There Are Too Many Background Settings in the Possessed Novel chapter 80

crossfire (5)

crossfire (5)

I climbed the stairs slowly.

My body was uncomfortable, but somehow I was able to move on my own.

If you use magic, you’ll vomit blood right away.

‘I did. A damn achievement.’

I looked at the system window that I hadn’t turned off yet.

[New Achievement!]

[Due to your actions so far, Yuria Rodmas becomes an important person.]

[Added by exploring new achievements for YuRia Rodmas.]

[101. Satisfies Yuria Rodmas’ dependence (0/100) – Reward: Opens hidden route (???)]

While I was going down the stairs in search of the good kid’s room earlier, when this window popped up, I was startled and checked several times.

However, after checking several times, the contents did not suddenly change.

‘ah… ?’


‘for a moment… Could it be like this?’

The fact that achievements were added was because I wondered if the number of achievements to be achieved increased with the final achievement, which was the 100th achievement.

Fortunately, however, the final number of achievements I had to accomplish was still 100.

For once, I was relieved.

And I was able to quickly find other meanings hidden in this message. Depending on how I do it, easy-to-achieve achievements can be added.

The need to be afraid of changing the original work was reduced.

And after that, I was concerned about the contents of the achievement.

Yuria Rodmas.

In the original work, the girl who tried to monopolize everything by herself has not yet been aware of it.

I naturally expected that I would want to lean on someone to some extent.

I didn’t know that it was to the extent that it could be described as a dependency tendency.

‘how much?’

In the case of this kind of achievement, it can be seen that it means that the person has a fairly extreme tendency.

If it’s extreme like Nias, Elin, or Rivia…

It was true that I was a bit worried.

In any case, it was just an added motivation to what I was originally trying to do.

From then on, I gained momentum and carefully seduced Yuria into surrendering herself.

I wondered if I could do it, but surprisingly I did well.

The pretty blue eyes that looked at me as if they were relying on me and the small warmth that touched my cheek were still in my hands.

While I was closing the door earlier, I looked at the additional message window that popped up.

[Aware of Yuria’s tendency to depend. Progress (1/10)

Get 50 Plot Points!]

Same with Nias.

The only difference is that I have become more proficient than then.

If she becomes dependent on me, will she be weaker than she is now?

For some reason, I felt a little better when I thought of YuRia, who completely entrusted my life and treatment to me, completely sealing even that small power.

If things go well though, we won’t have to keep her here for long.

If safety is ensured, there is no need to confine them here.

As soon as I reached that thought, I frowned.

But if things don’t go well… ? It was because I found myself thinking.

Unlike before, a certain dark desire suddenly welled up inside me.

As I achieved achievements, something seemed to change myself.

Some achievements felt like I was stimulating my own desires one by one.

‘no way.’

I laughed and brushed off my thoughts.

I climbed the stairs, measured the time for a while, and went out at the right time.

There was still no one in the break room. Instead, I could feel the intent to kill coming from somewhere.

It seemed like they did a good job of keeping YuRia locked up. Wait, this is just protection.

After waiting for a while, the shadow of the couch in the lounge shook, and Livia and Elin jumped out of it.

The two who came out of the shadows found me and laughed at the same time.

“senior! I’m back soon!”

“Gongja, because you’re hurt… .”

The words of the two were mixed.

Immediately, the two girls glared at each other lightly.

I think it’s a bit wrong for the two to get along.

“thank you. Libya.”

After I smiled at Livia, who had worked so hard, I turned my gaze to Elin.

“Thank you for coming, Elin.”

“…because I was hurt.”

“What about Elina?”

“It’s been a little strange since before. I hear things I shouldn’t have heard.”

because of the broadcast.

I frowned slightly, feeling sorry.

I need to explain it to Elin and Elina as well.

“So how are you feeling?”

Elin came closer to me and held out his hand.

When I put my hand on my chin, Elin slightly pushed the corners of her mouth up. Something seemed happy.

But as soon as Libya grabbed my hand tightly, that smile disappeared in an instant.

“You have to leave. I need to treat you from now on.”

“I’m just supporting my senior.”

“…But I’ve been wondering since before, why is Confucius your senior?”

Elin glanced at me and asked Livia.

“There is such a thing. A romantic, secret story you would never have imagined.”

It’s not like that.

that’s what you called


Elin laughed as if he were laughing at the words.

“I was with that secret affair too. You can’t tell anyone.”

At those words, Libya puffed up her cheeks and glared at Elin.

Of course, Elin wasn’t pushed by Libya’s personality.

I felt like I was about to be pushed back by the stormy momentum of the two girls.

