I Became a Villain’s Hero chapter 99

99 - Archenemy (2)

99 – Archenemy (2)

Minbom was recalling what happened yesterday in the association’s private room.

He was a man with two abilities.

One for flight, the other for shadow movement.

Of course, only one villain can come to mind for her.

The villain referred to as ‘A’ who disintegrated the villain alliance.

He was the one who was responsible for all the recent changes.

Among the four abilities he possessed, there was definitely shadow movement.

He didn’t have the ability to fly…but in fact, he didn’t know anything about A.

He might have another ability called flight.


She closed her eyes.

I didn’t know he was A, but the battle took place… It was a fight worth fighting than I thought.

It wasn’t as strong as everyone feared.

Of course, all of these assumptions are based on the assumption that the villain we saw yesterday is A.

I didn’t use all of my heat vision, telekinesis, and cold ability, but I couldn’t shake the thought that it was worth doing.

Maybe it’s because I didn’t detect that he was alive.

…No matter what, Minbom knew he would have to catch him somehow if he showed up again.

Before, I had no desire to fight him, but now it’s different.

Minbom picked up the coat that A had left behind.


Then, slowly, he buried his face in the clothes and began to smell them.


I don’t know how. This was Jeonggyeom’s scent.

The masked person said that he and Jeong-gyeom had nothing to do with each other…but that was an easy-to-understand lie.

In the first place, this outfit proves it.

If there is no relationship, why do I have a coat that smells like his?

Minbom sniffed the scent of the clothes for a while, then slowly frowned.

His scent is so close, but I don’t know where Jeong-gyeom has gone.

Concerns about him keep creeping up.

Even so, last night, right after the battle, I reported Jung-gyeom missing.

I didn’t think of questioning Song Soo-yeon again.

It seemed like I wouldn’t open my mouth in the first place, and I didn’t want to meet again.

Looking at his face, he only bursts into heat. It was time to cut ties with that b*tch.

In the first place, it was because Jeong-gyeom was there that I had been interacting with her for so long.


A knock rang out.

‘Sir Solas?’

“Come on in.”

Solas replied. clothes were not removed. I didn’t want to clean it up. He was holding his clothes under his nose.

With a window for relieving stress like this, Solas began clinging to the clothes.

In fact, no one will ever understand the stress they have to digest.

The title of No. 1 Hero was never light. It was a position where I had to face personal burdens and strict social standards at the same time.

I didn’t have time to find myself. No place to breathe, no place to laugh.


So while her current behavior may seem strange to others, it was essential to her.


Unsurprisingly, the staff hesitated for a moment at the sight of Solas holding a coat and sniffing it.

In a way, the reason why he hesitated at that insignificant act must have been because of the image that Solas had built up over the years.

An employee who adapts soon says.

“…we have a meeting. Solas-sama should also attend…”

“I’ll be there soon. Whoa…”

The visit will be closed again soon.

Solas smelled Jung-gyeom and fell into memories.

I was expecting it, but it was only after his absence that I realized that Jeong-gyeom had come so deeply into my heart.




“This is the news that Liquid was captured by A.”

At the announcement, the Sheikh let out a sigh.

“…I can’t believe it.”

Everyone agreed with the Sheikh.

I knew that A’s force was strong, but I didn’t think that he would organize the villain alliance so quickly.

Sheikh asks.

“…Wouldn’t you look after A? It’s just that you don’t have a license, you’re a complete hero.”

The presenter interrupted his speech.

“Ah… A few days ago, a person presumed to be A broke into the police station and stole the handcuffs for those with powers…”

“…That’s all you need to look at carefully. Of course you need handcuffs to hold Liquid-”

The president of the association cut off the Sheikh.

“Sheikh. Still can’t.”


Instead of answering, the Sheikh lets out an annoyed sigh.

“No matter how much it disintegrates the villain alliance, private sanctions cannot be tolerated. Don’t you know that only A can’t be treated specially? If that happens, everyone will bet on case A and fall. Why don’t you look at yourself? We must not forget why there are laws and rules.”

