Villainesses in Romance Fantasy Become Obsessed chapter 80

80. Trials, Festivals, and Obsession (5)

80. Trials, Festivals, and Obsession (5)

80. Trials, Festivals, and Obsession (5)

After running away from Bluebell.

Me and Yuri had a great time together at the festival.

“Damian… I don’t want to eat that… ?”

“Chicken skewers? I don’t. Why? I want to eat?”

“Ugh… I think I want to eat some… “

Yuri answered timidly.

I handed the money to the man at the store and bought four kinds of yakitori.

It was because the other three were too wasteful to choose just one.

“Mild taste. Spicy. Sweet taste. Salty. What do you want to eat?”

“I, I… I think mild taste would be good… !”

“Now, eat.”

Yuri received mild-tasting yakitori from me and put the hot yakitori into her mouth.

He didn’t seem to feel any heat at all.

Yuri’s face turned bright as if it tasted quite good.

“It’s because Damian gave it to me… Mmm, it’s delicious… Ehehehe… “

“I’m glad you like it. If you’re hungry, try other flavors. I am not hungry.”

“Ugh… ! Go, thank you Damian… ! Hey, he’s also my fiancée… !”

Yes, engaged friend.

I smiled dejectedly at Yuri’s coined word.

He’s usually timid, but he looks cute.

‘Where does the mindset of killing Nadia to help me come from?’

The hidden side behind that cute appearance.

Remembering how I shouted ‘die’ over and over again, I suddenly got goosebumps all over my body.

As if Yuri was sensitive to my changes, she reacted by turning her head to my actions.

“What’s wrong, Damian… ? There’s something… ?”

“Oh, no. Nothing. I guess I just got goosebumps from the delicious chicken skewers.”

“That, yes… ? Okay… “

There is something that bothers me, but it just seems to pass.

Still, I’m glad you didn’t ask me about my thoughts.

Thought so, I took the yakitori in my hand and walked down the street again.

Yuri took care of all the chicken skewers I had in my hand while walking.

“Because the academy is noisy after exams. It also buys the atmosphere. It’s also lively.”

“That, that’s right… But Damian… I did well on the test… ? Joe, excuse me… ?”

“I am not rude. I did well on the test. If there are no big mistakes, I think I will be the top this time too.”

“Wow, great, Damien… Being the senior this time… ! Hey, he’s a genius after all… !”

Clap clap clap-

Yuri applauded in admiration.

It’s not something to be praised that much.

‘It’s a result of hard work, so it’s hard to say that I’m a genius.’

Reduced sleep time, the chief obtained through effort.

In a way, people who are greater than me must be Yuri.

Because you defeated the crown prince who showed overwhelming power in the original story.

‘… The crown prince must be enjoying the festival with Elisha by now.’

If only I could get along with the heroine without any problems.

There won’t be any problems in the empire, and the lives of the wicked women will be all right.

Wouldn’t the crown prince’s defeat by Yuri cause a big stir with the butterfly effect?

Those insignificant worries that never happened passed through my head.

“… No, who am I to worry about now?”

“What, Damien… ?”

“No, I’m talking to myself. You don’t have to worry about it.”

“This time, too, you talk to yourself a lot on a regular basis… ?”

Yuri held my hand and spat out words as if it were natural.

“But you don’t have to worry… Because I’m always paying attention to Damian’s self-talk… “

“M, what?”

“Damian was talking to himself, always telling me not to mind… But, how could I not care what Damien said… Because I remember everything… I said you don’t have to worry… There’s something wrong… ?”


Yuri asks if there is a problem with herself.

Her face resembled that of an innocent child who had no idea what was wrong.

‘As expected… ‘

I don’t think it’s time for me to worry about anyone.

I have no choice but to be careful not to be quartered by the wicked woman.


Lunch around the festival.

“I’ll go to the bathroom for a minute.”

Is it because I drank too much and didn’t go to the bathroom too much?

I suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom.

Looking at me like that, Yuri asked cautiously.

“Can I go with you too… ?”

“You want to go to the bathroom too?”

“Oh, no… I don’t want to be separated from Damian… “


You mean to enter the men’s bathroom.

I shook my head resolutely.


“Oh, I didn’t know… “


I’ll be back soon.

The wait won’t be too long.

I left Yuri on a bench near her and walked a little faster towards the bathroom.

There were a lot of people because it was a festival.

“The line is long. It will take quite a while… ?”

Still, the number of people decreased faster than expected.

In the end, I managed to use the bathroom safely, but for some reason, the time outside felt longer than the time inside.

