It Is Fate To Be Loved by the Villains
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It Is Fate To Be Loved by the Villains

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Fated to Be Loved by Villains
Status: Ongoing Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean Posted by: Noble nible Posted on: Updated on:
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Synopsis It Is Fate To Be Loved by the Villains

Fated to Be Loved by Villains raw mtl

I was proposed to by the final boss.

Read It Is Fate To Be Loved by the Villains

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  1. Quite fun read, i enjoy MC struggles from managing his yandere harem. Where his life is forfeited if he make a mistake.

    Sadly, i don’t like the later part where MC can just solve anything by having s*x with the girls. And all the girls suddenly became docile didn’t mind MC having a harem.

  2. Shadow says:

    Novel complete here 😢🥳. Noble thanks and pls update its status.

  3. Ninja says:

    295 why so dense

  4. X33 says:

    After 54 chapters of reading this, I can now confidently state this: f#ck the original plot, its so d*mn confusing and chaotic but I like more that way.


    Am I finally the first? (To catch the update)

  6. The past few chapters were quite confusing…. Not sure what to tell at this point… 🙄🙄🙄

    1. Translation has gotten horrible to the point of becoming poison. The pace of the plot has gotten way too fast… Somehow, story after 300ch is…. not….. to….. my liking….

  7. milky violet says:

    I stay awake a lot thinking of dommy mommy’s and I am afraid. We need more devouring in novels.

  8. Egg123 says:

    20/10 y una carta de amor a la literatura X

    1. Egg123 says:

      Comenté lo mismo dos veces

  9. Egg123 says:

    20/10 y una carta de amor a la literatura

  10. Sephir says:

    4 updates?? Is noble on steroid or smth

  11. Every chapter is enjoyable… The story feels like not going anywhere other than Daud collecting Yanderes, but it’s so satisfying and enjoyable.

    1. I take this back… After ch300…

  12. Forgotten one says:

    Is it r18??

    1. Manchester Black says:

      There are only a couple of chapters, 127 (which is a what if…) and 218. The rest is quite light.

  13. Manchester Black says:

    I’m up to date with the novel. What I like the most now is how MC assumes that to save the world he will have to marry all of them, even if that increases the chances of dying, because if he doesn’t marry them then the chances of dying are 200% guaranteed. For this, it has been proposed to begin to tame the demons within each of them.

    And all of them have embraced yanderism, to a greater or lesser extent, in order to be able to compete with each other (they already make bets. Whoever of all of them killed the greatest number of monsters during a stampede would steal the MC’s virginity).

    Thus, there are 8 girls with their corresponding demon fragments inside plus Elijah, the hero, who without having a demon inside her has also lost her mind. (And she could include the Saint, although at first she seems more concerned with the treatment received by her sister). The fact is that 17 yanderes having only 24 hours a day is perhaps an excessive number. And I love it.

  14. RealEason says:

    the post above me is something chatgpt would write 💀💀

  15. says:

    I enjoyed reading “It’s Fate to be Loved by Villains” and would rate it as a good story. The MC reincarnates into a game world with a desire to live peacefully and avoid attracting attention, but he eventually gives up on that goal. When he enters the academy and encounters the final boss, he acquires a skill that attracts people with evil dispositions to him. Additionally, he gains a skill that makes him stronger as he faces more danger. However, despite his skills, he isn’t an overpowered munchkin because the world is filled with highly dangerous individuals.

    As the title suggests, the story revolves around the villains falling for the MC. It’s not just because of his skill, which increases favorability from evil characters, but also because of his likable character. The MC also garners the affections of non-villain characters and even manages to redeem some blackened characters.

    In addition to the harem of obsessed girls, the MC must also confront more dangerous characters to prevent the world from being destroyed, adding to the usual action-packed elements. The story strikes a balance between comedy and action, with interesting characters and a well-written narrative.

    Overall, it’s a harem novel filled with yanderes (although not excessively crazy ones) and offers a good blend of action and comedy. With solid writing and engaging characters, it’s definitely worth reading.

  16. Sareza says:

    The plot reminds me of Date A Live, or in Korean novels Demon-Limited Hunter.

  17. Manchester Black says:

    From chapter 218 there are sex scenes. You can put I guess the tag R-18.

