This Is My Second Relationship With My Wife chapter 19

This Is My Second Relationship With My Wife 19

19 – Episode 19

“Oh, hi.”

“Ugh, I don’t want to go to school.”

Various students were walking towards school, and I was also among the crowd, walking towards school.

“Hey, Jihun.”

At that moment, when someone called my name, I turned around.

“Ugh… Don’t… Don’t stick so close.”

“I’m your girlfriend, shouldn’t we be a little closer?”

It seemed like it wasn’t me, but someone else.

“She seems to have a girlfriend too…”

The tall blonde woman and the ordinary-looking person seemed mismatched yet somehow compatible.

I felt even more desolate, as if I had been rejected by Seo-a.

When I went to school, the days became repetitive.

The teacher taught, I talked with friends, and before I knew it, it was lunchtime.

“Hey, let’s go eat.”

I nodded and followed Seok-ho.

“Where to?”

“Just come with me and take a nap.”


As I followed, I saw Seo-a and Park Seo-hyun.

“Hey… this place…”

“I don’t know what happened, but talk to her now that you see Seo-a.”

I realized what they were talking about as Seo-a stared at me intensely.


“Don’t bother people around you, Park Seo-hyun keeps calling you annoyingly.”

“Park Seo-hyun…?”

When I looked at Park Seo-hyun, she frowned at me.

“We agreed to have a meal together today.”

“Is that so?”

I nodded my head, and thus an uncomfortable meal was invited.

Seo-ah was sitting next to Park Seo-hyun, and I was sitting next to Seok-ho.

“Hey… Did the two of you fight?”

Seok-ho asked me quietly, and I shook my head.

“No… Then what is it?!”

“I’ll tell you later.”

Because there is someone staring at me right now.

I ate my meal, avoiding Park Seo-hyun’s gaze.

“After eating, let’s go to the library.”


After the meal, we headed to the library.

I entered the library with a feeling of becoming a sinner.



Seo-ah sat next to me, but we were still awkward.

“So! How are we going to study? Should we study here like last time?”



Seo Arang and I just stared at each other without saying anything, only Park Seohyun humming to herself.

“Ugh… Let’s study here on weekdays like last time and at my place on weekends.”


“Got it.”

We both nodded and opened our books and notebooks.

In truth, I could have called Seo Arang to confirm even now. I could have asked Park Seohyun too. But judging from the situation alone, it seemed certain that she had heard it. So, asking Seo Arang would be the most accurate way.

With that thought in mind, studying naturally didn’t come to mind, and I was reminded a few times.

“Hey, aren’t you concentrating properly?”

“Seohyun… Jihun is struggling, that’s why.”

But Seo Arang still diligently helped me, and even though we were distant, we still shared everything.

In this situation, I feel like I’m the only one worrying for no reason.

“Hey… You got that wrong.”

“Oh… Can you explain this too?”

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I approached closer than before.


If Seo Arang didn’t like it, she would have distanced herself from me. If not, she would just stay still.

Knowing Seo Arang’s personality, it was the best way possible.

“Well… It’s like this…”

Seo-ah was fortunate enough not to avoid me and stayed by my side, occasionally even approaching me.

“So… Does Seo-ah still have feelings for me?”

But if that were the case, why did she avoid me?

If it were Seo-ah… wouldn’t she have confessed confidently?

The reason I started dating Seo-ah was because she confessed to me.

Seo-ah always feels embarrassed about surprising me with a kiss back then, but she says she has never regretted her actions.

Moreover, she’s straightforward than I thought, even saying she dislikes something when she dislikes it.

“Got it?”

“Yeah, I got it.”

Therefore, I could tell that Seo-ah still had feelings for me.

“Ugh! That’s it for today… I’m so tired.”

I don’t know if Seok-ho was referring to himself being tired or if he was hinting at something, but he said we should end it here for today.

Then, he came up to my side and whispered quietly.

“You two are always sticking together.”

“Yeah, you think so?”

“Well, you look like an inseparable couple.”

Seok-ho said that and chuckled for a moment.

“Well, even if we didn’t have a great talk, it seems like our hearts were at ease, right?”

“Yeah… I guess.”

We packed our bags and left.

The darkening sky and the slightly cool air told us that we were out late.

“Phew… I wonder if my scores will improve on this test?”

“No, if you don’t know anything, you’ll get a zero.”

“What?! You’re the one who can’t even do math.”

Just as Park Seo-hyun said, Seok-ho found it difficult to keep up with math this time. It’s really a problem with education.

I watched the two of them bicker like that.

“Wait for me at the park and go back to where we started.”

Seo-ah said that and went straight to Park Seo-hyun.


“Uh… yeah.”

“Why are you suddenly happy and then stiff again?”

Seok-ho was the only one who expressed confusion, and we parted ways. I turned my steps back and started running again.

“Heuk… heuk”

“Just now… what Seo-ah said…”

I didn’t know what had happened or why Seo-ah wanted to convey her feelings.

Or maybe this was the end of our connection in this place.

I started running with excitement and anxiety at the same time.

Normally, it would have been an ordinary place where I wouldn’t have paid any attention to my usual steps.


But why was today so quiet and dark, as if it were the end of the world, and every step felt heavy?

“Phew… Pull yourself together… You can do this.”

“I am Seoa’s husband… I am Seoa’s lover.”