“…..The laws and rules that everyone wants to live in… Huh?”

At the same time as the Sheikh expressed his doubts, a great confusion engulfed the meeting room.

– Clink!!

A glass window in the conference room is broken, and someone breaks in.

A cool breeze filled the dull space, echoing the screams and alarms as well.

Solas, Sheik, and the rest of the heroes try to charge at the intruder, but are stopped by a gesture from a man standing upright on the boardroom table.

A familiar die lands in front of Solas.

The scale was 3.

“…calm down.”

His voice was mixed with mechanical notes.

“I’m here to talk.”

Solas’ brow furrowed.

She whispered at the unbelievable sight.


It was the masked man I saw yesterday.

If there is a difference, what kind of device is there in the mouth?

As a result, the voice was mixed with mechanical sounds.

The man, who briefly met her eyes at Solas’ words, turned his head away and ignored her.

Then he dropped something he was holding onto the table.


It didn’t take long to figure out what it was.

It was a sting shot.

His body was scorched red, probably from a burn, and there were blisters and blood scabs everywhere.


Shake raises his guard as he watches the handcuffed Stingshot.

He seemed unable to believe that his enemy had been captured so helplessly.

said the masked man.

“…According to the negotiations, I’ll give you a sting shot.”


The head of the association, who was the first to come to his senses, asked the masked man.

All the dignitaries gradually calmed down and caught their breath.

The only thing still restless was Solas.

she cried.

“Where is Jeonggyeom!”

The masked man flinches again.

After a long silence, he looked at the president of the association and said.

“…is a meeting possible without Solas?”


She activated her ability and tried to run away, but the president and Sheikh stopped her.

Others at the meeting did the same.

The president of the association said to the man.

“…Solas needs to be here. Rather, shouldn’t you introduce yourself first?”

The man glanced at Solas over his shoulder, then closed his eyes.

And then it says

“…Dice. You may have heard of me before. Because they are chasing the Villain Alliance.”

He hit the fallen stingshot with his foot.

“Isn’t this enough evidence? He’s seriously injured, so keep Hera on standby so she doesn’t die. I’ll hand it over when the negotiations are over.”

The head of the association frowns even more at the name of Hera, a hero specializing in healing, that came out of Dice’s mouth.

“…How do you know Hera?”

“…it doesn’t matter.”

Dice said.

The association president and Dice had a long snowball fight. No one spoke for a long time.

It was the president of the association who lowered his tail first.

he said with a sigh.

“so. What is this negotiation?”


Dyce was also silent for a moment at the question. It seemed to organize my thoughts. Still, no one moved or took their eyes off him.

His presence hung heavily in the conference room.

“…The Villain Alliance. I will break it down.”

Dyce said in a mechanical voice.

“I’ll grab one and bring them back. Starting with the stingshot here.”


The president of the association asks.

Dice bows her head again.

He said after thinking for a long time.

“……Instead……Let Luna go.”


Solas slammed the desk down.

She couldn’t accept this deal.

Luna is not

Luna’s threats still linger in my head.

After the threat to kill Jeong-gyeom, Jeong-gyeom really disappeared.

The dice in front of him also seemed to have nothing to do with Jeong-gyeom.

It was impossible to ask all of this and accept Dyce’s negotiations.

If that happens, Jeong-gyeom’s whereabouts may not be known forever.

“dog sound…..! Bring Jeonggyeom oppa…!”

Solas gritted his teeth.

Everyone looks at her and Dyce.

Dyce sighs and turns his head.

He looked into Solas’ eyes and said.

“……If you wait, I will come back.”

Solas charged at the horse.

When did you say it was irrelevant, when did you say something like that now?

Obviously he knows Jeong-gyeom.

I couldn’t stand the longing to find Jeong-gyeom any longer.


But Dyce quickly disappeared.

Then, he appears behind the president’s back.

“….stop. I said I came to talk.”

His hand was holding the president’s neck.

The message that if it goes wrong, it will be twisted came.

