Why Ignorant Harems Are Dangerous chapter 23

23 - #06. Escape (1)

23 – #06. Escape (1)

Slowly, I stood in front of the door.

Usually, if I needed something, I knocked on the door, and then the two paladins waiting outside opened the door and the main method of communication was to talk.

There was anxiety about whether this was right, but that’s all.

Surprisingly, I wasn’t afraid.

Even though I know the risks of what I have to do from now on, I don’t feel particularly inspired. It’s just a reminder that you have to succeed perfectly.

I knocked on the door with my left hand.

Three times in total.

Just like the entire wall was made of marble, the door was also made of a solid and heavy material, but it did not show any signs of shaking even after knocking hard once before.

This is a place where there is no way to escape.

“What are you doing?”

“Furniture fell over due to a commotion a while ago.”

She said as softly as she could and stepped away from the door.

Prepare thoroughly.

I’m not sure, but if Cecilia truly cared about me, she would have made statements about me to the members of the Holy Church, including the Paladin.

Slowly, as soon as the door opened, I took my posture.


“Don’t move.”

At most, I raised my knife for cutting meat.

Paladin’s armament is light armor.

It might be possible to inflict injury with a knife, but they shook their heads without any tension as they looked at me like that.

“Saint. Please put down such ugly things.”

“Why am I your saint?”

That’s a name you call yourself.

I had no intention of taking on such a ridiculous tactic, and I had no intention of taking on such responsibility. Even without that, I already had a lot of things on my shoulders.

You want me to shoulder the thing called the temple?

It was the worst joke I couldn’t even laugh at.

“I don’t say it twice. Back away slowly and go inside this room.”

“I’m sorry, saint. We have been ordered to serve the Holy Son as an assistant and at the same time to protect the Holy Son who will be confused.”

It must be funny that he only threatened you with a knife.

Paladin’s power is the best among knight power. Armed with physical abilities and s*x laws that could not be considered the same human beings, even if they did not have weapons, they would easily be able to subdue them with a level like me.

“You can’t beat us with that little knife.”

“I guess so.”

It was a known fact.

Above all, I had no idea from the beginning that I would defeat a paladin with this knife.

Even if I had all my armaments, I wouldn’t be able to defeat a single paladin, so it’s ridiculous to deal with paladins lurking everywhere with this tiny knife.

So I had no intention of defeating them.

“Why do I have to beat you guys?”

Slowly, I raised my arms and sharpened the blade.

The target is my neck.

“Leave now. And my companion… , Tell me where the child was.”

“…… Saint.”

“I told you to tell me.”

From nob le mt l dot com

Did you say suicide is the worst taboo in s*xual intercourse?

In that respect, s*xual intercourse and the doctrine of Christ were quite similar. They seemed to flinch slightly at my actions, but soon took a step closer.

“Don’t do this.”

“Take a step closer from there.”

“Self-harm is a great sin. I know that the Holy Son is confused, but that doesn’t mean you should do this.”

You can clearly see his eyeballs rolling even as he speaks in a soft voice.

First of all, while one person is talking to me in advance, if the situation arises, the person hidden behind my back will come out and subdue me at once.

“As expected, I can’t put it into words.”

From nob le mt l dot com

Did I think I was like this without thinking?

The conversation ends here.

Somehow, they only wanted to subdue me, but didn’t seem to have any intention of properly accepting the request.

Here, I put my strength into my right hand.

It’ll be fine.

It wasn’t that I was wasting my life as an adventurer. He knew which parts of the body were vital and which parts suffered less damage.

After leaving the imperial palace, I always wanted to die.

I wished I could die and be freed, but I was always unable to take that last step, so I survived, albeit pitifully.

But I couldn’t die here.

A situation where at least Lenny’s safety must be secured.

So you don’t die, but you have to end it to the point of being sick enough to die.


Rupture of the body.

The tip of the knife was stabbed in the lower abdomen, causing a burning pain in that area.


“I told you not to come.”

Before they approached, I forcibly drew a knife and aimed it at his neck.

I didn’t mean to die, but at least it would be difficult if I didn’t remind them from the bottom of my heart that I could die.

The stab wound in the abdomen spewed out bloody water every time it exhaled, but it was a relatively short knife, so I don’t think it touched the organs.

“The neck is next.”

“…… Are you serious?”

“Why? Isn’t it funny that a human being called a saint threatens me with my life as collateral? I’m kind of funny too.”

It was both funny and sad to see the reality of not being able to do anything but this because I had no strength.