With those words that would startle anyone who heard them, I went to the park, reciting a spell.

“Did you wait for me?”

Seoa was standing there, where I ran to.

“Uh… No.”

Seoa denied it, turning her head. But her appearance was endlessly beautiful, like a flower that I couldn’t touch.

“Um… There.”

“Just a moment.”

Seoa cut off my words sharply.

“I… I mean…”

Seoa couldn’t seem to spit out her words, as if her mouth was filled with herbs.

But I patiently waited for her to be able to speak.

By the time six people passed by, three cars drove by, and a cat passed by…

“Do you… have an ideal type?”

It was a question that I felt like I had heard a long time ago.


“It’s you.”

But before I could answer, Seoa asked again.

“Um… No, then… What if… if, hypothetically speaking, your friend doesn’t have any money to go out or eat… What would you do?”

“I want to take you to a place where I don’t have to burden you or pay money.”

I looked straight at Seoa and replied,

“…What do you think about someone who is in a difficult financial situation?”

“It depends on the person, but if that friend really wants to get out of where they are and find themselves, I want to help them.”

“Well… can you make me happy…?”


As expected, she already knew what I was trying to confess.

I found it difficult to open my mouth and answer Seoa’s question.

“To be honest… I don’t really know.”

“You don’t know?”

“Yeah, Seoa, you’re amazing. You always live diligently and greet us with a smile.”


“That’s why I thought maybe you could be happy even without me.”

“I don’t have anything special. I don’t have a lot of money, and I’m not the child of a powerful elite.”

“Maybe I won’t be able to understand the pain you’ve gone through.”

When I said that, Seoa seemed a bit surprised, and just as she was about to say something,

“But still…”

“But still, you know, I think the two of us can be happy together.”

“…The two of us?”

“Yeah, I don’t know if we can be happy as individuals, but maybe we can find happiness together.”


Honestly, could this be a confession?

“Is it not about a friend… but about a lover?”


Something feels a bit… wrong. I originally planned to do something sentimental at the festival…


Seoa listened to what I said, and now I just needed to hear her response.

“…All you have to do is answer honestly?”

“…I… I’d be grateful if you did.”

“At first, I was really scared.”

“Seeing unfamiliar faces, familiar faces, and being beaten up every day, it was a life like that.”

“I don’t think of those people as parents… Honestly, I think they’re not, those bastards… Sorry, I hesitate to call them parents.”

“So I always suffered and ran away to places where those people weren’t, every day.”

“But even when I ran away, I didn’t feel like I was escaping from something.”

“I just… felt like I was alone.”

“But when you first saved me… honestly, I didn’t believe it.”

“I thought the reason you liked me was because of my face.”

“People usually approach me based on my face at first, but once they realize I’m more than just a face, they avoid me, you know?”

“But you were different.”

“You genuinely cared about me.”

“You became my only friend.”

“Thanks to you, I made friends too.”

“The food that used to taste bland now tastes delicious.”

“Even though the place you took me to is where people seem happy, I started to feel the happiness that I couldn’t feel before.”

“I realized that I really… no, I like you so much that I can’t express it even if I have all the sincerity in the world.”

“I think you’re right. I don’t know what will happen if we both try to be happy together.”

“But if we’re together, it feels like it will be 100% certain happiness.”

“On the day you confessed… I’m sorry for secretly listening.”

Seeing Seoa suddenly apologizing, I told her it’s not necessary.

“No, it was actually… a bit surprising, you know?”

“Huff… Actually, I was convinced that you would like me.”

What… even convinced?

“You said you came to find me before we even met?”

“Ah! Well, that’s…”

“It’s okay. Everyone does the same. People come to see me even once, even though I’m not a celebrity.”

“And if you’re going to do something, do it properly.”


“Do it properly… at that festival.”

“Oh! Uh… yeah!”

“But remember, if you don’t impress me like you do now, I’ll refuse, so you better do well~”

Seoa, who was playfully speaking, gave me a slight wink.

“Yeah! Of course!”

I sighed with relief in my heart, at least thirty times.

“Sigh… What does it matter? We’re neither friends nor lovers.”

I chuckled in response.

“So, we’re more than friends but less than lovers?”

“Huff… hahahahaha! Yeah, that’s right.”

Seoa laughed and looked at me.

“From now on, let’s talk to each other. If something feels off, we’ll definitely talk it out, okay?”

“Got it.”

“And also, take care of me from now on, Jihoon.”

“I’ll take care of you too, Seoa.”

Seoa and I looked at each other and said at the same time,

“I love you!”

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  1. Clown 🤡🎪 says:

    Ngl i thought the seo a also regain her memories but I guess i was wrong

    1. Hu Tao Hu Tao says:

      I think she did. There were various signs that indicate. The rumors where she started crying, her in a bad mood when the MC received a love letter, her being familiar with the zoo despite being her first time, and stories of how cold she was before, but now seemingly very accepting of the MC.

      1. X33 says:

        Ngl, it feels like they’re playing a game of poke to know each other’s feelings.And in a different level they’re having a psychological warfare in a way that could make them back to the couple they ‘officially’ are once.I mean, it would be awkward if both of you regressed and be lovers on the same day again, like where’s the logic? You don’t even know if you’re lover regressed too. So what they’re doing actually makes sense here.

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