“Stop… start with treatment I am sick.”

At my reasonable word, the two of them stopped forming a disturbing current for a moment.

It was still uncomfortable, though.

Elin looked at my body with divine power and slightly raised her eyebrows.

“I was really hurt. What are you doing? Wanna make me worry?”


I laughed and scratched my head.

“Sickly, really… .”

Elin told me to take good care of my body several times and treated my body with the Holy Law.

After a while, I felt pretty good.

When I lightly used magic, the wind rose normally.

‘As expected, the holy woman’s divine power is the best.’

This level of healing power wouldn’t be enough even if ten clerics clung to it.

“thank you.”

“Don’t get hurt.”

I shrugged my shoulders at Elin, who bruised me.

“…? But, senior What about that woman?”

The woman Livia was talking about must have been Yuria.

“I’m protecting you for a while.”

At my words, Libya rolled her eyes and thought for a moment, then shrugged her shoulders.

“…That’s my room.”

Why is that your room?

I hope you’ll be jealous of that.

Libya’s obsession is scary.

“What room?”

“there is. The secret room between you and me.”

Libya said proudly.

At those words, Elin looked back at me.

“You can’t be naughty… .”

“Nope. something like that.”

I flatly denied it.

“I just happened to have a room that I used. I’ll tell you later. For now, I have a place to go. Will you follow me?”

Of course, it is better if there is at least one more person in the negotiating table.

If it was a saint, the effect would be even more certain.

It would have been nice if Elina was also with her, but Elin was enough.

“… As for the place to go, who is the current student council president’s opponent?”

It seemed that I had heard a bit of an explanation.

At this point, I told Livia and Elin about the Constellations, the impersonator, and the plan to allow the Constellations to talk to the hero candidates.

If they don’t know the plan from now on, they won’t be able to move actively either.

As if surprised by my plan, the two of them were wide-eyed the whole time I was talking.

Elin looked almost faint.

“No, that is nonsense. The scale is so big that I can’t understand something. Is it an impersonator or a constellation?”

“I’m also a senior… I didn’t know what you were trying to do. After all, the senior is so cool!”

The surprise reaction is pretty funny.

For them, the Constellation was a being similar to a god. For Elin, he was a real god.

Of course, in my eyes, Constellations are just unemployed people with nothing to do.

“Wait, then… . What did Elina hear? So you’re saying my god is talking? I do not want to!”

“I have a plan in place. don’t worry.”

“…I can trust you, right?”

I answered Elin’s doubt with a small smile.

“Then what should I do with that Ludas Keanel?”

“that is… .”

To go and do something, Gaunis needs to turn on the broadcast.

What the hell is this guy doing?

The moment I thought so.

[Constellation Gaunis turned on the broadcast.]

[Constellation Gaunis says it took a long time to set up the broadcast.]


[Constellation, Gaunis vehemently protests that he is not an idiot!]

Even though he seems to have given quite a bit of detail, Gaunis is a fool for how long it took.

[Constellation, nickname “Darkness of Darkness” enters.]

[Constellation, nickname “You don’t know my heart” enters.]

[Constellation, nickname “Courage and Flower” enters.]

As soon as the broadcast turned on, the constellations began to come in one after another.

There was no need to wait any longer.

Moments later, I was standing in front of Ludas Keanel’s room with Livia and Elin.

In Ludas Keanel’s room, a blonde rice cake bar was blocking the door. And from the moment I found him, I had been directing my sharp gaze this way.

obvious murder. It seemed that he already knew the identity of this side.

The boy frowned and asked.

“I never thought that Prince Daneheart would come here proudly… Didn’t Her Highness Yuria accompany me?”

This rice cake stand was a very nice person in the original story.

It’s a character that doesn’t appear after working together for a while, but I remember the description of him fighting with his size and strength as a weapon.

In the original work, he appeared as an ally of the main character, so I didn’t know about it, but since they became hostile, his appearance is quite frightening.

“I have nothing to talk about with you. I want to talk to the person inside this door. Move.”

“ha. You don’t understand what I’m saying. you never…”

He raised his fist as if threatening.

I don’t think I need to listen to this useless talk anymore.

“If you won’t open the door, get out of the way.”

I used magic to push his body through the door like a cannonball.

The door of the dormitory, which had collided with the large body, was almost half broken, revealing a hidden space.

A red-haired boy with a bewildered expression came into view beyond the rice cake stand that had fallen off the door.

“Now, you are Ludas Keanel, right? Let’s talk calmly.”

I said with a good laugh.

First impressions should be friendly.

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  1. Azeizel says:

    Yep it was a very friendly impression 🤣🤣

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not work with dark mode