Certainly, I thought that Cecilia and I had made love and exchanged feelings with each other. So I was sure we could understand each other.

“Tell me where the child is.”

“…… She is imprisoned in a dungeon.”

Was it like that?

Is the feeling of bitterness in the inside of your mouth due to your mood, or is it the smell of blood coming up from your wounds?


“He is currently in the cathedral.”

I was worried about what she said as she ran out, but apparently she didn’t touch it right away.

She’s a little relieved about that, but that doesn’t change the situation.

Even if she went all the way to the dungeon, there was no guarantee that she would find Lenny right away, and even if she had done all of that, there was no certainty that her stamina would last until she left the unknown kingdom.

“…… Tell me the location.”

“The entrance is not far from here. But I have to go down quite a bit, and the injury won’t last long.”

“Because it’s okay.”

I thought about guiding her, but her knight’s physical ability is comparable to that of a beast.

Keeping such people by my side, who would react slowly due to injuries, was to move with the fear of being overpowered at the slightest gap.

“From here, through the main gate, there will be a large pillar. If you turn around there, there are iron bars and knights guarding the area. If you walk down the stairs from there, you will find a passage leading directly to the dungeon.”

Well, I know it’s far from just hearing the words.

Blood was still oozing from the wound he pressed with his left hand. It might be necessary to wrap it up with something and put maximum pressure on it, but it’s impossible here where they are.

“Then you should now tie each other down. Will there be anything? I don’t think you guys who guarded this place will have anything.”

I’m sure you have at least one tool or two that can bind people in case of an unexpected situation.

As soon as the words were out, they pulled out a silver chain from their bosom.

I don’t know if it’s been strengthened by the Holy Law or magic, but if we’re holding each other still, we’ll be able to buy some time.

While they were tying each other up, I cut a long piece of fabric from the futon and tied it tightly around the belly.

Under pressure, I frowned at the tingling pain, but fortunately the paladins in front of me didn’t come close to me.

Slowly I pushed the door open and looked around.

There were still no crowds passing by in the center of this hallway, and from there, with one hand on the wall, I walked as fast as I could to the point the knights said.

To be honest, the pain I felt in my stomach whenever I moved exceeded the level of numbness.

It was a pain that I have never felt in modern times, and I have often been injured while working as an adventurer, but I have never been hurt enough to cut a knife in my body.

Unfamiliar pain, unfamiliar situations.

Nevertheless, the body naturally headed forward.

* * *

Several days have passed since Seo disappeared.

Mea has been collecting information from various places in the meantime, and in the process, she was able to find out that one of the recent pilgrims of the Eyeless s*xual Intercourse had visited this city.

“It’s obviously not on the access list.”


Anyway, the movement of intercourse has been aggressive recently, so information on that part has been coming in, but in the process, a pilgrim’s visit coincided with Seo’s disappearance.

No matter how much she thought about it, it didn’t seem like a coincidence.

“They said they disappeared even in this city.”

“We are still gathering information in this area, but they say it hasn’t moved in any direction.”

“Besides, a white light burst out in the city, albeit briefly?.”

Of course, it cannot be specified with just that, but white light was typically cited as a symbol of s*x law. If it can be seen from a fairly long distance, it means that a fairly large vocal method was used.

Then there was only one thing she could think of.

“That crazy b*tch.”

I don’t know what she did, but she was told that among the s*x laws there was a s*x law related to transference.

However, there are no eyewitness accounts of people involved in s*xual intercourse in this area, let alone pilgrims.

Until now, she had searched the surroundings based on the information that a group of s*xual intercourse had entered the city, but it was not found.

“You guys will wait here, and when there is a call from your home country, just say that you are away for a while due to urgent business.”

“How should I respond when the emperor calls?”

“It’s the same.”

In the first place, she succeeded to the county position in the empire, but she rarely managed or actually operated the territory.

In particular, she was often absent because the empress had ordered to directly investigate Seo’s whereabouts.

“Leave the clean up to us, and if you find them around here, let me know right away.”

“I will, but the destination is… ….”

“Holy Kingdom.”

I don’t know how they found Seo who covered his face, but it seemed that s*xual intercourse was involved in this case with a high probability.

If s*xual intercourse was involved, the back boat would definitely be a saint.

She thought that if the blind woman found Seo, she wouldn’t have the option of hiding him in the outskirts.

“From now on, all information about s*xual intercourse will be blocked. Delay the delivery of information in the direction of the Holy Land to the ministers of the empire, including the emperor.”

“If you order.”

She flicked the dagger at her waist and stood up.

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  1. Huh well he used what i said anyways.

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