“I’m glad I went in before packing.”

Yuri will be waiting for you.

Let’s go back soon.

The moment she made up her mind and was about to take a step.


Someone stopped me by grabbing my arm.

I turned my head away in a cold sweat, feeling as if a gun had been pointed at my back.


“Where have you been, Damian? You almost died looking for it. Hey, if I hadn’t seen it in my dream, I wouldn’t have been able to find it.”

Bluebell was staring at me with an annoyed expression.

From the moment I ran away, until now.

Looks like you were looking for me.

Bluebell asked harshly, grabbing my arm as if he would never let go.

“You. With who. What were you doing?”

“N, me?”

“Yes you. Did your brain melt while enjoying the festival? Who could be here but you? “

Look at the way you talk.

Looks like you’re pretty upset about finding me.

I decided to tell the truth for mutual trust rather than lying.

“I was hanging out with Yuri.”


“… Are you friends?”

“So, am I not your friend? Why didn’t you try to play with me? Are you going to discriminate against people now?”

“Now, calm down… “

“How can I calm down!! You made me annoyed!!”


Bluebell screamed sharply as if he had gone mad.

She said, holding my arm tighter.

“Is this the time to enjoy the festival? Shouldn’t that oath be resolved first! But are you playing at the festival? And with a woman other than me? Do you really want to go after it, Damian?”

“That’s true, but… But the test is over… “

“What is the importance of the test? Your life is about to end Sir, from the fact that I sent a letter but didn’t get a reply. I thought it would be like this, really.”

Bluebell poured out his displeasure on me.

However, it all sounded like legitimate complaints from Bluebell’s point of view.

That must mean that Bluebell has achieved her spiritual growth.

‘As expected, people change.’

It was a good environment for her to go to the academy, so at some point Blue Bell was in a state where she had grown up.

I felt that the fruits of my efforts had blossomed.

“Hey, aren’t you paying attention?”

Puck-! Puck-!

But I can’t help but kick my shin.

I answered, avoiding Bluebell’s kick in time.

“Still, I came out like this at the festival. I met you, Bluebell. Originally, I was planning to stay in the dorm if there was no contact.”

“Then, why were you hanging out with that b*tch Yuri?”

“I was contacted first… “

“Ah, did you get a call first? A child without esteem. You should be right, Damian. It’s very hard too.”

A bluebell who keeps getting mad at me.

Maybe it was because she was more annoyed when I kept dodging kicks.

I let go of her arm and forcibly grabbed my hand.

Then he led me forward as if he were going to kidnap me.

“M, what are you doing?”

“Because you annoy me. Play with me.”

“I was with Yuri-“

“That’s not my alpha. You should play with me from now on.”

If you resist, you will die.

“You have your life again-“

“This time for real. Damian secretly flirted with another girl besides me. Because I think she hung out with the b*tch during my absence. I’m depressed. If you refuse, you’ll just fall into the lake and die. Sincerely.”

“… “

This time it looks really sincere.

Bluebell’s eyes were full of miasma.

He seems to be jealous just imagining that I’ve been playing with other girls.

It’s also a deep sea-like jealousy.

“Ha, I see it over there. Thief.”

Bluebell smiled stunned and led me towards the glass.

From noble mtl dot com

As I approached, Yuri checked me and waved her hand.

However, the moment I recognized the bluebell next to me.

“Uh… ?”


The shaking hand stopped.

Bluebell laughed once at the glass.

“Go away now. Damian will play with me today.”

Don’t even dream of disturbing me.

“Damian… !”

Yuri hurriedly got up from her seat and stretched out her hand towards me.

However, her movements were faster than Bluebell’s.

She used the crowd to hide among the people.

Yuri was coming towards us from afar.

“Get out of the way. Say get out of the way Don’t you get out of the way?”

On the other hand, Bluebell pushes people and moves forward.

It was a problem for timid Yuri to break through the crowd.

Just like that, Bluebell evaded Yuri and sighed once.

She grinned at my face.

“Today’s festival, play with me. Because I’m depressed today… Until morning. You are in charge.”

“… “

“I don’t need an answer. Let’s go.”

After saying that, Bluebell grabbed my hand again.

I was very reckless.

I thought in my heart that confidence alone was amazing.

‘When I’m with you, I think my confidence is getting stronger… ‘

Still, the confident bluebell was the best to see.

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  1. milky violet says:

    I like bluebell, the MC should annoy her more.

  2. Reii i Reii i says:

    Only Bluebell is the the most realestic and sanest among them

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