  18. Algo que me falto decir es… Cual fue la necesidad de agregar a Elijah a la historia? Si literal no hace nada, lo único que contribuyó fue a un capítulo extra y listo v:, es el héroe de la historia original pero como tiene que ser el mc le quitó su crecimiento que no sólo es fuerza bruta sino experiencias

  19. Ya no puedo más con esto(cap 209) no me desagradan las historias con harem pero una cosa que si me cabrea es cuando una de las heroínas tiene demasiado favoritismo que en este caso sería Elnor. Ya el protagonista lo dijo explícitamente así que ya perdí la emoción de seguir leyendo, seguro llegará una escena donde Elnor o el diablo gris se sacrifiquen y el Mc vuelva en el tiempo dándose cuenta que no puede suprimir sus sentimientos (capaz este delirando pero foo por si acaso dejo mi comentario)
    Capaz retome la historia cuando ya este finalizada y me pueda saltar todo

  20. Morzacaliente says:

    Respondiendo al llamado del “Lector”:
    Comparto tu opinión en todo literal, aunque loque más me molesta es la actitud de Elnor, es muy molesta a punto que cada parte donde sale ella tranquilamente me lo puedo saltar y no me pierdo nada de la trama y su actitud que cuando algo le molesta abuse de su poder
    Pero foo recién ando en el cap 174
    Recomienden obras buenas :c plz
    Pdts: nose que tan bien traduzca el mensaje el traductor

  21. tian says:

    I had many comments deleted before I realized it was because I used some kind of insult

  22. Manchester Black says:

    It sucks to write a very long text and not upload it. I will say that I like it a lot.

    Grade: 8/10

  23. shelwyn shelwyn says:

    This is Date A Live, lmao. What a stupid story xD. It was interesting until harem Mc became the plot point. The world will be saved if Mc marries a bunch of women and makes a harem. Ffs.

  24. Reader says:

    Are all korean author have no power level sense. They can not easily described levels in the novel. Here one by one strong people are added with no common sense. Caliban was shocked to see the power of devil and mc power but here upto this far it is described as mc is still below empire’s guardians like caliban!!!. At first it was said that archduke tristan is strongest in empire then it was said that emperor peesonal guard.and now it is said that lion war hero is strongest. And if there are so strong people then what the heck are those in tribal Union. They have no such powerful figure they have only casa gadra who can not easily win against ancient God lol. Then how tribal Union is a super power. It was said that holy empire assasin seras is one of the 2 most powerful grand assasin but she is hella weak lol. But there are many humans far superior to her. Every time mc fights with devils there is no sense that everytime devils power is getting stronger and again new strong humans are kept adding up.
    I can understand some powerful people like 6 vessel of devils, emperor, holy emperor, tribal chief and their respective generals are strong but here there is no no stop amount of strong people heck then why they need mc they can just kill devil vessels themselves. Just as story progressing the content becoming crap like. Every time villain boss come it makes previous boss like heaven and earth difference.
    Here now there are many future teller now but even they can not guess what happening after that. It was said that sullivan was a regressor but even she doesn’t know brown devil is emperor and lion hero is dangerous. There are many people who know about mc but not know what will happen.
    Another crap thing is now mc mother. Lol if she is such extra ordinary then how does she love his father a fat man. Only good personality can not be responsible for it. And mc father have such a powerful friend who is stongest in empire but his father always frightend by big shots like Duke tristan and marquis like chicken.
    I guess author is keep forgetting his plot.

    Do any one else feels same or not please tell me. Even I was going to add up extra comments about this novel but not doing it. Can any one guess why??? It is simple. Because I don’t want to reincarnate or transmigrate to this crap novel.

    My stress level is keep going up. At fist I was enjoying it but now it is becoming more garbage. So it is recomended for people who forget plots so that their brain don’t overload from the details. And those who don’t care about above details like me.
    Overall rating 4/10
    Please comment me and leave some details like me about this novel.

    1. Egg123 says:

      Mucho texto

  25. Salty1 says:

    The new cover art immediatly catched my attention

  26. TIP says:

    Siento que lei esto pero no me acuerdo, alguien que haga un breve resumen de los primeros 50 cap?

  27. Manchester Black says:

    Currently my favorite novel

  28. Noble-san, update this novel please <3

  29. ahhh no new obsession novels 😭😭

    time to reread this

  30. says:

    Yo noble update the cover art since I checked this novel on novelpia, and the cover art was updated 3–4 hours prior to this comment, and the cover art is quite interesting cover since it’s a group illustration, and you can see the devil’s bowls and behind them is the devils plus importantly daowd plushie.

  31. Hu Tao Hu Tao says:

    I don’t know if I can recommend this one.

    I read this novel from start up to CH. 165 (the latest as of writing this.) and I was pretty confused about the positive reviews. I read til the latest even though I didn’t found it that good mainly because I subscribe to the idea that a person must first finish the piece before one can give a proper opinion.

    My main problem for this novel is honestly the characters.

