There Are Too Many Background Settings in the Possessed Novel chapter 109

Reconcile (4)

Reconcile (4)

There was not a single face I knew.

Not only that, but I couldn’t even recognize people’s faces.

‘It’s a ghost.’

Everyone in the classroom was a ghost.

In addition, from the moment they entered the classroom, they turned their heads and looked at themselves.

‘… .scared.’

Elina got up slowly so as not to make a sound.

Nonsense. why… ?

Even when I was young, sometimes this happened.

It was because of the spiritual eyes. A curse that cannot see the living and only sees the dead.

I thought all of these curses disappeared when I became a saint of Neftam. No, actually, it wasn’t because of Neftam, but after meeting Elin, I thought that was gone.

What you are going through now is much worse than when you were a child. Have you ever been this bad?

It was as if he had been swallowed up in a ghostly world.

“Ah… Ugh… .”

It didn’t take long for the fear that started at the fingertips to spread throughout the body.

Starting from Elina’s shaking, the ghosts began to move.

A pale hand was reaching out as if trying to grab Elina.

“go away… !”

Elina radiated light towards her immediate surroundings.

It was then that the strange thing happened.

“Blessings… ”

In the hand where the white armor and sword should appear, only a faint light flashed.

It was the same no matter how many times I tried. Neftam’s light did not reach. As if punishing myself.

Alone in fear, Elina frantically opened the classroom door.

Elina ran down the hallway and started to run away somewhere.

Now that I see it, the hallway I thought was empty wasn’t empty.

Ghosts filled the hallways.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many ghosts at once.


Elina managed to shake off the ghost’s grip on her ankle.

Eventually, Elina reached the small darkness of the landing and gasped.

I curled up and closed my eyes. As if if you don’t see anything, it’s like a refuge there.

completely alone… Elena realized that.

Originally, Elin would have been by his side.

I would have comforted you saying that it was okay and that nothing was wrong by your side.

‘Elin… ‘

Elina trembled and muttered her name.

But Elin might not want to see him anymore.

So, the only person Elina could cling to was Neftam.

“Neptam. Let your eyes fall on me and protect me… .”

Elina repeated the prayer in tongues. I couldn’t breathe.

A ghastly fear frightened everything around him.

I’m afraid they’ll see me again when I open my eyes.

‘Neptam-sama… I thought you were protecting me… ‘

He thought that the ghost no longer bothered him because he protected him.

But why did the divine protection disappear now, even though it’s no different than faithfully following him?

‘Neptam… .’

Elina prayed fervently, trembling with fear that choked her breath.

But Lord Neftam did not respond.

His breathing gradually became irregular and rapid. Cold sweat dripped down his back.

Why aren’t you helping me?

I didn’t know how much time had passed.

It just seemed like I was stuck in the dark inside me for a very long time.

It was then.

It felt like something was creeping up my body.

“… ?”

Elina’s eyes flashed open.

At one point, there were full of ghosts standing near him.

Not only that, but hands from the ground, the ceiling, and the walls grabbed Elina.

Elina shuddered severely from the cold chill that penetrated deep into her body from where she was caught.

“Sir, I hate it! Mr. Neftam! Elin! Confucius!!!”

Hands were pulling themselves.

-Here you are! I was here!

-Stay with us. please stay with us!

– Save me. i need you You must have your light!

The voices of them were heard crying out earnestly.

As if they were waiting for Elina, the ghosts clung to Elina.

Hands reaching out from all directions pushed Elina to the ground.

“Ugh… ah… ”

His soul was coming out of his body. Gradually, his soul began to sink to the ground.

It disappears. everything was disappearing.

Enveloped in the cold warmth, he was dying.

Elin… Nope. I don’t need Elin. Elin is the saint of Yuan.

Mr Neftam. Help. I gave everything to you

I decided to dedicate my beloved brother to you too.


Then, he heard a voice calling him.

It wasn’t a ghostly voice.

Someone he knows, obviously alive.


Someone pulled Elina’s hand.

For some reason, the ghosts dispersed in an instant.

When Elina raised her eyes, Leonhard was standing there.

“what are you doing? Why are you there?”

“Go, Gongja-nim… !”

Elina jumped up and hugged Leonhard. In relief, the strength of the whole body was released.

Leonhardt’s arm wrapped around her staggering waist.

“What’s going on? It floats a lot.”