Dice said.

“What are you going to do? Will you accept my offer?”

“I’m absolutely against it…!”

Solas tells everyone.

But in this conference room, she was the only one who rejected Dyce’s offer.

Everyone looked up and nodded slightly.

Reading the flow, Solas shouted while looking at the president of the association.

“The president of the association…! You said it earlier!! Private material is not allowed…! I shouldn’t have watched…! Are you thinking of changing your mind now? You can’t do that!”

The president of the association shook his head at Solas’ words.

And with his throat held, he quietly asked Dyce.

“…and you?”


“In exchange for catching TriNona, Stingshot, Liquid, and Liem, Luna will pardon them. And you?”

Dice says

“…You guys do as you please.”

“………hmm. It’s a pity.”


“Luna is a very famous villain. I can’t pardon you so easily.”

Even when the head of the association was caught, he did not break easily.

Dyce’s grip tightened, but he remained the same.

“Is it okay if I don’t bring the Villain Alliance?”

“Didn’t you cripple them all? Still, it will be easier to catch than before.”

“I can turn into an enemy too.”

“Aren’t we still allies in the first place? then…..! Wow…! Kuk…!”

The president of the association sighs and grabs Dice’s hand, which is holding his neck.

Everyone in the conference room was agitated and flinched.

Dyce’s eyes turned to the president of the association.

“Now… you’d better accept the offer…! I’m watching a lot…!”

Dyce said he was watching, but everyone could see who looked impatient.

The president of the association raised one hand.

Dice finally loosens up in his grasp.

Exhaling, the president of the association says.

“…Whoa…Whoa… When the work is over, turn yourself in. Then Luna will be pardoned.”


“…At least that much, won’t we save face too. Solas, it would be fine if you did this too.”

Solas’ fists clenched.

As if you weren’t satisfied with that.

Like I need to grab the dice right now.

Meanwhile, Dyce’s hands began to tremble.

As a result, the president of the association, who was holding his neck, was shaken little by little.

Everyone could see that he was agitated and conflicted.

If others see it, there is no such unfair contract.

Even so, Dice was conflicted. It was a proposal that could be made because the association had exclusive power in setting up the villain.


Finally, Dais nodded and whispered.

“…If you don’t keep your word…I’ll make a promise.”


“You will regret it.”


Song Soo-yeon had been searching for articles in the internet cafe since morning.

When I became convinced that Dice was Jeong-gyeom, I couldn’t stay still.

When I had no clue about him, I had no choice but to collapse and stop… but not now.

I thought I could find Jeonggyeom.

And as long as she could see him, Song Soo-yeon could do anything.


However, no matter how much I searched, there was no article about ‘Dice’.

Like in his case, is the association hiding it? Did it not show up even after fighting Solas yesterday?


Song Soo-yeon bit her thumb nail and scrolled down.

No matter what portal site you search for, the name does not appear.

Only the frustration is wrapped up.

It was as if yesterday had become a dream.

But it couldn’t be.

There was still the warmth left by Jung-gyeom’s touch on his cheeks.

The blood he wiped away lingered in my memory.

He also recalled his inner thoughts of worrying about himself.

Jeong-gyeom still left without coming back… He still doesn’t come back with a sense of betrayal, but the memories we shared seemed to be there.

I was able to put my confused mind aside for a while.

The fact that he was a talented person and the fact that he had the power to defeat everyone didn’t matter.

after meeting him It’s not too late to think about it after you’ve been forgiven for all of this.

No matter what state Song Soo-yeon was in, all she had to do was stay by her side. I didn’t need anything else.

Song Soo-yeon cooked a bowl of ramen in the PC room.

After Jeong-gyeom left, she didn’t eat any food because she didn’t like it, but after Jeong-gyeom’s clue was caught, she began to save energy.

I had to be alive to see him again. So no matter how tasteless it was, I pushed the food into my mouth.

Maybe it was because it had been so long, I kept getting nauseous, but I still filled my stomach.


Then, breaking news started pouring in.

