Villainesses in Romance Fantasy Become Obsessed chapter 78

78. Trials, Festivals, and Obsession (3)

78. Trials, Festivals, and Obsession (3)

78. Trials, Festivals, and Obsession (3)

In the original novel, the crown prince mercilessly slices up the wicked women.

The wicked women resist with great power, but in the end they are killed by the crown prince.

The reason was simple.

This original work was created to truly educate the villains who harass the main character.

It was a natural result for the wicked women to lose to the crown prince.

However, against such a crown prince, Yuri was not being pushed back.

‘No, rather… ‘

Yuri is beating the prince.

That’s also quite overwhelming.

‘How did this happen?’

Without taking my eyes off Yuri, I thought about her.

How on earth is Yuri defeating the crown prince?

‘The prince is hiding his superpower. That’s why I can’t use my superpowers in crowded places like now.’

So, is it right to be overwhelmed by Yuri because of just one superpower?

No, that’s not it.

Excluding the superpowers, Yuri overwhelms the crown prince with her basic skills.

I also received a lot of swordsmanship training, and I knew at once that the crown prince had no chance of winning because I also had skills.

‘That’s the difference in basic skills. Even if he uses the superpowers hidden by the crown prince, the current Yuri will never be able to win.’

The reason is simple.

The prince is strong.

However, glass is stronger.

The body’s ability to use supernatural powers is excellent, like a monster.

“Obviously the crown prince hit me… why are you pushing… ?”

“Isn’t that a female monster? Isn’t it a monster raised in the northern mountains!”

The audience who had gathered to cheer for the crown prince became increasingly noisy.

Nevertheless, Yuri silently wielded his wooden sword and pressed the prince.

Looks like you can’t hear him because he’s concentrating.

From noble mtl dot com

‘… It seems that the sword is loaded with emotions.’

The news that I am getting engaged to Nadia.

The glass seems to have changed the weight of the sword because of that.

Maybe it’s because she usually trains without stopping.


“My, I will win… !! I-I won… ! De, it will help Damian… !!”


Yuri struck the crown prince’s head with a wooden sword.

The attack caused the prince to sit down with blood on his head.

At the same time, the professor’s voice sounded as if he was embarrassed.

“Su, the winner is Justia Yuri… !! This, the head of the swordsmanship department this time is Justia Yuri… !!”

Clap clap clap-

I clapped for congratulations in response to the professor’s words.

Unfortunately, the hands of everyone except me were still in place.

Rather, they were moving their mouths busily without moving their hands.

Usually using words that contain the meaning of criticism.

“Who is the b*tch who dared to defeat the crown prince, the sun of the empire?!”

“Do you think the North is not part of the Empire!! Doing my best without even noticing!! Obviously, Prince Lionel wouldn’t have done his best!! That monstrous b*tch!!”

“The northerners haven’t been able to find a single nunchiran since the old days. The father and the daughter They are more like monsters than humans.”

“… “

Although Yuri raised her head and looked at her audience to feel the joy of her victory.

Everyone except me was busy blaming and pointing.

“N, I’m not a monster… I won… “


To enjoy the joy, the head lifted back to the floor.

Yuri murmured once and closed her mouth firmly.

“A northern bastard who doesn’t even notice.”

“As expected, it is the Easterners who are superior to the Northerners. Those monstrous families and the people they serve are all monsters.”

“Maybe it’s because I grew up in the North, but I’m not cheap. Make me eat all my money… “

Nevertheless, criticism continues to pour in.

‘This is too serious. These crazy bastards.’

The Crown Prince’s lack of skill is trying to blame Yuri’s fault.

Feels like your eyes and ears are being polluted.

And I felt sorry for Yuri who had to listen to that crazy sound.

I immediately got up and pushed the people in the front row.

“It passes.”

“What, why are you pushing and messing around-“

“It’s passing.”

“A, yes… pass… “

When you sharpen your eyes and lower your voice, the audience immediately moves out of the way.

I was able to get to the front seat just like that.

‘… Glass.’

As she lowered her head, Yuri appeared in front of her.

I stormed into the arena without hesitation.

Then, he walked over to Yuri and put his hand on her shoulder.

“… Let’s go, Yuri.”

Yuri’s eyes widened when she found me.

“Damian… ? Damian… Why are you here… ?”

“… Of course I came to see you. I’m a little late because the exam ended late. Let’s get out faster than that.”

I don’t need to stay here any longer.

If I had, it was obvious that I would only get criticism.

I put my hand on Yuri’s shoulder and left her arena.

As the distance increased, the criticism toward Yuri naturally decreased.

The people who criticized Yuri were really pitiful.

“Whoops, those bastards. The prince is weak. Why are you blaming me? The prince might lose. Should I always win? Right, Yuri?”

“… “

You must be in a good mood.

Yuri seemed to be shocked more than she thought, so she shut her mouth and she didn’t answer.

The expression on his face also seemed to be in deep trouble.

After giving Yuri time to sort out her complicated thoughts, she came to her senses and buried her face in my arms and called my name.

