There Are Too Many Background Settings in the Possessed Novel chapter 94

Election (11)

Election (11)

It was so dark that YuRia pressed herself against the wall.

Leaning on the hard wall with no warmth, YuRia carefully took one step at a time.

I couldn’t eat properly, so my weak body kept shaking.

If I could use magic, I would have turned on the light.

Every time she climbed up, Yuria became more and more frightened.

If Leonhardt’s words are true… What am I really like?

how high did it go?

Yuria lightly bumped her head against the wall.

“Oops… .”

As the cold wind brushed through, YuRia’s body staggered backwards.

Yuria reflexively threw herself forward.

My knee hit the stairs somewhere and it hurt so much that my eyes turned white, and my palms rubbed against the stone steps hurt a lot.

However, without even feeling the pain, YuRia raised her hand over her beating heart.

‘… ah.’


Yuria felt once again that her magic power had disappeared.

If I had just fallen, I would have been unable to cope and would have rolled back down the stairs I had climbed up until now.

It was very obvious what shape it would be found in.

Can I really go out?

YuRia swallowed her saliva.

As the spit dripped through the dots, Yuria suddenly realized how nervous she was.

YuRia, who forced herself to stand up, managed to keep herself from breaking.

‘I’m just going out and checking.’

YuRia groped for the wall, trying to calm her anxiety.

There must be a device somewhere… should be


The device was found sooner than expected.

I pressed hard on the brick with the mechanism, and the door swung back with a terrifying sound like sharp blades grinding through the floor.

As the light suddenly poured in, Yuria squinted her eyes.

After waiting for a while to get used to the light, YuRia looked around.

Fortunately, the break room was empty.

YuRia, who was very nervous about the anxiety that was about to explode, let out a sigh of relief.

Like a lie, everything was peaceful.

I haven’t checked yet, but it wasn’t that dangerous.

‘I wonder if it was a lie after all.’

something you don’t know yet

YuRia cautiously stepped into the break room.

Nothing happened.

As I opened the door and climbed the stairs, the worries running through my head seemed like a midday dream.

It was futile. It’s nothing like this.

YuRia moved out of the break room with a little more peace of mind.

It was something to be done by carefully investigating what was actually happening at the academy.

It was then.

A group of students were entering the break room.

Noticing that they were armed for some reason, Yuria took a tense breath.

“yes? Isn’t that the student council president?”

The students who checked on Yuria pointed their fingers at her.

They opened their eyes wide and checked YuRia.

Someone pointed at YuRia and said that.

It was something I had heard before.

Starting from that point, the students each raised their weapons reflexively.

what to do

Without a blessing, if he couldn’t use magic, he was just an ordinary person.

No, his physical training was poor, so he might be more powerless than ordinary people.

scary. But if you look weak here, it will be more terrible after that.

“… You’re not going to attack me, are you? Don’t you know what will happen?”

Even as YuRia felt her heart grow cold, she bluffed.

As they thought, they were checking each other’s eyes and calculating whether they would attack YuRia.

As YuRia thought, they couldn’t rush at her without thinking.

Yuria passed the students in the gap and ran at one step.

When Yuria ran away from the break room, students chased after her.

Although Yuria didn’t know, the space near the resting room was occupied by candidates for the Sleep Society.

That’s what Leonhardt didn’t bring with him because he didn’t want the smell to go unnoticed.

As Yuria ran away, the students nearby noticed her.

“that… ”

“catch! hurry!”

The number of people chasing after Yuria increased here and there.

Suddenly, Yuria was gasping for breath.

A heavy, suffocating murderous intention pressed Yuria.

The air was heavy, and my lungs started to ache like they were burning.

My knee, which had been injured earlier, was throbbing, and it was excruciating pain to even step forward.

scary. The surroundings were full of hostility.

It was like being in the imperial palace.

To a place where everyone is aiming for themselves.

The academy was the place she had chosen to escape from the imperial palace, but now it seemed that even this place was no place for Yuria.


Then, the rough boy’s hand grabbed YuRia’s wrist.

“nicker… ?”

He was one of the student council officers.