Hearing his friendly question, Elina nodded weakly.

“The ghost… I saw a ghost… ”

“… In addition?”

A fine wrinkle formed between Leonhard’s forehead.

“yes. I see a ghost that is indistinguishable from a human. But Elin isn’t there, and Neftam-nim doesn’t respond. A moment ago, the ghosts even tried to drag me away. I don’t know what to do now. black… Whoa… !”

Tears poured from Elena’s eyes drop by drop.

Those thick drops of water quickly rolled down Elina’s cheeks.

“… It’s dangerous.”

Leonhard said anxiously as he looked at Elina’s beautiful eyes, tears welling up incessantly.

His hand stroked her round cheeks smoothly as if to gauge her fear.

“I will protect you. Elina.”

I heard Leonhard muttering softly.

Somehow that word was creepy. However, Elina consciously ignored the horror.

It was so cold that I needed more of his warmth.

I hated the cold now.

In this midsummer, she wanted to be warm.

His lips touched his forehead.

A hot warmth different from when he was young remained like a stigma on his forehead.

As if clinging to the warmth, Elina hugged him tighter.

He pressed his head against my chest.

Elina put her ear to his slow chest and matched her breathing to the rhythmic beat of his heart.

It was as if there were only three kinds of sounds left in the world. The sound of his own breathing, the sound of Leonhardt’s breathing, and this heartbeat.

“Are you okay?”

When she calmed down, Leonhardt stroked her waist and asked in a low voice.

Elina’s face flushed hot as she felt like she was being treated like a child.

It didn’t feel too bad to be treated like this, so I was even more ashamed.


She hid her blushing face in his arms and nodded shyly.

‘It’s fine now. Confucius came.’

Obviously, it will.

I’m sure you’ll be fine without Neftam-nim’s help.


Leonhard smiled softly.

“let’s go. There is a safe place.”

“A safe place… ?”

Elina tilted her head at those words.

This sudden statement made me wonder.

It was then.

[Constellation Neftam warns in an urgent voice that he is Yuan’s subordinate!]

Neftam’s words finally rang in her ears.

Elina’s world, which had been cozy and stable, was shattered.

“… !”

Elina pushed Leonhard away and took a quick step back.

She glared fiercely at Leonhard.

After that, everything was strange.

Elin suddenly disappeared, and ghosts appearing and disappearing at the right time.

everything was contrived.

“Confucius, could it be that this is what Confucius planned?”

Leonhardt gave a troubled smile.

“… Could it be me?”

“Do not lie! Neftam-nim warned me that Confucius-nim should be subordinate to Yuan!”

I thought this would be the decisive blow. Neftam’s words are absolute.

But Leonhardt laughed at Elina’s words.



Elina gave a blank answer to the question.

“Do you believe? Neftam.”

Leonhard walked over to Elina. At his threatening steps, Elina took a step back.

But he grabbed her teary chin and dragged her towards him.

When our eyes met, he smiled brightly.

“try. Ask that Neftam to protect you. beg you.”

He bowed his head slowly in a graceful motion. His lips touched her round ears.

“I wonder if you will protect it.”

Elina couldn’t breathe.

Leonhart, who smiled at her hardened face, gently pulled Elina’s hand.

Elina was helplessly led by a boy who could not tell if she was a friend or foe.

“I am on your side. Elina.”

He spoke kindly in a voice like midsummer sunshine.

He kissed her forehead softly as if reassuring the whitened Elina.

“let’s go.”

He cupped Elina’s hand. The hand that fit into Leonhard’s big hand trembled.

Leonhard held her hand even tighter.

There were still ghosts everywhere. It was clear that the problems caused by his spiritual eyes were far from over.

No one was alive. It was just that the ghosts were aiming for him.

The only one was Leonhard.

Even though he was the only warmth I could feel in this cold world, I was afraid of him.

Everything seemed to be okay until just before, but with one word from Neftam, everything was not okay.

“Elina. You have to trust me to solve the problem.”

Leonhard whispered.

It was obviously friendly, but it was scary.

But in this place where Neftam-sama’s light couldn’t reach, the only thing he could trust was Leonhardt.

You never know when a ghost will come. So, I had to pretend to follow for a while.

‘I have to come to my senses.’

Elina nervously followed him.


The place we finally arrived at was a truly unexpected place.

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  1. Bun_Dem says:

    I wonder where he took here 🤔

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