I’m the Main Villain but the Heroines Are Obsessed With Me chapter 70

70 - 31. The Third Secret (3)

70 – 31. The Third Secret (3)

Created for Ariel’s sake and repeated sacrifices.

That statement hit Ian as a great shock. It almost felt like the existence itself was being negated.

“I only thought it was a simple possession.”

For some reason, Ian’s soul disappeared and filled that position, and he had already realized it.

However, according to what Belphegor said, wasn’t it saying that Ian didn’t exist from the beginning?

“It was all me?”

Original Ian didn’t exist. It was just the past version of Lee Hyun-woo.

It was the moment when a massive truth was revealed. However, that did not solve any doubts.

On the contrary, it raised even more questions.

“Why on earth…”

Did Eris and Belphegor choose him as themselves?

What kind of life had they been living up until now?

Ian wanted answers to these questions. Unfortunately, Belphegor was not in a situation to provide them with any answers.


Belphegor’s form blurred. Being swept away by the wind, his figure was gradually disappearing.

“Is he already vanishing? There are still more questions left to ask!”

“I also want to give you more answers. But we cannot defy Gaia’s constraints.”

While it was cruel to appear and present such a shock.

Velphoger didn’t really worry.

He knew that Ian was not the kind of person to collapse under such pressure.

“Don’t worry too much, if you continue as you have done until now. You will gradually learn the truth. Look forward to our next meeting.”

With those words, Velphoger disappeared perfectly.

It was the end of the third truth he had obtained as a reward.

It was a moment of confused emotions as he watched her disappear.

“What… is this?”


The voice of a woman behind him heard.

It was a familiar voice. He had heard it countless times and knew whose it was.


“Wh-what are you saying… that you sacrificed yourself for me. What are you talking about!”

Ariel Volcanov. It was the moment she found out the hidden truth.


‘What have I done.’

In the space filled with darkness, Ariel floated alone.

Her body moved with the flow of consciousness, as if she were dreaming.

But Ariel knew it wasn’t a dream.

‘Becoming a hero and losing my mind to demons.’

Why did a hero gain recognition and fame in the world?

Was it not because they saved people from the demons?

Their reputation and recognition were not just given. It was nothing more than inheriting their trust and will.

A situation in which a hero’s body was taken by a demon. As Ariel, she couldn’t lift her head.

‘Maybe that’s why Elysion isn’t responding to my voice.’

Perhaps because she’s a hero like this. Maybe she doesn’t want to lend her strength.


A deep sigh echoed through the space.

What should she do now? Does a way to reclaim her body even exist?

‘Even if I do get my body back… what should I do next?’

She would have to apologize to the humans and her reputation would be at rock bottom. She had already thought she was underground. It might be an even lower fall.

Recognition was a shattered state, but what Aria was most concerned about was nothing other than her relationship with her friends.

“…I don’t want to be alone.”

She was afraid of drifting apart. She couldn’t bear the thought of growing distant from those who had always loved her and been her support.

How could she restore their relationship? That was the moment she was pondering.


“Huh? Light!”

In that dim and gloomy space, as golden light seeped in, a bright light entered her eyes.

“For the sake of Ariel, I’ve repeated countless sacrifices.”

The moment a voice beyond Ian’s presence rang through.

“He sacrificed for me?”

Ariel’s pupils, unable to hide her surprise, trembled as if there was an earthquake.

“What on earth are you talking about?”

Her mind came to a halt. The worries that had just tormented her endlessly were no longer on her mind.

“Ian sacrificed himself for me?”

At first, she tried to deny it.

Because who exactly was Ian?

He was the one who constantly blocked her path and hindered her.

She missed a perfect opportunity to defeat the demons, and after entering Arc Academy, she was thoroughly oppressed by him.

And he sacrificed for her? For her sake?

“That’s a lie.”

If he truly lived for Ariel’s sake, wouldn’t it be right for him to strive for their conquests?

She desperately wanted to dismiss it as a lie, but Ariel could never bring herself to do so.

The person who trembled at just the sight of him didn’t seem like someone who would tell a lie.

Ariel remained silent, frozen, until Velfoger disappeared. It was only after all the magic had been annihilated that she opened her mouth.

“Say something! What the hell are you saying? You sacrificed for me?”

She yelled desperately. She earnestly hoped that he would tell her it was a lie.

If it were true that he had sacrificed himself, she could not face him with dignity.

In a sense, it was terrifying.

Yet, there was someone who had done so much for her. He had been there for her, but she had unknowingly rejected him, which terrified her.