Each time the page was refreshed, new articles were created biting tail after tail.

‘Hero Association Raid’

‘Invasion of the top floor of the Hero Association’

‘The Villain’s Attack on the President of the Association’

Photographs and videos of sightings spread like wildfire.

Song Soo-yeon could only find out by watching the video.

No name was given, but Dice broke into the association’s building.

Concerns about him continued to rise.

It was to the point where I had the illusion of being sucked into the computer.

She couldn’t take her eyes off the flowing articles.

how long was that

He must have refreshed hundreds of times to know his current situation.

A man who broke into the association was seen exiting the building.

Solas also follows him.

Song Soo-yeon’s eyebrows naturally frowned.

Because of himself, I couldn’t help but see how he had to change.

He hated Solas… but could only imagine how painful it must be for him to fight Solas.

It all happened because of you.

I was trying to give him happiness, but I was giving him only pain.

My stomach churned with guilt.

A few more hours to stay like that.

An official announcement has been made by the Association.

Because there were many eyewitnesses, the situation for Dyce was also established.

Villain ranking changes.

Villain Dice, Ranked #1.


Song Soo-yeon stared blankly at the screen.

Only then did I know

With the thought of wanting to meet him right now, I didn’t notice even the simplest fact.

– Took.

The power escaped from Song Soo-yeon’s hands.

Jeong-gyeom became a criminal.

because of yourself

He who went to volunteer service, shared laughter, and was innocent.

He, who jumped up and down and was happy with even one wish bracelet, became a villain.

– Boo woo woo… boo woo woo…

The cell phone rang. It was a new phone with only the number transferred.

In this hectic situation, Song Soo-yeon looked at her cell phone.

It was an unknown number.

I wouldn’t have received it if it was the same as usual, but I felt strange.

I felt like I had to accept this.

Song Soo-yeon picks up her phone.




For some reason, tears started to come out. He seemed to know who was on the other end of the phone.

“…Soo Yeon-ah.”

The voice returns.

Tears began to flow from Song Soo-yeon’s eyes.

At that warm title I haven’t heard in a long time, my heart is tight.

How desperately I wished to hear that.

“Huh…ah… mister…”

“…I’m on a payphone right now. I don’t have time, so listen.”

I once got mad at him for not memorizing the number. Have you memorized a phone number since then?

When the memory of that time comes back, only the past that I couldn’t do again comes to mind.

Song Soo-yeon said earnestly.

“Uh, where are you? I’ll go…! Mister, I was wrong…! ah-”

“-From now on, don’t use your abilities.”

Jeong-gyeom cut off her words and listened as if he really didn’t have time.


Song Soo-yeon stood up and grabbed the phone with both hands. Everyone’s attention was on him, but he couldn’t afford to care about him right now.

“…Uncle… are you… being chased…?”

“Now live without me.”

he said coldly. Song Soo-yeon’s heart sinks.

Tears continue to flow from her empty eyes.

“Don’t go hungry. If you do that, there’s no reason for me to do this…”

“I… I’m coming. Uncle where-”

“- I am still angry.”

Jeonggyeom replied coldly.

Song Soo-yeon trembled.

I closed my eyes tightly at the bursting tears, and the tears flowed down my cheeks.

“…I have no intention of meeting you.”

Song Soo-yeon sat down again. He bent down and covered his mouth with his hand.


“…Uhhh…Now…I was wrong…I was wrong…”

“…So, Soo-yeon. from now on-“


– Knock.

With a roar, the phone disconnects in an instant.

Song Soo-yeon looked at her cell phone in embarrassment.

Shaking the little machine like an idiot, he spoke to the dead phone.

“mister? Oh, mister…?”

But the call never came back.

I couldn’t walk again.


Song Soo-yeon grabbed her hair with both hands.

The peaceful daily life is now a thing of the past.

The peaceful daily life of cooking with Jeong-gyeom will no longer return.

threw it all away with his own hands.

For a long time, she wept as it was on the spot.

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  1. Joined a minute ago says:

    this so sad..

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