Villainesses in Romance Fantasy Become Obsessed chapter 24

24. Tyrant of the North (3)From noble mtl dot com

24. Tyrant of the North (3)

From noble mtl dot com

24. Tyrant of the North (3)

The northern wind is cold.

Winter lasts all year round, and it snows every day.

I heard that people born in the north have never seen rain.

And Yuri is such a northern country

“Me, I hate the North… “

I hate it.

What is the reason?

I asked what she thought.

Because we’re friends, we use casual language.

“Is there any particular reason you don’t like it?

“I hate snow… It’s cold and painful… I want to be somewhere warm… “

As if he didn’t like the cold anymore, Yuri hugged her body.

Well, since she was born, she doesn’t feel warmth, she only feels cold.

She deserved it.

‘Your personality is warm, unlike the cold North. More so.’

Unlike her personality, her environment in the cold north is not suitable for her.

Personality, body, family.

In all respects, Yuri was born into an environment that was not suited to this northern environment.

That’s why she must have been able to carry out a massacre because her spirit couldn’t hold on, just like we saw in the novel.

“It would be nice if I could go somewhere warmer than the North.”

“That, that’s right… I want to travel the world like you… I envy you… “

“Travel the world… Not good. You move around a lot.”

It was a bad girl sightseeing tour that was vague enough to be called a world tour.

I told her that it was fun so as not to break Yuri’s illusion.

“At first, I went to Vertium, which is located in the east. It’s famous as a rich city. I know?”

“Bee, Verdium… I remember hearing… I heard that the city is very developed… It’s true… ?”

“It is definitely more advanced than the North.”

In the north, the buildings in the city center don’t look so good, perhaps because of the seasonal influence.

There are many people shivering from the cold, and I must say that the city is chilly.

The security is not so good, and it has a bleak atmosphere.

“By comparison, Verdium… Still, there are things that can be a little shiny. There are a lot of people.”

“That’s right… There are no people in the northern city center… I think it’s because everyone supported the article… “

“Well, anyway. The Vertium trip wasn’t bad. Kind of fun… There was also.”

She even made a pact with Nadia.

Even if the results are not very satisfactory, it is a city that has achieved its own results.

At that, Yuri asked if her curiosity was piqued.

“That, is it? So, where is your next travel destination? How long are you going to travel for? Curious… “

“I’m going to finish my trip to the north and go back to my family to prepare for admission to the academy. And, travel… I worked as a teacher at the period family mansion located west of the capital.”

“Teacher… ?”

“Uh, I didn’t have enough money to travel, so I had to earn some money. So, I did some teacher work.”

“Whoa, whoa… amazing… !”

Yuri clapped her hands in pure admiration.

“Teaching someone… It’s a very difficult job… ! Amazing… !”

It’s not such a big deal.

The class itself was comfortable because it focused on basic knowledge.

‘I’m all ashamed… ‘

Should I say innocence that makes me look back?

Yuri’s innocent reaction actually made my face blush.

“Not that much. I just simply explained what I knew. The student’s efforts were much more important.”

“That, but great things are great… ! You did such a great job even though you were the same age as me… Then what about that student… ? I’ve made progress in my studies… ?”

Has there been any progress?

I can say that with confidence.

“Yes, I only made one person.”

“I see, teachers and students… I must have been very friendly… I envy you… “

“Envy? What are you envious of?”

“Oh, no. I just did it.”

Yuri calms down with a smile.

I couldn’t figure out what it meant to be envious.

I could tell that she enjoyed listening to my travel stories.

‘Although it seems like he enjoys talking to people.’

Is it because there is no one to talk to here?

Yuri laughed at my boring stories and enjoyed the conversation.

That’s why, the moment she opens her mouth after contemplating a conversation topic so that she can have more fun.


– Lady Glass. She was ordered by the head of the household to come to the training ground.

A death sentence was passed on Yuri from outside the door.

“… Yes.”

Yuri answered by biting her lip.

Yuri’s complexion was pale.

The word to come to her training ground seemed like a death sentence to Yuri.

“N, I’ll be back… It’s okay if you don’t come tonight… Damian… “

With that said, Yuri moved her heavy steps towards her training ground.

Not long after, Yuri’s screams were heard from there.

It was a very sad tone.


Late evening.

A time when everyone is asleep.

I remained by Yuri’s side today as well.

“Huh, huh… it hurts… “

“Stay still. Ointment is originally painful.”

“Yeah, but oh… it hurts… “

Yuri covered her face with her hand.

My wounded body is being healed by me.

The ointments and bandages purchased from the clinic were being used in a useful way.

After applying her ointment on Yuri’s arm, I carefully asked her as I bandaged her.

“… Do you get hurt like today every time you train?”

“Huh… Yes… almost… Whoa… “

“There is no good place. Once her arm is done, give me the other.”

“Ah… write… “

Yuri switched her hand to cover her face.

She’s willing to cover her face no matter what.

I decided not to touch it and focus on the treatment.

“This arm… Can you put her arm up for a second?”

“This, like this… oh, it hurts… “

“Looks like your shoulders are out. Stay still. I’ll apply ointment. The bones will attach quickly.”

“Huh… oh, thank you… “

Yuri was treated with her tears dripping.

‘Until I come… It sounds like they didn’t even have this basic treatment.’

It’s too cruel.

It’s not something a 12-year-old can handle.

Although it is said that he recovers from wounds faster than normal people due to his family lineage.

This is way over the line.

“What’s wrong with the family’s power being weak… “

Yuri said in a sad voice to my self-talk.

“Oh, no. Don’t say that, Damian. It’s all my fault… My, it’s because I was born wrong… “

“No, it is absolutely not your fault. Ibasten is just crazy.”