Hoping it wasn’t true, she stared intensively.

‘What should I say about this?’

Ian felt frustrated as well.

He hadn’t expected Ariel to regain her senses at this timing.

‘I let my guard down. If I had known, I should have suggested having the conversation somewhere without Ariel.’

Hadn’t he always confirmed his rewards in his dreams? So, he thought the accident would happen in a similar way this time.

It may be fortunate or not, but Ariel didn’t seem to have realized the whole truth.

‘From the way she’s talking, it seems like she only heard the very last word.’

If she had heard more than that, she wouldn’t have needed an answer.

Even as he rolled his mind, Ariel continued to send him looks.

‘No, she must be waiting for a reply that says it won’t happen.’

Ariel was desperate. He wanted to do as she wished, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.


Ian was not in a relaxed state enough to care about her feelings.

He couldn’t comfort anyone in this troubled state, as he was the most troubled person in this place.

“I see. You won’t tell me.”


As the silence continued, Ariel stood up from her seat. After taking her sword, she turned and left.

“Then don’t tell me. I’ll find out for myself.”

If she didn’t want to tell the truth… she would find out herself.


Having realized that there was nothing to be gained from Ian, Ariel immediately left her seat.


Ian watched her walk away in a daze.

He wanted to console her, but he couldn’t.

“What… in the world is going on.”

Ariel’s determined expression that he had seen last.

She would undoubtedly make efforts to uncover the hidden truth by herself.

‘This is going to get complicated.’

He had succeeded in dealing with the Leviathan, but he couldn’t say that the current situation was good.

If everything had gone as planned, the Demon Lord would have been dealt with. Arielle was supposed to restore her relationship with the heroines, who had grown distant from her.

However, Arielle not only avoided talking to the heroines but also went somewhere without revealing the truth.

Considering her personality that I had seen so far, she would not come back until she found the answer she desired.

It was a moment of lamentation in the face of a reality that exceeded imagination.

– Hm? Ian! You’re alive!

It was the moment when Neltalion, who regained his energy, started moving sluggishly.

Natalion, who recovered her composure, jumped up and snuggled into Ian’s arms.

– Thank goodness! Thank goodness!

Natalion, with a pleased expression, wiped her face and then puffed out her cheek in surprise.

– Ian! I told you not to overdo it!

“Sorry… There was no other choice this time.”

– Still, I was worried! I didn’t expect you to use so much power!

Natalion complained, seeming mischievous about Ian using excessive Divine Power.

Of course, it wasn’t that he used his power recklessly.

In their stance of mutually helping each other, there was no reason to be angry over something like that.

However, Natalion had another reason for being upset.

– I thought it was a mistake…

Fighting against enemies powerful enough to use up all his Divine Power.

Using such strength to the point of losing consciousness meant that Ian was in dire straits, which naturally made her worry.

It couldn’t be helped since he risked his life like walking on a tightrope.

“Like when I hunted Lilith or Baalzebup.”

Having hunted countless enemies, using my own life as bait. It was fortunate we succeeded; otherwise, I would wonder what he was doing.

That’s why there was only one thing Ian could say.

“Next time, I’ll be really careful.”

– Will you promise?

“Can’t we make the promise later?”

– …

Although Natalion was pouting, she seemed to have realized that there was nothing she could do, so she gently nodded her head.

It was a moment when she rested in his arms.

– Oh, right! Ian, look over there! Look!

‘What? What are you looking at?’

Neltalion reached out, raising his voice.

Her hand was facing the place where Arielle had fallen. It was the place where she had overcome the Leviathan with the Holy Sword.

Why are you telling me to look there? She turned her head and could see.

“That, that?”

An item that had fallen in the corner.

It had been obscured by the items decorating the lobby, but now that she had come and seen, it was definitely something.

Thinking that it might be something, she got up from her seat and approached to see.

“What’s this? Are my eyes playing tricks on me?”

What was on the floor was a sword.

A weapon with dark steel and crimson lines intertwined.

Ian knew the true identity of it.

“It comes out? Really?”

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  1. So, what happened? Did the translation or the series got droped? Or the author isnt releasing new chapters?

  2. I know that is the Sword from the legends:
    The Legendary Sword of Cliffhanger-kun🗡️

  3. Shu Chou Shu Chou says:

    damn atleast it end on a good one and not a big cliffhanger.

  4. Darking says:

    >it stopped at the good part

  5. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

    Thanks for the update

  6. Zzz says:

    Wow already latest chap was a good read

  7. Shiin says:

    next update pleaseee and thks for update

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