“… Damian.”

“Oh, are you finally coming to your senses?”

“… Damian. I won.”

“I know. I’ve seen you win. Good work, Yuri.”

Sseudam ssdam-

Yuri wondered if she had anything more to say, and she called my name one more time.

“… Damian.”

“… Uh.”

“… I won Why should I be told I’m a monster? I’m not a monster I just received the power that came down from my family. Even if I leave the North, why does the fact that I was born in the North bother me?”

“… “

I understand.

You might think so.

I stroked Yuri’s hair and carefully opened her mouth.

“… Because those people can’t come out, yes. It’s not your fault, Yuri.”

“Yes… ? It’s not my fault… ? It’s just that these people are bad… ?”

What is certain is that it is not Yuri’s fault.

I nodded at her question.

For the sake of her self-esteem, she had to stop blaming herself.

However, I am well aware that there is one downside.

“As expected… I see… ? People are just bad… ? Also, for me… I think there is only one Damian… “


The glass held in my arms dug deeper.

She’s like a swamp from which she can’t get out.

She didn’t want to let go of me.

“Damian… They don’t think of me as a monster… ? Even if other people call me a monster… I hope Damian doesn’t think of me as a monster… “

A tone full of obsession.

I answered with a gulp of dry saliva.

“Everything, of course. How can I think of you as a monster? You are always glass My best friend Yuri.”

“That, yes… ? But Damian… I hate my best friend now… “


“Me, now I… Not best friends… I want to be your fiancé… “

Yuri shouted, raising her head and looking me in the eyes.

“I don’t go back to Damien’s house during vacation… I’ll go to the North… And, no matter what I do, I will inherit the grand duchy… “

At that time.

Yuri called my name last.

“I can be of great help to Damian and become a suitable person for you…” ?

“… “


To say.

The eyes of Yuri looking at me are that of a person who has already made up his mind.

She seemed unable to stop her no matter what.


Nadia’s Art Test.

The result is 90% of the professor’s evaluation of the Department of Fine Arts

And 10% of student evaluation

No matter how hard it is, it’s not just for one person.

Professors think they need some opinions from students.

As a result, numerous paintings were displayed in the building of the Department of Fine Arts.

‘… Too many too many My eyes hurt.’

Among these paintings, there must be Nadia’s paintings as well.

I had a headache from worrying about Yuri.

First of all, we decided to take care of things closer.

Anyway, Nadia’s paintings stand out even if you don’t look for them.

“Here you are. My face.”


It’s disassembled a lot, and the composition is scattered.

Even without a name written on it, it was easy to know that Nadia drew this picture.

“It’s also very difficult.”

Professors like difficult things.

He has good skills and has done all the basic things.

Scores for easy works are low.

The harder it is, the higher the score.

However, if the difficulty is too high, I don’t like it that much.

No matter how you look at it, Nadia’s drawing of my face…

“If you don’t know who I am, you won’t even understand.”

I drew a face and put things and actions I like into it.

There are actions within the face, expressions within the face, and objects within the face.

However, all of the paintings harmonize and create a single picture.

Although it is a very difficult and difficult work even for me to understand.

It seemed to draw pretty well.

“Is this what we mean when we say one picture?”

Information and thoughts about me from Nadia’s head.

And then, I became that model.

A work made up of Demian on the outside, but Nadia on the inside.

I took my eyes off the canvas with goose bumps all over my body.

“This is a bit… It’s hard to watch… “

I don’t want to look at myself that others have ripped off.

I decided to leave, sweeping my arm.

On the way out, students’ evaluations of the paintings were hung on the wall.

I found an evaluation of Nadia’s painting among them.

‘Hmm, what does this say… ‘

I read aloud the writing on the paper.

It was a familiar handwriting that I had seen a lot somewhere.

“Did you draw this as a painting? Even if I draw, I will draw better than you. Ji drew it as if he knew everything. Stupid b*tch who knows nothing. Even if I draw for one year, I will draw better than you… “

I decided not to read more than that.

It must be that all the papers were filled with criticism anyway.

“This is too revealing.”


I sighed and checked to see if there were other good articles.

Some wrote that it was difficult, but others said it was good because it was difficult.

I wondered if he had a taste for unsolved problems.

“… What?”

And one more.

I read the text written in a familiar handwriting.

“I think this is a bit wrong… Hmm, I know better… This is not a friend I know… Hmm, I think I may have lacked a bit of thought… “

After reading the text, I decided to quit again.

Two guys hiding in anonymity.

Anyway, I felt that the bad girls were desperately trying to keep me in check when I wasn’t there.

“This result than that. Will Nadia ever admit it?”

Looking at the reviews, it seems like the outcome has been decided.

Indeed, how will Nadia react to this result?

“… It’s not like I failed in admissions, so I’m sure there will be a coup d’état.”

Wouldn’t it be like the original?

Slightly, I was worried about that.

I just prayed earnestly that it was because of my worries.

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  1. Reii i Reii i says:

    I am still considering this as toxic and not wanting to read but somehow story keeps me interested

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