this arc sure was…something

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