At first, he was relieved to think that he had come to help, but the boy breathed heavily and vomited out a word.

“Caught… ”

Upon hearing those cruel words, Yuria’s consciousness shook for an instant.

As her eyes widened, dark emotions began to pool under Yuria’s eyes.


“Chairman, why don’t you use magic?”

“Leave this!”

“Are you crying?”

Nicker laughed at YuRia.

“If I use magic, you will die.”

Yuria bluffed again.

Nikker froze his face, but soon felt strange that YuRia didn’t do anything.

“I should have had enough of it by now… ?”

The surrounding students gathered around the hesitant Yuria as if torturing her.

‘no… ‘

YuRia let out her breath as if having trouble breathing.

My eyes went dark. Sooner or later, the bluff will be revealed.

Then what will happen next?

A feeling of powerlessness crept in. The emotional decision made through shallow thinking was stupid.

I would have believed Leonhardt’s words.

You treated me so well

You said you were trying to protect me.

I don’t believe in Leonhard, so I’m going through this.

Why did I act like such an idiot?

If I had listened carefully, none of this might have happened.

Leonhard was really sweet and kind.

“Yeah, you asked for it.”

When I heard a languid voice, I got goosebumps.

Yuria suddenly realized that the boy who had appeared splitting through the crowd was next to her.

His golden eyes shone fiercely.

Come to think of it, he always looked at others that way, not just when he was alone in the room with him.

Like a predator dominating the situation everywhere.

“What should I do with a child who doesn’t listen?”

Leonhard twisted the wrist of Nicker, who was holding Yuria’s hand, at once.

Then, he snatched Yuria at once and placed him in his arms.

The moment she was held in Leonhardt’s arms, Yuria finally let out her breath.

And he gasped, like a man who had been submerged for so long and now barely got out of the water.

My mind went blank with relief.

“Leonhard… ”

The boy whose name was called looked at Yuria, who was clinging to him with a pitiful gesture.

Why did you run away like this?

“Be quiet. You can’t do anything without me anyway.”

Leonhard held both of YuRia’s cheeks with one hand.

He pressed hard on YuRia’s soft, white cheeks as if in retribution.

Yuria let out a small moan in pain. Still, being scolded like this made me feel relieved as if I would pass out.

If someone else had done this to her, her pride would not have allowed it.

But it seemed that he was the only one on his side in this world.

So what can I do?

“To make a foolish face. First, let’s sort out the situation. I close my eyes for now.”

Yuria closed her eyelids without hesitation.

The refusal to obey his words had thinned out a little.

No, on the contrary, it seemed to be right.

Leonhard, who watched the hesitant action for a moment, twisted the corner of his mouth.

“Just a moment.”

Then, he created a wind around him with magic.

After all, they’re all just puppies.

After cleaning up, how should I scold you?

Leonhardt thought as he lightly hit the roof of his mouth with his tongue.




After a while, after tidying up everything around me, I pressed lightly under Yuria’s chin.

I told you to close your eyes, so close your eyes, then how far are you going to go?

“Open your eyes, look at me.”

At my words, Yuria slowly opened her eyes.

Under the fluttering eyelashes, soft blue eyes rolled like glass beads.

A throbbing feeling spread through me at that pitiful and pitiful gesture.

“Shall we go back?”

YuRia’s eyes went blank.

It was as if he had given up on the idea.

“yes. Shall we go.”

I suddenly had a mischievous thought.


When I said that, YuRia held out her hand.

It was a movement that moved without hesitation, like a puppy waiting for its owner’s command.

I stared at YuRia’s face while holding her small hand, which could fit into my hand and still have enough space, in my hand.

“I’m hurt.”

I whispered as I ran my fingers through the palm of my hand.

“If that’s the case, I’ll have to treat it and get scolded a little.”

Yuria swallowed dry saliva.

But there was no sign of him trying to run away from me.

He just squeezed his hand thinly, as if telling him not to be too harsh.

[Aware of Yuria’s tendency to depend. Progress (9/10)]

Suddenly, her disposition left only the final awakening.

I was on my way to get her.

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  1. cultured_man says:

    MC is scary

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not work with dark mode