“Oh, my father is crazy… “

“Then are you crazy? Beating her daughter like this?”

“… “

Yuri was silent.

She must know.

The fact that her own father is very different from other people’s fathers.

I wrapped the bandage around Yuri’s arm and said.

“When you’re with me, don’t say it’s your fault. Ibasten is crazy. Got it?”

“Okay… uh. I won’t blame it on me… Sorry… “

Yuri answered with a drooping voice.

He looked dead.

‘Did I get too angry… ?’

It seems that I was angry at Ivasten’s behavior for a moment and made her speak a little harder.

I feel sorry for nothing.

“… Glass.”

“Ugh, yes… “

“Get your face out of your hands. The face needs to be treated too.”

“… No.”

I don’t like it.

This is the first time I’ve seen Yuri respond so sternly.


“Even if you hate it, you have to treat your face. It hurts later.”

“… No.”


“Bo, I don’t want to show it. I’ll do it alone… “

What should I do with him?

I can’t even apply ointment on my own.

I can’t help it.

“I have no choice but to do it by force.”

“Oh, uh… ?”

“Clean your hands, Yuri.”

“Ah, ah… no… !”

As far as shouting no.

A glass arm that opens fairly easily.

As her bandaged arm went down, I could see why Yuri was so desperate to stop it.

“… Your face is full of bruises.”

“Look, don’t look… Phew, that’s hideous… “

“… “

A blue bruise blooms.

My eyes are swollen and I can’t see properly.

Even if it has a high natural healing power. Hands on your face?’

Ibasten is not a tyrant for nothing.

I wanted to make Yuri run away from her mansion right now.

However, it is impossible because the time has not yet come.

The only thing I could do was to treat Yuri’s wounds.

“Did you say you would do it alone?”

“… Me, I can do it alone So don’t look… “

“Don’t be shy. I have my eyes closed. I’ll finish it quickly.”

“… Yes.”

Yuri answered timidly.

I carefully applied her ointment to Yuri’s face.

As if her wound hurt, she kept shaking her shoulders.

However, Yuri wondered if she wanted to end this time quickly, she endured and did not speak out.

“It is over. It’s done now.”

“No, it’s over… ? Then-“

“Don’t touch her face. The ointment should dry.”

“… Okay.”


Instead of covering her face, Yuri turned around and showed her back to me.

She was ashamed to ask me, with her back turned to me, covering her face.

“Damian. Why are you so nice to me… ? I don’t have anything… You could help me and suddenly disappear like everyone else… But why are you nice to me… ?”

To tell the truth, there is a purpose, ‘so that you don’t become a villainess’.

But I can’t tell you the purpose.

To purify and wrap the words as much as possible…

“Because we are friends. Originally, friends help when you need help. That is natural.”

“Really? That’s normal… ?”


Speaking of an ideal friend.

Did you like what I said?

A small voice leaked from Yuri, who turned her back to me.

“A friend… Being there to help if you need help… Hey, Damian… !”


“Me too… ! If you need help, I’ll always help… ! Because we are friends… ! Let me know if you need any help… ! Got it… ?”

Will there be a day when I will receive Yuri’s help?

Thinking about it, I don’t think there will ever be a day like that.

It seems that Yuri mustered up the courage to speak, so I answered out of courtesy.

“Okay, I’ll tell you later if I need help.”

“Hey, it’s a promise..! Because we are friends… !”

“… Okay. Because we are friends.”

“hehehe… “

Yuri laughed, emphasizing that he was her friend.

She turned her back, so I couldn’t see her expression.

The sound of laughter clearly contained happiness.


“Friends… “

Yuri muttered as he looked out of her window.

From noble mtl dot com

Because a friend was walking outside her.

Yuri captured it intact in her eyes.

“Damian is my friend… “

Kind, funny.

The only one who plays with me is Damian.

Yuri muttered her own feelings, fixing her gaze outside her window.

The wounds treated yesterday did not hurt as much as usual.

“Even when he saw my injured face, he kindly treated me… Damian is great and nice… ! Damian is my friend… !”

Yuri felt good.

He himself is called useless in the mansion.

Being treated by Damian and receiving normal treatment.

She got a sense of liberation somewhere in her heart.

However, that was only for a while.

“Uh, sister… But, Damian, don’t go that way… ! I have a sister… !”

Damian outside the window was going in the wrong direction.

Yuri’s older sister is sitting in her snow-covered garden and drinking hot tea.


Irnia always bullied Yuri, and whenever she met, she used to swear.

“Oh, I can’t…” Her sister must be bothering Damian… !”

I have to help Damian.

Yuri quickly made up her mind, removed the bandages from her body, and tried to get under her to help her Damian.

However, contrary to Yuri’s expectations.

The scenery outside the window was not dangerous at all.

On the contrary, I could say it was good.

“With my sister… Damian is smiling… Me, my older sister who bullied me… My friend Damian is smiling… “


Witnessing her, Yuri bit her lip and clenched her fist.

Her heart aches, her heart thumps.

“Damian is my friend… Because the two of you are talking… Her heart is frustrated and hurts… “

It’s because I’m watching you two talking.

If you don’t see it, it won’t matter.

However, unlike her thoughts, Yuri couldn’t take her eyes off her.

Because if I didn’t put it in her eyes, she would be even more anxious.

“… Damian.”

Yuri stood still at her window.

She clearly captured the conversation between her sister and Damian in her eyes.

Her eyes were undoubtedly jealous.

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  1. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    So this is just ddlc but with a higher probability of a good ending

  2. Crosz says:

    deja vu~~~

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