    I found the MC’s plans and goals extremely confusing. As an example without much spoilers: at the start he wished to remain in the background while for some reason doing everything that can grabs attention. This makes him either an idiot or honestly dense. Both things I don’t find endearing. Well eventually this aspect gets thrown in the water, but I feel like it was not by choice, but rather by circumstances which is not at all engaging.

    This is besides the fact that the MC’s personality feels too childish. Almost like a teenager pretending to be an adult vibe.

    My opinion on the female lead varies, for one I think the two main ones Elnor and Elijah are the more interesting ones but sometimes they do somethings that are definite Ls which I cannot overlook.

    I also think that the interactions with the female leads can get too silly if not very ridiculous.

    The setting of the story as well as the world building is honestly interesting. In fact one of the reasons I continued til the end is that I was rather intrigue on how some of the conflict will end, but even then I was forcing myself to read it because I cannot fully empathize with the MC.

    I really tried to like this novel, since I saw all the positive reviews of the previous readers and as well as seeing this novel in the Top popular novels not only in this site, but also in Novelpia. I really thought that this will get better as time goes-on. I think I gaslighted myself into thinking like that due to the positive reviews, but perhaps this novel is simply not just not for me.

    6/10 for me. While I don’t like the characters much the world and conflict is still interesting. I will try and read this again once it is finished to see if it does get better.

  32. Common Bandit says:

    Very good. 8/10

    Only thing bad Is that these crazy yanderes can get pretty annoying, always causing trouble for the MC and that the MC is very dense sometimes, otherwise its good.

  33. Azeizel says:

    Well it’s a good novel after “academy weakest become the demon limited hunter”
    MC is hilarious he always tries to say think in short but it becomes misunderstood like always and FL happened to just pass by there just to misunderstood those line for her
    And I like main FL the most but game original FL is also good 👍. So for me it’s about 8/10.
    I just wish it update soon

  34. SenatorArmstrong says:

    Oh yeah the OG Heroine part of the harem which makes that 12 girls. Shes also the most SANE along with the Saintess.

  35. SenatorArmstrong says:

    The human body has 206 bones and 600 muscles. There are 12 girls so far in the harem, 5 devils, 5 devil vessels, 1 saintess bordering sanity and insanity. Assuming the 11 girls want a piece of the MC:
    There are 24 hours in a day. 22 hours. 1.8 hours each for 12 girls(22 hours in total). 2 hours spent asleep
    On the assumption that 5 devils time works differently, I suggest an exponential scaling for them since an hour might feel like a minute to them.

    The novel feels like an acid trip. You are gonna pity, laugh at, and cheer for the MC all at the same time. Really the definition of “Loving can kill”. The devil vessels are not insane (they are but not that much), its just that the devils inside of them make them even more insane. Devils May Make the MC Cry.


  36. Backbonez says:

    So here’s the deal. Mc is a man in a novel or game he becomes a loved by Villainous individual constitution and seduces crazy yandere Villainesses. And more crazy plots.

  37. StopParanoia says:


  38. Bruh is Elijah a girl or male?

  39. Dark lynx says:

    Worth it?

  40. I retract my previous statement. There were yanderes, I shouldn’t have skipped 40 chapters.

  41. Pakboss says:

    Please, can you translate i killed player of academy.

  42. Ped4o says:

    thanks for novel, update please admi!!!

  43. Alejandro says:

    Update please!!!

  44. King PJ King PJ says:

    This novel is great, it has “Academy weakest became a demon limited hunter” vibe, so if you like that novel you will love this one for sure.

    The plot is interesting and the pace is good, the characters are lively, especially the two main heroines, the villain and protagonist, each one has their own traits and the interactions with MC are funny, you wont never get bored when they interact.

    As for MC, I like him, he is a bit dense and idiot sometimes, but not to the point of being frustating, is more like for comedy purposes which fits perfectly with the novel premise. Aside for that, he has many chad moments.

    I hope the admin updates this novel soon.

  45. A Tier for sure……. might be A+ later on……. gives Demon limited Hunter vibes for sure

  46. milkyviolet says:

    Came here for the yandere, very disappointed. I could skip 40 chapters and not miss anything.

  47. Fool9 says:

    Is this novel dropped?

  48. Met says:

    Yea lmao did the author get scammed by artist just recoloring bismarcks hair into white

  49. More please. Great novel. Thanks in advance.

  50. Gary92384ug7w03 says:

    Bismarck is blond

  51. Angelo Elford says:

    Isn’t that Bismarck ? On the cover

  52. draks says:

    please,update became an academy spearman

  53. BLANC says:

    Childhood friend of Zenith

  54. Q D Q D says:

    No obsession? That’s strange

  55. Putu says:

    Translate i killed player of academy ,please

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